Застрахованный экспресс-2.
Снова теннисный доезд -

Отличие этого экспресса от первого в том, что тут было сразу несколько бетов с
неочевидным исходом.6 матчей доехало и 7-й я снова застраховал.И опять не зря.
Не знаю правильно ли это, но если мне всё время при допкомиссии будет доезжать, я
не против.

Отличие этого экспресса от первого в том, что тут было сразу несколько бетов с
неочевидным исходом.6 матчей доехало и 7-й я снова застраховал.И опять не зря.
Не знаю правильно ли это, но если мне всё время при допкомиссии будет доезжать, я
не против.
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Keys to the past and the future of a community descended from enslaved Africans lie in a river bottom on Alabama s Gulf Coast, where the remains of the last known U.S. slave ship rest a few miles from what s left of the village built by newly freed people after the Civil War.Work performed this month will help answer a question residents of the area called Africatown USA are anxious to resolve: Can remnants of the slave [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]stanley cup[/url] ship Clotilda be retrieved from the water to both fill out details about their heritage and to serve as an attraction that might revitalize the place their ancestors built after emancipation A crew hired by the Alabama Historical Commission, working over 10 days ending Thursday, took fallen trees off the submerged remains of the ship, scooped muck out of the hull and retrieved displaced pieces to see what s left of the Clotilda, which is described as the most intact slave ship ever found. The work will help determine what, if anything, can be done with the wreckage in years ahead. Members of the team assessing the sunken wreckage of the last U.S. slave ship, the Clotilda, are shown looking at timbers from the schooner near Mobile, Ala., [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. Daniel Fiore / AP [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley cup[/url] Some want a museum featuring the actual Clotilda, which was hired by a rich, white steamship captain on a bet to violate the U.S. ban on slave importation the year before the Co Akqi Reality check: What we get wrong about crime
WEST SENECA, N.Y. — Dozens of elementary students had to remain in their suburban Buffalo schools for hours after classes ended when lake-effect storms dumped more than 2 feet of snow on the area.Administrators in the West Seneca School District just south of Buffalo say nearly 50 students from two elementary schools boarded buses Thursday afternoon and eventually made it home safely that evening after the vehicles got stuck in standstill traffic.District officials halted bus service when conditions became too hazardous, keeping other stu [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy[/url] dents in classrooms where they were provided with blankets. The buses began taking student home around 11:30 p.m. and officials say all students arrived home sa [url=https://www.adidasoriginal.it]adidas originals[/url] fely soon afterward. The National Weather Service says storms that began Wednesday have dumped as much as 28 inches of s [url=https://www.dunks.fr]nike dunk[/url] now on areas south of Buffalo. CBS Buffalo affiliate WIVB-TV reports that West Seneca schools were closed Friday. More from CBS News Here s how Starbucks new CEO plans to overhaul its struggling cafes After pilot error, F-35 fighter jet flew for 11 minutes on its own before crashing
Lauren Skerritt was a healthy, athletic 27-year-old hoping to soon start a family with her husband. Then she drank Panera s Charged Lemonade, and, according to her l [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley quencher[/url] awsuit against the company, her future forever changed.The occupational therapist alleges she was an active gymgoer with no medical conditions until she drank 2 1/2 cups of the beverage on April 8, 2023. Soon after, she says she began experiencing sudden, rapid heart palpitations, landing her in a Rhode Island hospital s critical care unit where she [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] first received treatment for atrial fibrillation 鈥?an irregular heartbeat that can lead to serious health problems like strokes.Now Skerritt cla [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] ims she has permanent cardiac injuries and episodes, bringing with them a slew of symptoms like shortness of breath, brain fog and a tremor in her left hand. Her daily life now includes taking medication to regulate her heart rate and rhythm, and her plans to have children with her husband have been put on hold due to the likelihood of having a complicated, high-risk pregnancy.This is the third time Panera has been sued over its Charged Lemonade in recent months, with each suit filed by attorney Elizabeth Crawford claiming the company s reckless design and misrepresentation of the drink and its ingredients 鈥?namely its caffeine content 鈥?led to permanent damage in its consumers, including death.According to its nutrition facts, Panera s Charged Lemonade contains 260 milligrams of caffeine in a regular size and 390 milligrams in Ebvp Winter Haven man arrested for exposing himself to elderly females
BROOKSVILLE, Fla. 鈥?Four students from West Hernando Middle School are facing charges after police say they broke into a home on Wednesday and stole numerous things, including two guns. Authorities were called to the home on Sun Road around 7p.m. on Wednesday. The homeowner told them two guns were stolen and one had been fired into the mattress in his master bedroom. A witness told detectives they saw four boys walking up and down the road that afternoon, with at least one carryi [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]stanley cup[/url] ng a gun case. That witness was able to identify two of the boys. Those boys were interviewed, with their parents present, and gave authorities the names of the other boys. All of the boys confessed to the b [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley mug[/url] urglary when they were interviewed, authorities say. The boys told detectives one of them accidentally fired the round that was found inside the mattress. The boy, who shot the gun, told them he almost shot himself in the leg. Detectives learned the group also burglarized another home on the same road. One of the boys led them to it and provided information. The boys, all 14 or 15 years [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley cup[/url] old, each face two counts of grand theft firearm and one count burglary of a dwelling. The guns and most of the other stolen items were recovered, detectives say.
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Former NFL star Terrell Suggs was arrested Tuesday in Arizona, according to the Maricopa County Sheriff s office, in relation to an incident earlier this year in a Starbucks drive-thru.Scottsdale police say Suggs, 41, was taken into custody and booked on charges of threatening and intimidating and disorderly conduct with a weapon. They add that the incident took place on March 10, but he was just arrested for the incident this week.SEE MORE: Chiefs Rashee Rice to surrender after warrant issued by Dallas policeAccording to police documents, Suggs brandished a firearm during a verbal altercation in w [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley vaso[/url] hich he threatened to kill another driver after a minor collision in a Starbucks drive-thru. The incident was reportedly captured on a camera within the victims vehicle. I was getting coffee. I was not [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley termohrnek[/url] looking for any trouble, Suggs said in a statement obtained byThe Associated Press. When the man in the other vehicle escalated the situation, I feared for my safety not knowing what his intentions were. Throughout the incident, I was the one who felt in danger, while fearing I would be followed home and for the safety of my family nearby at my residence. Suggs has since been released from custody and is expected to appear in court later this month.The seven-time Pro Bowl linebacker played 17 seasons in the NFL after being drafted 10th overall by the Baltimore Ravens in 2003. He spent almost all of his career in Baltimore before [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] splitting his final season between the Arizona Cardina Piqz 7 Tampa Bay area nursing homes included in secret list of poorly-performing nursing homes
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Democratic leaders are [url=https://www.adidas-originalss.fr]adidas originals[/url] considering dates for votes by the full House of Representatives to hold Attorney General William Barr — and possibly others — in contempt of Congress, two Democratic congressional aides told CBS News. House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, of New York, said there could be a vote in early June, and South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, the Democratic whip, said the target was the week of June 4.The House Judiciary Committee [url=https://www.af1.it]af1[/url] voted earlier this month to hold Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with its subpoenas regarding documents related to special counsel Robert Mueller s Russia report. President Trump has asserted privilege over the entire Mueller report and underlying documents.Earlier this week, the White House also directed former White House counsel Don McGahn not to appear before Congress, citing a newly published opinion of the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel. He had been subpoenaed to appear before the Judiciary Committee Tuesday. Democrats had hoped to question him about what he had told the special counsel regarding Mr. Trump s orders to fire Mueller, an order that McGahn refused. Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, of South Carolina, told reporters Thursday morning, We believe that [url=https://www.nikeairjordan.de]jordan[/url] the week of June 4 is our target for dealing with an issue on the floor. That was reported to us today. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she d like to put the contempt votes on the floor together.
Former President Donald Trump and other defendants in his fraud case won an appeal Monday to have their bond reduced, re [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] quiring them now to put up $175 million within 10 days to pause enforcement of a $464 million judgment against them. If Trump fails to post bond, it could leave some of his prized real estate and other assets vulnerable to seizure by the state.The bond was lowered from $464 million on the day that a 30-day grace period for payment expired. New York Attorney General Letitia James had indicated her office would pursue Trump s assets if he failed to post bond. If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets, she said during a February inte [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley becher[/url] rview with ABC News. Attorneys for Trump wrote in a March 18 filing in the case that it was a practical impossibility for the defendants to secure such a large bond. Very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude, wrote the lawyers, Alina Habba, Clifford Robert, Christopher Kise [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cup[/url] and John Sauer. They noted that surety providers often require collateral up to 120% to guarantee the bond, driving the amount Trump might need over $500 million. Trump claimed to have nearly $500 million in cash in a Truth Social post on March 22. In depositions and testimony in 2023, he claimed to have between $300 and $400 million.JD Weisbrot, managing d Okhp Column: GOP Willfully Sees Liberal Message In News
Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. speaks during a campaign stop at Walker Manufacturing in Fort Collins, Colo., Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. AP Photo/Ed Andrieski CBS News FT. COLLINS, Colo.-- At a town hall here Wednesday, at least one person was anxious enough about the upcoming presidential debate to ask vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan about how Republican nominee Mitt Romney would perform Would he pack a punch and take it to Obama Absolutely, Ryan said, responding to a woman who said [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] she was concerned after watching GOP presidential nominee John McCain debate Obama in 2008. One little difference between then and now, President Obama has a record and President Obama has a record and a string of broken promises. Ryan said that the Republican ticket owes the electorate alternatives to the policies of the last four years. Recent polls have shown Romney trailing Obama is sev [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]garrafa stanley[/url] eral key swing states, sparking criticism that the campaign has not offered sufficient details of its alternative vision. We are not simply asking you to fire Barack Obama because he s not worth re-hiring, Ryan said. We re asking you to fire Barack Obama because we are worth hiring because we have better ideas. The 2012 Election More [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley vaso[/url]
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BRADENTON, Fla. 鈥?The Putnam County Sheriff s Office said nearly 200 dogs have been rescued from a hoarding situation in Putnam County. Those dogs have been placed at various shelters or rescues across the state, including Nate s Honor Animal Rescue in Bradenton.Karissa Mayer, a veterinary technician [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley taza[/url] at Nate s Honor Animal Rescue, said the shelter is caring for more than 50 dogs rescued from the hoarding situation. The animals range in age from 12 weeks old to senior dogs. Many of the dogs have parasites. They also have ear, eye, and dental issues. Several dogs have more serious conditions like congestive heart failure or cataracts. When you re in a house with 200 other dogs, you re not necessarily socialized to people. You don t know how to walk on a leash. Nobody s [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley drinking cup[/url] taking you for a potty walk, said Mayer. Katherine Swinkels showed up at Nate s Honor An [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] imal Rescue on Monday. She is fostering some of the recent rescues.She took home a female dog and her four puppies. The opportunity to get to help acclimate them to a normal, better life and make sure they re ready to find their forever families is what it s all about鈥攇iving them something better, said Swinkels. Mayer said the rescue has received an overwhelming amount of calls and emails about the dogs. She said the dogs will not be available for adoption for at least a few more weeks. They ve come in with basic health issues. They need to get healthier, and they need to be spayed and neutered before they can be adopted, Afyc Jaroslav Halak stops 35 shots, Bruins hang on for 3-2 win over Lightning in Game One
Another classic movie from the 1980s is getting a rem [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley bottles[/url] ake.The Hollywood Reporter reports that Zac Efron would star in the [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley water bottle[/url] remake of Three Men and a Baby for Disney+.The 1987 movie that starred Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, and Ted Danson, is about three bachelors living together in New York when an infant b [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley tazas[/url] aby girl arrives at their doorstep.Variety reports that a script for the remake has already been written.Efron will return to Disney after starring in Disney s High School Musical series in 2006.
Republican Sen. Rick of Scott, one of the Republican senators President Trump has tasked with devising a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, denounced the Medicare for all proposal, warning that the progressive plan endorsed by several 2020 Democratic White House hopefuls would ruin the health care system in the U.S. We do know that Medicare for all, which Senator Sanders is all in on, is going to just ruin our health care system, Scott said on Face the Nation Sunday. It s going to ruin Medicare, he added. And it s also going to ruin private insurance. Transcript: Sen. Rick Scott on Face the Nation, March 31, 2019The Florida Republican, a freshman senator who once led one of the largest for-profit private health care companies in the U.S., said the cost of health care and prescription drugs is [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] too high. His comments echoed remarks made by his Senate colleague and 2020 [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley taza[/url] Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, earlier on Face the Nation. The Affordable Care Act is facingone of its biggest legal challengesafter the Justice Department asked a federal appeals court to invalidate President Obama s signature domestic achievement. Asked if he will make sure any Republican health care plan to replace the ACA will not prompt people to lose their coverage, Scott demur [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley termohrnek[/url] red and said he s focused on driving down the cost of health care.Scott, who represents a state with one the highest Affordable Care Act enrollments, said i Jgcj Powell Opposes Bush Interrogation Plan
AP The politics of changing procurement is tough, President Obama admitted when asked during his press conference what he intended to cut form the Defense and Veterans Administration s budgets for savings. The questioner, from the military newspaper Stars and Stripes, noted that so many items that seem destined for the chopping block are politically untenable. The budget that we ve put forward reflects the largest increase in veterans funding in 30 years, Mr. Obama said, noting that all Americans want to see veterans rewarded. He lamented that recently the V.A. has been under-resourced when it comes to dealing with things like post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury, dealing with some of the backlogs in admission to V.A. hospitals. In terms of cuts, the president said he is working with Defense Secretary Gates to reform the procurement system. He noted that he is not alone in his diagnosis of the procurement problem. There is uniform acknowledgment that the procure [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley nz[/url] ment system right now doesn t work. That s not just my opinion. That s John McCain s opinion. That s Carl Levin s opinion, he said. He argued that experts agree that, you ve got a whole range of billion-do [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]gourde stanley[/url] llar, multibillion-dollar systems that are seeing cost overruns of 30 percent or 40 percent or 50 percent, and then still don t perf [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley mug[/url] orm the way they re supposed to. However, he vowed to continue to find savings in a way that allows us t
President Biden said he is not confident at all that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025 if former President Donald Trump is defeated. He means what he says. We don t take him seri [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley cup[/url] ously. He means it. All the stuff about If we lose, there ll be a bloodbath, it ll have been a stolen [election], Mr. Biden told CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa in his first sit-down interview sinceannouncing he was dropping outof the 2024 presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination. The interview will air on CBS News Sunday Morning on Sunday, Aug. 11. Look what they re trying to do now in the local election districts where people count the votes, said Mr. Biden. Repeating a familiar maxim about elections and democracy, the president said, You can t love your country only when you win. Trump [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] s bloodbath commentsat an Ohio campaign rally in March caused controversy, with Biden s campaign and other Democrats expressing alarm while Trump and his allies said he was referring to the economic fallout of U.S. trade policy.At the time, Biden campaign spokesman James Singer said it showed Trump wants another January 6, but the American people are going to give him another electoral defeat this November because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge. But the [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cup[/url] Trump campaign said that was spin on Cque Human remains found under concrete behind home of Disney worker missing since 2015
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Prosecutors brought the first-ever federal terrorism charges against a law enforcement officer in the U.S., alleging Wednesday that a patrol officer with the D.C. region s transit police bought about $250 worth of gift cards for someone he thoug [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics[/url] ht was working with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. [url=https://www.adidas-originals.es]adidas og[/url] Nicholas Young CBS News/ William J. Hennessy Jr. Is ISIS recruiting U.S. police officers 03:06 [url=https://www.salomonschuhe.com.de]salomon[/url] Nicholas Young, 36, of Fairfax, was arrested Wednesday at Metro Transit Police headquarters in Washington and charged with a single count of attempting to provide material support to a terrorist group. According to an FBI affidavit, Young bought the gift cards last month that he intended for ISIS to use to purchase mobile messaging apps. Young actually gave the codes for the gift cards to an undercover FBI officer, the affidavit said.He made a brief court appearance Wednesday afternoon, wearing a T-shirt and what appeared to be his uniform slacks. He asked for an attorney and a magistrate appointed him a public defender. If convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison.Young had been on federal security officials radar for several
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Politics Today is CBSNews s inside look at the key stories driving the day in Politics, written by CBS News Political Director Steve Chaggaris:**Congress continues wrestling with health care legislation...**Quiet day for President Obama… no public events on his schedule… **Sotomayor hearings wra [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] p up...**Administration on defense over economic stimulus… **Frugal Sanford not so frugal, it seems...HEALTH CARE: Up one day. Down the next. Sometimes legislation to remake the nation s health care system moves in both directions at once, writes the Associated Press David Espo. President Barack Obama s top domestic priority is on an unpredictable, midsummer trajectory as the White House and Democrats struggle to bring the complex, controversial issue to a vote in both houses before lawmakers leave town for their August break. For a brief moment Thursday, Senate Democrats could celebrate, adds Politico s Carrie Budoff Brown. AP Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus suggested for the first time publicly he was hoping for a bipartisan deal to pay for health care reform by the end of the day. The good feelings didn t last long. Within hours, Baucus D-Mont. said the talks were suspended until next we [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley cup[/url] ek mdash; defying President Barack Obama s request to produce an agreem [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley mugs[/url] ent by the weekend and throwing into doubt any hopes of meeting the president s August deadline to pass a Senate bill. That wasn t the only grim news
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WASHINGTON AP 鈥?President Joe Biden is invoking the Defense Production Act to increase U.S. manufacturing of solar panels while declaring a two-year tariff exemption on panels from Southeast Asia. The moves announced Monday are attempting to jumpstart an industry key to meeting the Democrati [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley vaso[/url] [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] c president s climate change-fighting goals that advocates say have been disrupted by a federal investigation. The White House says the moves are being implemented using executive actions and presidential proclamations. The moves follow months of complaints by industry groups, which say the solar sector is being slowed by supply chain problems due to an ongoing Commerce Department inquiry into possible trade violations involving Chinese products.The U.S. is on track to triple domestic solar manufacturing capacity by 2024, acco [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] rding to the White House.In addition to Biden s new actions, he is calling on Congress to pass tax cuts and additional investments that advance U.S. clean energy manufacturing and deployment. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-below .Link font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova, sans-serif; Report a typo Mrpb Federal authorities find more classified documents at former VP Pence s home
TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?A month after Olympus Pools lost its state license and shut its doors the company is threatening to sue more than 100 customers i [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]starbucks stanley cup[/url] f they don t pay outstanding balances in the next 30 days.Attorneys for Olympus Pools the subject of an I-Team investigation is demanding Olympus Customers pay thousands of thousands of dollars within the next 30 days or face a lawsuit.PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Owner of Olympus Pools fined $1.4M for hundreds of unfinished projectsTampa Bay pool builder says Olympus Pools is ma [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley en mexico[/url] king progress on hundreds of jobs; some customers disagreeHelp for Olympus Pools Custo [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley cup nz[/url] mers: Pasco County waives permit fees and gives tips on completing jobOlympus Pools now under criminal investigationI-Team investigator Jackie Callaway obtained a copy of the letter. In some cases, the notice has been sent to homeowners who say Olympus Pools never finished their project. Others are facing liens from subcontractors who claim Olympus never paid them for work and materials. The letter from the Peterson Law Group in New Smyrna reads in part, This letter is not unique. It is being sent to more than 100 current and former customers who have chosen to breach their contracts with Olympus and stop payment… The purpose of this letter is to demand fair compensation for your breach of contract and or stopped payment to Olympus… The owner of Olympus Pools has yet to return our call seeking comment.
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BENTLEYVILLE, Pa. mdash; Allegations of animal abuse led humane officers to a shocking discovery during a raid in Washington County.CBS Pittsburgh reports wolf hybr [url=https://www.reebokclassic.com.de]reebok[/url] ids were among nearly a dozen animals seized from the raided home in Bentleyville on Wednesday. The Pennsylvania Game Commission says many of the animals were mistreated.Eleven animals were seized from a home on Spring Street. Officials say many of them were terrible conditio [url=https://www.dunks.fr]nike dunk[/url] n. They did not have any food out. There are bags of food in the house, said Officer Richard Joyce, of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. There was no readily available water for any of the animals downstairs, at all, where they were caged up. Washington County humane officers and state Game officials raided the home around 9 a.m. after getting reports that the homeowner, identified as Fred Framelli, had illegal animals inside. State Game Commission officials say that s exactly what th [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] ey found. There are three hybrid wolf-dogs as we speak, that we know about, at this time, said Officer Joyce. Any wolf hybrid is illegal in Pennsylvania under Title 34 of the Game and Wildlife Code. The remainder of the dogs found are mostly German shepherds. Julie Froats, from a German shepherd rescue group from the eastern side of Pennsylvania, will take custody of those dogs. We will make sure that they get the proper home according to their individual needs and temperaments. Some of them, hopefully,
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Georgia s Republican Governor Brian Kemp certified the state s election results Friday, saying that now that the results are certified, the Trump campaign can pursue other legal options to call for a recount. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, also a Republican, told reporters Friday morning that President-elect Biden had definitively won the state, afterthe state s hand recountwas completed Thursday.But Kemp didn t endorse the results, instead calling for another full hand recount. Kemp, who served as Georgia secretary of state before Raffensperger, has not publicly defended the state s election process from accu [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley quencher[/url] sations from the president and his campaign. He alleged Friday that the audit revealed significant errors made in several counties, including Floyd, Douglas and Walton.Kemp said the audit only looked at ballots, not the signatures on the absentee applications or the signatures on the ballot envelopes. He called for Raffensperger to consider addressing these concerns and conduct a sample of audit of signatures on absentee ballot envelopes and compare those to the signatures on applications and on file that the secretary of state s office. The Georgia [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] Secretary of State s office has said repeatedly that at this point in the process it is not possible to m [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley thermos mug[/url] atch signatures mdash; which already took place as a part of a two-step signature verification process mdash; because ballots are separated from envelopes to ens Fyny Rick Santorum: Students should learn CPR, not rally for phony gun laws
Democrat Dennis Kucinich, the liberal four-term congressman who has been steadfast in his opposition to the Iraq war, formally launched his long-shot bid for the White House Monday. Miracles occur when our faith meets our vision, when believing is seeing, said Kucinich, who recalled years ago watching the flames from the stacks at an Ohio steel factory and imagining running for president.Kucinich, who has been campaigning for months, made the announcement in his hometown of Cleveland, the first stop of a 12-state tour that will include Michigan, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Iowa. I m running for president of the United States to enable the armies of peace, Kucinich told some 300 s [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]stanley cup[/url] upporters in the chambers of the Cleveland city council.The candidate has stressed several themes during his months on the campaign trail and in candidates debates: h [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley cup[/url] is steadfast opposition to the U.S.-led war against Iraq and his call for American troops to return home; his desire to end the North American Free Trade Agreement that he argues costs U.S. jobs and his support for a single-payer, universal health care system. The kickoff speech at Cleveland s City Hall serves as a reminder of Kucinich s political triumphs and bitter disappointments. Electe [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley cup[/url] d in 1977, the 31-year-old boy mayor guided a city that two years later became the first since the Depression to go into default.Kucinich faced death threats, and was forced to wear a bulletproof vest
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Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh told a judicial conference on Thursday he hopes there will be concrete steps soon to address recent ethics concerns surrounding the court, but he stopped short of addressing calls for justices to institute an official code of conduct. We can increase confidence. Were working on that, Kavanaugh told the conference atten [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley quencher[/url] ded by judges, attorneys and other court personnel in Ohio. He said all nine justices recognize that public confidence in the court is important, particularly now.Public trust in the court is at a 50-year low following a series of divisive rulings, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade federal abortion protections last year, and published reports about the j [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley quencher[/url] ustices undisclosed paid trips and other ethical concerns. There s a storm around us in the political world and the world at large in America, Kavanaugh said. We, as judges and the legal system, need to try to be a little more, I think, of the calm in the storm. Justice Clarence Thomas acknowledged recently that he took three trips last year aboard a private plane owned by Republican megadonor Harlan Crow even as he rejected criticism over his failure to report trips in previous years.Reporting by the investigative news site ProPublica also revealed that Justice Samuel Alito failed to disclose a private trip to Alaska he took in 2008 that was paid for by two wealthy Republican donor [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] s, one of whom repeatedly had interests before the court.SEE MORE: Coach who won S Obig Texas AG threatens to sue Austin after city refuses to lift mask mandate
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — The voter turnout in Hillsborough County was about 31%, compared to the last presidential primary when turnout was 42%. This year, more voters opted to vote-by-mail or early vote. President Donald Trump came away with 92% of the vote for the Republican Primary and Joe Biden beat out Bernie Sanders with 55% of the vote compared to Sanders 26%. RECOMMENDED: Joe Biden sweeps Tuesday s three-state primary, takes leap toward Democratic nomin [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley fr[/url] ationSeveral voters told ABC Action News there was some confusion about where to vote, af [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley canada[/url] ter certain precincts were moved to new polling locations. Some of what was because Governor Ron DeSantis banned polling locations from assisting living facilities. Other locations 鈥?simply didnt want to risk having so many people in one place, forcing the county to find alternatives. RECOMMENDED: Coronavirus concerns lead to low voter turnout in Tampa Bay precinctsFlorida voter [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup usa[/url] s finding some local poll places closed without warningShaina Windsor was among those who showed up at the wrong polling location before heading to the one designated for her precinct. Windsor is currently out of work due to coronavirus because she is a DJ in Tampa. When asked if she thought twice about going out to vote on election say, she said, No, not at all, I just wanted to make sure I get in here and vote as quickly as I can and do what we all should be doing right now 鈥?is voting. And get back home and wait until this all blows over! At the time
Conservative scholar Arthur Brooks talked with CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett on The Takeout podcast this week about a range of topics, including th [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] e president s disagreement with him about the treatment of enemies and why the president is wrong, the president s political gifts, and life advice from the Dalai Lama:Trump s disagreement with Brooks at National Prayer Breakfast: What amazes me about that is not that Donald Trump repudiated what I had to say, he was actually really nice to me, it s that the president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, and I disagreed on national television and nothing happened to me. Why Trump is a successful politician: He says what he thinks. There s nothing that s being hidden, there s nothing that we don t know. And you could say that s valuable on its face too, whether we agree with him or not. On treating politically opponents with contempt: When you re treated with contempt, as worthless, that s actually a threat. That tears people apart, that tears societies apart, and that s exactly what we re doing in our politics today. On the life advice he received from the Dala [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley cup[/url] i Lama: Pretend to be the person you want to be and you will become that person. Listen to this episode on ART19 Arthur C. Brooks, a professor at Harvard Kennedy Sc [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley cup[/url] hool and a conservative scholar, received some national attention last week after he spoke before Pres Hhrw Report on airport breaches prompts new security questions
NEW YORK — The cause and manner of death of Russiarsquo ambassador to the United Nations needs to be studied further, the city medical examiner said Tuesday, a day after the diplomat fell ill at his office at Russiarsquo U.N. mission and died at a hospital.Further study usually includes toxicology and other screenings, which can take weeks. The case was referred to the med [url=https://www.af1.it]af1[/url] ical examinerrsquo office by the hospital, spokeswoman Julie Bolcer said.Vitaly Churkin, who died a day before his 65th birthday, had been Russiarsquo envoy at the United Nations since 2006. He was the longest-serving ambassador on the Security Council, the U.N.rsquo most powerful body. Russia s United Nations Ambassador Vitaly Churkin speaks during a news conference marking the start of his month-long term as president of the U.N. Security Council at the U.N. headquarters in New York June 3, 2014. Reuters [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg[/url] The medical examiner is responsible for investigating deaths that occur by criminal violence, accident, suicide, suddenly or when the person seemed healthy, or if someone died in any unusual or suspicious manner. Most of the deaths investigated by the office are not suspicious. The Security Council held a moment of silence Tuesday in memory of Churkin, whom U.N. Secretary-G [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] eneral Antonio Guterres called not only an outstanding diplomat but
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Roland Gutierrez, the Democratic state senator who represents the Uvalde area in central Texas, on Monday jumped into the race to take on Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in 2024.Gutierre [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cupe[/url] z, a lifelong San Antonio resident and the son of a Mexican immigrant, will be facing U.S. Rep. Colin Allred in the Democratic primary in March. Allred, who represents the Dallas area, has already amassed a $6.2 million war chest since he announced his candidacy two months ago, according to his campaign.In the wake of the deadly 2022 shooting in Uvalde, Gutierrez has pushed for tougher gun legislation, and he said in a video announcement that in the aftermath of the shooting, the people in his district came together to demand [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup becher[/url] change. Gutierrez has led the calls for gun legislation since the Uvalde shooting, which left 19 children and two teachers dead. In this legislative session, he introduced several bills to the state Senate that di [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley deutschland[/url] d not ultimately receive a vote on the floor. A House bill that he supported to raise the age to purchase an AR-15, advanced out of committee but it failed to make it to the House floor before the legislative session ended. State Senator Roland Gutierrez speaks with reporters after the conclusion of a press conference by Governor Greg Abbott about the mass shooting at Uvalde High School on May 27, 2022 in Uvalde, Texas. Michael M Santiago/Getty Images / Getty Ima Togw John Bolton endorses Mitt Romney for president
Sen. Judd Gregg will be nominated as the new Commerce secretary Tuesday morning, giving President Obama a fresh independent voice in his Cabine [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] t but at a huge cost to Republicans and the larger Senate.The run-up to the nomination has focused on backroom deals, from New Hampshirersquo statehouse to Washington, to preserve the balance of power in Congress. And Tuesdayrsquo White House announcement is expected to be accompanied by one by New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch that will ensure that Greggrsquo seat wonrsquo;t switch to the Democrats before the 2010 elections.But lost in the shuffle [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup[/url] is the greater dynamic: Gregg himself and the fact that Obama, while talking a good game about bipartisanship, is draining the Senate of the very talent he needs to achieve this goal. To a remarkable degree, Gregg has served as a trusted, behind-the scenes consigliore for every leader since the mid-lsquo;90s, from Mississippirsquo Trent Lott to Bill Frist of Tennessee and now Kentuckyrsquo Mitch McConnell. He is that Washington rarity: someone who thinksmdash;often out loudmdash; about issues but can also operate privately in giving advice and respecting the discretion of leaders.When everyone had said their piece, I would always turn to Judd and say, lsquo;Give us the contrarian view,rsquo; and he would, Lott told [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley thermos[/url] Politico. He was loyal to his friends and not to have him, the Senate will be a lesser place. Therer
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WINTER HAVEN, Fla. 鈥?A woman in Polk County is facing charges after detectives say she stole more than $1.6 million from more than 60 people. Jaleeann Johnston, 42, committed the thefts while working as a travel agent and office manager at Cruise Link Travel in Winter Haven, according to the Polk County Sh [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley termoska[/url] eriff [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley us[/url] s Office. She was arrested on Thursday. Detectives say she stole the bulk of the money 鈥?$1.3 million 鈥?from her employer, who is also a relative. They say a [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] majority of the losses happened through fraudulent use of the victim s credit cards. The biggest victim by far was Johnston s employer, who was also a close relative. Her own flesh and blood, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said. She more or less destroyed the woman s business, and brought about substantial monetary losses and grief to her customers. Johnston s scheme was unsustainable, and her greed just kept burying her deeper. Detectives say the investigation began in November 2018. One of Johnston s victims told authorities they put a $339 deposit down on a cruise, but never got the trip or a refund. Detectives say one of the people who was supposed to go on the cruise with the victim then received a $13,000 credit card charge. POLK NEWS | The latest headlines from Polk CountyThat report led detectives to uncover similar cases, the sheriff s office says. They say Johnston used the victim s money to cover the costs of other cruises and pay for her personal lifestyle. Detectives say that included shopping, di
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This post was updated at 2:08 p.m. ETRepublicans on the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Hold [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] er on Wednesday expressing great concern about the possibility that Holder lied under oath during his testimony earlier this month on the Justice Department s seizing of journalists records, CBS News has learned. On May 15, Holder told the committee he wasn t involved in the potential prosecution of a member of the press under the Espionage Act for disclosing classified information. This is not something I ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy, he said.Shortly thereafter, reports began to surface that the Justice Department, in addition to seizing telephone and email records of Associated Press reporters, had seized the the emails and phone records of Fox News correspondent James Rosen. While Holder had recused himself from the AP proce [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup usa[/url] edings, the Washington Post reported that the attorney general had personally signed off on the search warrant for Rosen s records. In the search warrant, the FBI called Rosen a criminal co-conspirator and suggested there s probable cause that he violated federal law. Rosen was not charged with any crime.House Judiciary Republicans, in their letter, raise the possibility that Holder perjured himself by issuing an ironclad denial of any involvement in t [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley cup[/url] he investigation and potential prosecution of reporters. The media reports and stat Erwx Third employee alleges sexual misconduct by Cain
President Bush has no second thoughts about John R. Bolton as his choice to be United Nations ambassador, the White House said Tuesday, despite critics complaints about Bolton s treatment of subordinates and dismissive comments on the U.N.The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was expected to vote Tuesday on the nomination of Bolton, a sharp-tongued conservative known for using brusque language to describe the U.N. and individual nations.The meeting came amid complaints from Democrats that they did not have enough time to in [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] vestigate the latest in a string of allegations against Bolton. Democrats on the panel had repeatedly asked for delays in the vote. A spokesman for committee chairman Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said Lu [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]stanley portugal[/url] gar saw no reason to delay the vote. I do not think the concerns raised about Secretary Bolton warrant our rejection of the president s selection for his own representative to the U.N., Lugar said in a statement prepared for Tuesday s session. White House press secretary Scott McClellan said there was no n [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cups[/url] eed for delay.Asked if the president had any reservations about Bolton s fitness for the post, McClellan replied: Absolutely not. Bolton has addressed all questions about his record and behavior by testifying before the committee and offering additional answers to the panel in writing, McClellan said.Democrats hoped to defeat Bolton but were outnumbered 10-8 on the committee. Several Republicans have ma
The number of available jobs in the U.S. plummeted in August compared with July as businesses grow less desperate to hire workers, a trend that could cool chronically high inflation.There were 10.1 million advertised jobs on the last day of August, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Tuesday, down a huge 10% from 11.2 million openings in July. In March, job openings had hit a record of nea [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] rly 11.9 million. Layoffs ticked up in August but remained at a historically low level. And slightly more people quit their jobs. The sharp drop in job op [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley cup[/url] enings will be welcomed by the Federal Reserve which believes that boosting the nation s unemployment could cool inflation. The Fed forecasts the unemployment rate to rise to 4.4% next year, from 3.7% today mdash; a number that implies an additional 1.2 million people losing their jobs.Fed officials have cited the high level of openings as a sign of strong labor demand that has compelled employers [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] to steadily raise pay to attract and keep workers. Friday s jobs reportAnalysts, however, attribute the lower numbers to a general state of unpredictability. To be clear these changes are all pretty small and display general series volatility, Elise Gould, senior economist with the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, wrote in response to the August Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey JOLTS report.She added, The drop in job openings is the big story today, but remember that we ve already se Gtxs Monster 197-pound cougar captured by Washington state biologists
EUGENE, Ore. — Public health of [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk[/url] ficials are trying to figure out if a contagious bacterial infection caused the death Tuesday of a University of Oregon freshman.CBS affiliate KVAL-TV reported Lauren Jones, a member of the acrobatics and tumbling team, died unexpectedly Tuesday afternoon, according to the school.University spokeswoman Julie Brown said the cause of Jones death had not been confirmed, but told the R [url=https://www.adidasoriginal.de]adidas originals[/url] egister-Guard newspaper meningococcemia is one of the possibilities. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] Since mid-January, at least three UO students have been hospitalized with meningococcemia, a contagious bacterial infection that can lead to meningitis, CBS affiliate KOIN-TV reported. Brown said residence hall students and student athletes are being encouraged to take antibiotics in case they ve been exposed to any bacterial infection. Jason Davis, a spokesman for the Lane County Public Health Department, said an autopsy will be performed Wednesday to determine how Jones died and whether she had meningococcemia.Acrobatics and tumbling head coach Chelsea Shaw called Jones death a terrible and sudden loss. Lauren was such a positive and bright spirit every day, and her smile was contagious, Shaw said in a statement. She will be greatly missed and our prayers and deepest condolences go out to her whole family, friends, previous teammates and anyone else who had the opportunity to know Lauren. Jones graduated in 2014 from Southwest Dekalb High Sch
CANAZEI, Italy AP 鈥?Rescuers are finding body parts and equipment as they search for hikers missing following a powerful avalanche [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] in the It [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley cup[/url] alian Dolomites. Officials initially feared 13 hikers were still missing, but the province of Trento on Tuesday reduced the number of people unaccounted-for to five. The five missing are all Italian.Seven people are known to have died, two of whom were Czech.A huge chunk of the Marmolada glacier cleaved off Sunday, sending torrents of ice, rock and debris down the [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] mountainside onto unsuspecting hikers below. After rain hampered the search Monday, sunny weather on Tuesday allowed helicopters to bring more rescue teams up to the site.One of the hikers missing is Erica Campagnaro. Her sister, Debora Campagnaro, said on Tuesday that there was hardly any warning about the accumulation of water at the base of the glacier.Campagnaro s brother-in-law is also missing. He is an experienced Alpine guide. Paim Here s how FBI manhunts work
Many of us are looking for ways to remain active while also staying a safe distance away from others. That s why Sarah Phinney started a Walking Club to highlight some hidden, and some not so hidden, trails and parks across the Tampa Bay area. Check out the Florida Botanical Gardens in Largo this weekend with your family! Where is it The main entrance to the Florida Botanical Gardens is on Ulmerton Road. Put this address in your phone:12520 Ulmerton RoadLargo, FL 33774There is also an entrance to the gardens on Walsingham Road. The address is:12211 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774What can I find there You can spend hours soaking up the beauty of the gardens!Emily Bloxam, Florida Botanical Gardens Foundation Communications Coordinator, says the Tropical Walk, Cactus Succulent Garden and Tropical Fruit Garden are must-see spots for visitors.Click here to check out a map of the gardens. It shows which pathways are ADA compliant.Consider taking the nature trails if you re looking for a quieter experience.Dogs are a [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley cup[/url] llowed at the Florida Botanical Gardens, as long as they are on a leash and picked up after.The Florida Botanical Garden Foundati [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley thermobecher[/url] on is also working on creating a children s garden which will have an outdoor classroom, musical instruments, and a children s art display. What else is in the are [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley trinkflaschen[/url] a Heritage Village also free! is connected to the Florida Botanical Gardens.More than 30 attractions, including historic homes and a general store, sit on this 20 acre property
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WikiLeaks became a focal point of the 2016 presidential election, and on Thursday, Reddit users took the controversial document-sharing site to task during an AMA, or Ask Me Anything session.WikiLeaksrsquo; periodic email dumps during the 2016 presidential election targeted Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and the DNC, and arguably proved to be disastrous. [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley becher[/url] WikiLeaks shows email exchanges betwe [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] en Podesta, Obama 01:05 Over the summer, WikiLeaks released thousands of internal DNC emails. The emails led to questioning about the fairness of the Democratic process, and the DNCrsquo apparent favoring of Clinton over her former rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Most recently, WikiLeaks released thousands of emails from accounts used by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, who has since acknowledged his emails were hacked. The persistent email dumps, while praised by some, also brought much criticism, including Russiarsquo possible involvement in the email hacks. On Thursday, WikiLeaks staff [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley tumbler[/url] held an AMA following Tuesdayrsquo election of Donald Trump as president. Many users had tough questions for WikiLeaks. Along with allegedRussian involvement in the hacking,these questions also included WikiLeaksrsquo; role in Trumprsquo U.S. electio Lsga Romney Almost Compares Huckabee To Bill Clinton
CBS News Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review, said today that Newt Gingrich doesn t have the rationale to stay in the Republican presidential race any more. Noting that the former House Speaker has won two of the 30 contests so farm Lowry [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley isolierkanne[/url] said, His geographic base seems to be the border [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley quencher[/url] between South Carolina and Georgia, the two states he s won. I think Rick Santorum has outclassed and beaten Newt Gingrich and deserves a chance at the clean shot at Mitt Romney, Lowry added, on CBS News Face the Nation. During a roundtable discussion, Lowry also offered some criticism of the Republican front-runner, Mitt Romney, calling him weak. He really needs to keep his boot on the neck of whoever is in second place.... It s not an uplifting way to win the nomination, but I think that s what he has to do, he said. Earlier on Face the Nation, Reince Priebus, head of the Republican N [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] ational Committee, said the long primary process is a good test for the Republican nominee for the race against President Obama in the fall. But CBS News White House correspondent Norah O Donnell said she has spoken with Republicans who are worried about the primary fight. This has not excited the Republican base, O Donnell said, noting that voter participation is down. Mitt Romney has very high unfavorables, higher than any other recent nominee other than Bill Clinton, so it has taken its toll on the Republicans. O Donnell said it tha
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President Trump is lending his support and his voice to Sen. Luther Strange ahead of Tuesday s Alabama primary election with a new robocall urging voters to turn out for the Republican incumbent. President Donald Trump Robo Call by Luther Strange on YouTube Hi, this is President Donald Trump, and I love the people of Alabama and I hope you go out and vote for Luther Strange for Senate. It is so important that you do, said Mr. Trump in the call recording, which was also released on Str [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] ange s YouTube page.The president goes on to tout his own administration s achievements in the recording, saying We ve fulfilled so many of our promises [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley becher[/url] everything we ve wanted to do we re doing. Unemployment is at a record low, jobs are flowing back into the country, we have a great Supreme Court Judge in Justice Gorsuch, we are doing things a lot of people said were impossible, but I nee [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] d Luther to help us out, he adds.Mr. Trump ended the recording by telling supporters that Strange is helping him in the Senate and is going to get the tax cuts for us. This isn t the first time Mr. Trump has lent his support in the form of a phone call — ahead of Montana s special House election, Mr. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence recorded calls on behalf of then-candidate Greg Gianforte, in which the two urged voters to step out for the Republican to stop liberal Democrats decimating and dismantling all that we ve done. M Gxau Obama urges unity, hope with Thanksgiving address
After weeks of speculation, Elizabeth Warren officially announced her candidacy for the Massachusetts Senate on Wednesday, citing a desire to help middle class families who have been chipped at, hacked at, squeezed and hammered for a generation now. Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School and former Obama administration official, announced her entrance to the race via video on her campaign website. She will run against incumbent Scott Brown, a Republican who won the seat in a 2010 special election to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. In the video, Warren announces: I m going to do this. I m going to run for the United States Senat [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley sverige[/url] e. The reason is straightforward, she continues. Middle-class families have been chipped at, hacked at, squeezed and hammered for a g [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley becher[/url] eneration now and I don t think Washington gets it. Washington is rigged for big corporations that hire armies of lobbyists. A big company like GE pays nothing in taxes and we re asking college students to take on even more debt to get an education; we re telling seniors they may have to learn to live on less — it isn t right, and it s the reason I m running for the United States Senate. Warren, who was tapped by [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley cup nz[/url] President Obama last year to set up the new consumer protection agency as part of the financial reform bill, goes on to tout her history as a consumer advocate — and warns voters that corporate interests are going to line up against this campaign. I grew
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Washington mdash; A federal judge in Washington, D.C., has ruled that only part of a lawsuit filed against former President Donald Trump over the death of Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick may move forward, issuing a split decision in the suit brought by his longtime partner.U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta ruled Tuesday that Sicknick s partner, Sandra Garza, can proceed with her civil lawsuit against Trump over the officer s death after Jan. 6, 2021, but only on two of the counts. Mehta dismissed the wrongful death and negli [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cup[/url] gence civil counts against Trump, but will allow Garza s claims against Trump under D.C. s Survival Act to proceed. The Survival Act allows an individual s legal representative to pursue legal action on their behalf after their death. Garza is the representative of Sicknick s estate.Garza filed the suit against Trump, as well as Jan. 6 defendants George Tanios and Julian Khater. Khater was sentenced to more than six years in prison after he admitted to spraying the officer. Tanios pleaded guilty to lesser charges. Neither of the men were criminally charged with Sicknick s death. We are pleased to see that our lawsuit in pursuit of justice for the late Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died in the aftermath of the January 6th insurrection, has been permitted to continue. We are now considering [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] o [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] ur next step options, to include deposing former President Trump, said Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys re Pkeg San Francisco Police defend raiding journalist Bryan Carmody s property over leaks
PLAINVILLE, Conn. — A pilot in Connecticut was okay after his plane crashed into a tree, which cushioned the aircraft s descent into a parking lot.Authorities say the crash occurred just before 11:30 a.m. Monday as the Cessna 172P aircraft was attempting to land at Robertson Airport.CBS Connecticut reports the aircraft landed in a nearby parking lot of a business. Surveillance video released by poli [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy[/url] ce shows the plane coming in low over the parking lot, striking the top of the tree, spinning as the tree bends to the ground and coming to rest, wheels down, on the asphalt. Police say the pilot was not seriously injured in the crash, suffering only minor injuries. He was sent to a local hospital for treatment. The cause of the crash remains under investigation. More from CBS News Shooti [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] ng in mall in Vancouver, Washington leaves 1 dead, 2 wounded Deer hunter mauled to death by bear in Alaska, troopers say [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics[/url] Halloween comet disintegrates after flying close to the sun, video shows
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Froot Loops and pizza. What a combination.Fongs Pizza in Iowa has recently created a Froot Loops pizza, which has mozzarella, Froot Loops, Greek yogurt and condensed milk. This isnt the first time the restaurant, which has four locations in Iowa, has experimented with Froot Loops on pizza. In 2015 when Fongs opened a location in Ankeny, Iowa, the pizza was not well received. Its been retired for nearly five years and we felt why not bring it back for som [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley quencher[/url] e fun after whats been a challenging year for many, said Fong Pizzas Gwen Page. General manager Ron Fongs doctored it up even more by adding a Greek yogurt and condensed milk icing on top, reminiscent of the sweet milk you have at the end of a bowl of cereal. The response, Page said, has been amazing. We never thought it would gain this amount of atten [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley thermoskannen[/url] tion, between intrigue and absolute disgust, Page said. Weve always done pizza outside of the box and this is just another example of how we love to have fun while creating a unique experience for our guests. This is not [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley flask[/url] the first time Froot Loops has been made into a topping. In 2018, Hardee s and Carl s Jr. sold Froot Loops mini doughnuts. The response, however, hasnt been universally positive. Please do not disrespect the word pizza like this, frozen pizza maker DiGorno tweeted. Please do not disrespect the word pizza like this. t.co/adain4tBbwmdash; DiGiorno @DiGiorno February 27, 2021
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BOSTON — His life on the line, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went on trial Wednesday in the Boston Marathon bombing, with his own lawyer admitting in opening statements that her client was guilty. But she argued that he had fallen under the evil influence of his older brother. Judy Clarke, one of the foremost death-penalty defense attorneys in the U.S., delivered a startling opening statement in the nation s most closely watched terrorism trial since the Oklahoma City bombing nearly 20 years ago, clearing intended as an attempt at saving her client s life. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] It WAS him, Clarke said of Tsarnaev. Laying out an argument clearly aimed at saving Tsarnaev from the death penalty, Clarke said that the defense will not try to sidestep his guilt for the senseless, horribly misguided acts carried out by two brothers. The evidence will not establish and we will not argue that Tamerlan put a gun to Dzhokhar s head or that he forced him to join in the plan, Clarke said, but you will hear evidence about the kind of influence that this older brother had. Earlier, prosecutors said in their openings statement that he used a ba [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley cup[/url] ckpack to plant a bomb specifically designed to tear people apart and create a bloody spectacle. He believed that he was a soldier in a holy war against Americans, Assistant U [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] .S. Attorney William Weinreb said. He also believed that by winning that victory, he had taken a step toward reaching paradise. That was his moti
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The COVID-19 pandemic is changing how Gobblers Knob celebrates Groundhog Day this year, but Punxsutawney Phil will still be making an appearance to predict when winter will end.On February 2, Phil makes an appearan [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley en mexico[/url] ce outside his burrow, and whether or not he sees his shadow, so the legend goes, determines what the weather will be like for the next several weeks. The tradition started in the late 1880s.The event is typically well-attended, with r [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley bottles[/url] oughly 30,000 visitors from all over taking part in various celebrations. This year, there will be no in-person attendance or guests on the grounds, according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club.Phil, instead, will be making his prognostication available virtually, online, on social media and on tv. There will be cardboard cutouts of attendees, similar to ones that have become popular at s [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] porting events and other live events during the pandemic.At 6:30 a.m. ET on Tuesday, Phil will take a look outside his burrow and give his weather prediction for the remainder of the winter. Watch it live here on this website or on our Facebook page.
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Population data collected from the 2020 census could lead to dramatic changes in how congressional seats and Electoral College votes are apportioned in several states. Ten states, including several in the Northeast and Midwest, are set to lose congressional districts, although seven in the West and South could gain seats, according to an analysis of new Census Bureau data.The results of the census will be used to determine how 435 seats in the House seats are apportioned for the next 10 years. This impacts a state s political power in Congress and importance in presidential elections, as Electoral College votes are determined by the size of a state s congressional delegation. The reapportionment is expected in December 2020, resulting in the lengthy process of each state redrawing congressional maps for the 2022 midterm elections.The Census Bureau released its final population estimates ahead of next year s census in areport on Monday. An analysis of the figures by the consulting groupElection [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] Data Servicesshows the 10 states set to lose a congressional district:AlabamaCaliforniaIllinoisMichiganMinnesotaNew YorkOhioPennsylvaniaRhode IslandWest VirginiaAmong the seven states set to gain seats, Texas and Florida are likely t [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] o be the biggest beneficiaries, gaining at least three and two congressional districts respectively. That would give Texas the second-largest number o [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cups[/url] f congressional districts and electoral votes in the country, behind California. Ieiv The Upstart
GENETIC DISCRIMINATION....Congress voted nearly unanimously last week to outlaw genetic discrimination by health insurance companies. Michael Kinsley comments:The very appealing notion that genetic discrimination is unfair looks especially odd in the context of insurance. The idea of insurance is to protect against the unexpected or unlikely. Forbidding insurers to take predictable ri [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup website[/url] sks into account when choosing whom to insure and how much to charge is asking them to behave irrationally and make bets they are sure to lose. Not insuring people who are likely to get cancer, or charging them more, isn t evil. It s rational behavior. Of course, we outlaw a lot of behavior that would be rational if it weren t against the law. But the skeptics who say this is a step on the way to universal health care actually understate the case.This paragraph is preceded by some silliness about Yo-Yo Ma and followed by some further silliness about a possible descent into Stalinism. But that stuff aside, Kinsley is right about this. Insurance companies have to be allowed to assess risks when they set premiums. If they don t, then they aren t insurance companies.So what s the eventual result [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley en mexico[/url] of forbidding healthcare insurers to rationally assess risks when they write policies They [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] go out of business. Slowly, to be sure, but eventually they go kaput.So think of this as a revealed preference. Conservatives all claim to believe that the private market is the best way to provide health insura
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A Tennessee judge on Wednesday blocked the auction of Graceland, the former home of Elvis Presley, by a [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley cup[/url] company that claimed his estate failed to repay a loan that used the property as collateral.Shelby County Chancellor JoeDae Jenkins issued a temporary injunction against the proposed auction that had been scheduled for Thursday this week. Presleys granddaughter Riley Keough had filed a l [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley italia[/url] awsu [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup[/url] it.A public notice for a foreclosure sale of the 13-acre estate in Memphis posted earlier in May said Promenade Trust, which controls the Graceland museum, owes $3.8 million after failing to repay a 2018 loan. Keough, an actor, inherited the trust and ownership of the home after the death of her mother, Lisa Marie Presley, last year. Kolj Cowboys head coach in COVID protocols, won t coach against Saints
One university in Ohio made an unforgettable graduation speech by announcing that it was erasing the debt for its graduating students.On Saturday, Wilberforce University President Elfred Anthony Pin [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley trinkflaschen[/url] kard announced at the end of the commencement ceremony that the school is forgiving student loans for its 2020 and 2021 students.USA Today repo [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley mugs[/url] rted that the university would use funds from the United Negro College Fund, the Jack and Jill Foundation, and other sources to wipe out more than $375,000 in debt. We wish to give you a fresh start, Pinkard told the graduating students. And you dont owe Wilberforce anything. Congratulations. According to CNN, the school said that students federal loans, bank loans, or other personal loans were not part of the gift. However, the funds would cover fines, fees, and [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]caneca stanley[/url] tuition balances paid directly to the school by students or their parents.
At least two students at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania were suspended from the swim team after a report that a racial slur was scratched onto a student s body, officials said.School administrators received a deeply concerning report of a racial slur being scratched onto a student using a plastic or ceramic tool, officials at the 2,200-student private liberal arts school in Gettysburg said in a statement last week. This is a serious report, which is be [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley cup[/url] ing actively assessed through the student conduct process, the college said. At this point, the studen [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ts involved are not participating in swim team activities. The school declined to release further details, citing that process, as well as privacy laws.The family of the student who was targeted told Gettysburg College s student newspaper,The Gettysburgian, that their son was the victim of a hate crime. They said the perpetrator, someone he trusted, used a box cutter to cut the N-word onto their son s chest, according to the newspaper. The alleged victim is among the students barred from participating in swim team activities as the college investigates the incident, said the family, who said in a statement to th [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] e newspaper that, within two days of the incident, their son was interviewed by the members of the coaching staff and summarily dismissed not suspended from the swim team. The Gettysburgian did not identify anyone by name.The incident is believed to have happened Fvxh An ER s error lands a 4-year-old in collections mdash; for care he didn t receive
A hang glider pilot died Saturday following an accident at the Gunfighter Skies air show at Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho. CBS affiliate KBOI-TV reports that Dan Buchanan was transported by air ambulance but later died of his injuries.Col. Joseph Kunkel called Buchanan a friend and a hero and said he performed in the event for the last 36 years. Kunkel said it was too early to determine what caused the accident but said the National Transportation Safety Board NTSB is investigating.One witness noticed the hang glider pilot making steep drops trying to get to the ground. We didn t realize what was happening and then he went down, Tom Maxwell told KBOI-TV. We continue to pray for him and his family. Our aerial demonstration for today at Gunfighter Skies 2018 was canceled due to a tragic glider mishap at Mountain Home Air Force Base.The collective hearts of the entir [url=https://www.crocss.com.de]crocs[/url] e U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds are with Dan Buchanan, his family, his friends and his demonstration team. pic.twitter/E6dsPUVWaumdash; Thunderbirds @AFThunderbirds June 2, 2018 According to the Ai [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] r Force base s website, the Gunfighter Skies Air Space Celebration [url=https://www.airmaxplus.it]airmax[/url] was taking place Saturday and Sunday. It was celebrating its 75th anniversary. The remainder of Saturday s events were canceled, but the event continued Sunday and focused on paying tribute to Buchanan s memory. I m extremely proud of the valiant effort that our first responders had, K
Kelly Dittmar, [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley termoska[/url] a political science professor at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University in New Jersey, has been tracking what in some ways is a standout year for female political candidates. You would think that women are sort of taking over American politics; all of the stories are about women running, she said. The attention is to the surge or the tsunami or the pink wave. And so, all of the rhetoric makes it appear as if women are going to be well-represented. In all, more than 500 women announced runs for Congress and governorships in 2018 ndash; a record number of women running for office. It sounds impressive, but this record year looks a little different when you take the longer view. Since the first Congress in 1789, fewer than three percent of America s national political leaders have been women. And the pace of change has been slow. Jeannette Rankin from Montana became the first woman to join the House in 1917. It took until 1992, the so-called Year of the Woman, to get to 10 percent repre [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley cup[/url] sentation.And today It s just 20 percent. Dittmar told correspondent Tony Dokoupil, It should be seen as a problem, by any citizen in this country, that over 50% of the population is only holding 20% of seats in its major policymaking body. A desire to change those numbers is a major reason w [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley thermos mug[/url] hy many women are running. But it s not the only reason. In a new afterword to her memoir, What Happened Xapr Republicans continue to offer unsolicited VP advice for Romney
Facing a rapidly ballooning lewd conduct scandal, Sen. Larry C [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley flask[/url] raig issued a statement Monday afternoon denying that he had engaged in anything improper at an airport restroom in June. At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were misconstruing my actions. I was not involved in any inappropriate conduct, Craig said in the statement.The Idaho Republican said he should have never pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor disorderly [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] conduct charge related to the incident. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley canada[/url] I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving this matter. In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously. So, folks, I hope you got that. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along! ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-c84b3e6e-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-c84b3e6e-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-c84b3e6e-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block;
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A Black [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley cup[/url] man who was paralyzed after he was shot in the back by a White police officer in southeastern Wisconsi [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] n filed a civil lawsuit Thursday accusing the officer of excessive force. Jacob Blake Jr. was shot by Kenosha Officer Rusten Sheskey in August, while Blake was about to get into an SUV during a domestic dispute.The shooting of Blake, captured on bystander video, turned the nation s spotlight on Wisconsin during a summer marked by protests over police brutality and racism. It happened three months after George Floyd died while being restrained by police officers in Minneapolis. The white officer charged with murder and manslaughter in Floyd s killing is currently on trial.Sheskey and two other Kenosha officers were trying to arrest Blake on an outstanding warrant when a pocket knife fell from his pants during a scuffle. Blake said he picked it up before heading to a vehicle to drive away with two of his children in the back seat. He said he was prepared to surrender once he put the knife in the vehicle. Sheskey told investigators that he feared for his own safety so he opened fire. A Wisconsin prosecutor declined to file criminal charges against Sheskey, concluding he couldn t disprove the officer s contention that he acted in self-defense because he thought the man would stab him.Court documents do not list an attorney for Sheskey. Blake s federa [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley cup[/url] l complaint against Sheskey, the only defendant, is seeking unspecified damages. Prth Texas agriculture chief Sid Miller won t be charged for Jesus shot trips
SCHENECTADY, N.Y. — A New York high school senior whose rejected yearbook portrait went viral last year committed suicide this week, his parents told a local newspaper.The Albany Times Union reported Saturday that Draven Rodriguez, 17, died Thursday at his home. Another local newspaper, The Daily Gazette, also reported Rodriguez s death Saturday, citing authorities.Rodriguez rose to Internet fame after posing with his cat, Mr. Bugglesworth, last September for a yearbook photo. Schenectady High School refused to [url=https://www.nikeair.fr]air max 1[/url] let him use it but later compromised, according to CBS affiliate WRGB-TV in Albany. Photographer Vincent Giordano created a composite image of Rodriguez and his cat along with Principal Diane Wilkinson holding her Chihuahua, Vivienne. The photo was set to be printed on the principal s yearbook page to raise awareness for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and rescue animals.The teenager s family requested privacy. A spokesperson for the Schenectady school district would not comment on Rodriguez s death but told WRGB grief counselors would be available for students on Sunday afternoon at the high school. [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk[/url] Giordano relea [url=https://www.nikeairforce.es]af1[/url] sed a statement that said, Our condolences go out to Draven s family. We are heartbroken by the news. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-4d7
CASTLE PINES, Colo. 鈥?Cats are diverse creatures. Theirlooks and personalities are as varied as the names humans give them. I ve got Marco. I ve got Polo, Jet and Quinn. Ive had several Sassys, Midnights and Oreos, said Jayma Wessling, one of the founders of Front Range Freedom Rescue.Wessling says she has been bringing stray cats home since she was a little girl, so it j [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley quencher[/url] ust made sense to start a cat-focused rescue with some friends she met at another organization. Since [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley mug[/url] 2019, theyve rescued nearly 4,000 cats from Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Illinois. They have also recruited about 40 families to help foster the cats until they are ready to go to their forever homes. I foster because it s great for our family s mental health, said foster mom Jen Iversen. It s kind of hard to be [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley tumbler[/url] mad when you come home and you sit on the floor and start playing with kittens. While herding thousands of cats has been a group effort, everyone involved says when it comes to pure dedication to the cause, Wessling is the one who goes the extra mile more often than not. I would say of the of the three of us, Jayma is definitely the heart of the organization, said fellow FRFR founder Carol Kuzdek. Jayma will be the first one to drive to Pueblo, wherever she needs to go to pick up kitties. Iversen and Kuzdek also say Wessling is also known for taking in cats they refer to as fospice kitties. [Those are] kitties that are fosters, but they re in hospice, adds Kuzdek. And she Fabf 8-year-old in hospice wants 2,000 cards for Christmas: How to help
While [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley website[/url] those i [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]garrafa stanley[/url] n Wisconsin debate on whether the evergreen at the state capitol is a holiday tree or Christmas tree, those in Rhode Island are having a completely different discussion over the Statehouse s tree.The debate in Rhode Island is on why the Statehouse opted to use an artificial tree over a live Christmas tree. According to WJAR, the Statehouse s tree has upset growers of Christmas evergreens in Rhode Island. It s a tradition that doesn t need to be changed, grower Tim Leyden, owner of Big John Leyden s Tree Farm told WJAR. The Statehouse had always had a live, huge, beautiful tree w [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley italia[/url] here people gather around. And it s the smell, it s the aroma. An artificial tree just can t do it. Leyden said that he has donated trees to the Statehouse in the past. Instead, the state dropped $6,500 on the artificial tree. But the Statehouse has reportedly had issues in the past with real trees. As recently as two years ago, WJAR reported that the tree died 10 days before Christmas. The 2005 tree also shed its needles and turned brown after it was sprayed with a fire retardant. Gov. Gina Raimondo told WJAR that the 18-foot artificial fir was the best option. For whatever reason, we ve gotten into trouble with the fire marshal in the past with the real tree and so many lights, so this year, we just decided to play it safe, Raimondo said.
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Today in the Trump AdministrationBoeingThe president visited the Boeing plant in North Charleston, South Carolina, where the Dreamliner 787-10 is built. Hersquo;ll make remarks at 12:45 p.m. after touring the newest version of the plane.Trump speaks at unveiling of Boeing 787 Dreamliner — live updatesWatch live on CBSNThe president told workers at [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley mug[/url] the plant, we donrsquo;t have a level playing field, but promised that very shortly, there would be a level playing field.His message today, he told them, was that America is going to start winning again, and he promised to fight for more jobs and more better-paying jobs for the loyal citizens of our country. The presidentrsquo visit came just after the workers at th [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley polska[/url] e plant overwhelmingly voted against unionizing.From Charleston, he travels to Mar-a-Lago for the weekend. Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cups[/url] keeping info from himCBS News has learned that on Thursday, an angry President Trump called CIA Director Mike Pompeo and yelled at him for not pushing back hard enough against reports that the intelligence community was withholding information from the commander-in-chief.The agency then drafted a strongly worded statement rebutting the claim. We are not aware of any instance when that has occurred, read Pompeorsquo statement. It is CIArsquo mission to provide the President Xauz DEA chief says smoking marijuana as medicine is a joke
This story was written by Rebecca Black, Th [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley website[/url] e PostThe U.S. Supreme Court decided Friday that Ohio Secretary of State did not have to reprogram the statewide voter registration database before the [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cup[/url] end of the day. The Supreme Court did not rule on whether Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunners office is using the Help America Vote Act correctly. We express no opinion on the question whether Help America Vote Act is being properly implemented, according to unsigned court documents. The Help America Vote Act requires the secretary of state to create a system to match new voter registrations to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Social Security Administration databases. The court unanimously ruled that the Republican Party, a private entity, was not likely to win their argument. They had argued that the U.S. Congress had authorized the lower court to enforce a claim on the Help America Vote Act by a private entity such as themselves. Although Brunner was not made to comply with the lower courts rulings to reprogram the [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley mug[/url] statewide voter registration database, she said Tuesday that her office is trying to make the mismatches available to county boards of elections, according to news releases. David Myhal, of New Albany, filed a lawsuit against Brunner later on Friday in the Ohio Supreme Court. He asked the court to compel the secretary of state to give the county boards of elections the a
The number of workers filing first-time jobless claims fell to another pandemic low, showing that layoffs are abating as the job market heals.Some 406,000 people filed for unemployment aid last week, the Labor Department said Thursday. It s a drop of 38,000 from the prior week, and marks the fourth week in a row that first-time jobless filings have hit a new low. Another 93,000 people applied for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, a federal program for self-employed and gig workers. The decline in applications reflects a swift rebound in economic growth. More Americans are venturing out to shop, travel, dine out and congregate at entertainment venues. The renewed spending has led companies t [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] o seek new workers, with a record number of job openings now being advertised. With businesses complaining they re unable to find workers, most Republican governors have moved to cut off a $300 weekly federal supplement. Next month, 20 states are ending two emergency federal programs mdash; one that provides unemployment aid to gig workers and the self-employed, and another for workers unemployed longer than six months. Nationwide, nearly 16 [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]stanley cup[/url] million people are receiving some form of jobless assistance. The unemployment rate stands at 6.1%, far higher than its pre-pandemic level of 3.5%. This is a developing story. More from CBS News [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] Qufl Beating the heat in New York City
HOUSTON — A portion of the busy Houston Ship Channel was shut Monday after two 600-foot ships collided in fog, causing a leak of flammable liquid.Methyl tertiary-butyl ether, or MTBE, a gasoline additive aboard the Danish-flagged chemical tanker Carla Maersk, leaked from tanks that ruptured in the vessel s collision with a 623-foot Liberian bulk carrier, Conti Peridot, Coast Guard Petty Officer Manda Emery said.Three cargo tanks on the vessel were ruptured, releasing an unknown quantity of the gasoline additive, said Coast Guard Capt. Brian Penoyer, commander of the Houston-Galveston Coast Guard District. This is not a cargo chemical that is easy to clean up, he said.Crews were e [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy[/url] xamining the vessel s tanks to determine how much of the product may have been spilled into the 50-mile channel that connects the Gulf of Mexico to the Port of Houston. Oil in Galveston Bay spill difficult to clean up 02:19 The leak was halted about 90 minutes after the Coast Guard received word of the col [url=https://www.af1.it]af1[/url] lis [url=https://www.conversede.de]converse[/url] ion about 12:40 p.m., Emery said. No injuries were reported but officials asked that the about 350 people who live in the area, known as Morgan s Point, remain inside their homes. They also halted activity at the Barbours Cut Terminal, where cargo vessels are loaded and un
Starting Jan. 1, employers in California [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley cup[/url] will not be able to discriminate against hiring an employee or fire an employee based on their marijuana use outside of work.Those new protections are [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley bottles[/url] thanks to an amendment to Californias Fair Employment and Housing Act that was approved by Gov. Gavin Newsom back in 2022. The bill,Assembly Bill 2188, is the first in the state to provide some type of immunity for employees who use cannabis either recreationally or medically 鈥?both of which are legal in the state and have been for quite some time.Under the new law, employers cant ask potential employees if they use marijuana, nor can they use drug-screening results against hiring them if they show evidence of marijuana use. It will also be illegal to penalize or terminate an employee if that employee is found using marijuana off the clock and away from the workplace.Employers can still restrict marijuana use on the job, however. And those who work or are applying to work a federal job [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley taza[/url] in the state and require clearance from the U.S. Department of Defense can still be disciplined or denied employment for using marijuana outside of work since it is still illegal at the federal level.According to Californias chapter of theNational Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws NORML, the Golden State will join Washington, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Montana and Rhode Island in its workplace protections for recreational marijuana use outside of the job.Washington, D.C., Puer Thnl 4-year-old shot and killed in Philadelphia home invasion
TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?Tampa Mayor Jane Castor has issued a curfew for the City of Tampa following a night of violent protests.The curfew for all businesses and people within the City of Tampa will be from 7:30 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. until further notice. Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister decided not to institute a county-wide curfew.On Saturday, May 30, Gov. Ron DeSantis activated the National Guard. Officials said 100 guards [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]gourde stanley[/url] men were sent to Tampa at 4 p.m. What I saw last night was not a call for voices to be heard, ideas to effect change, or ways to [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley cup[/url] shine a light on ineq [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley hrnek[/url] uality, said Mayor Jane Castor.Earlier Sunday Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan and Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister issued stern warnings to protesters on Sunday. What I saw was shameful, what I saw was heartbreaking. And what I saw did not reflect our community and the values we share. We stand in solidarity with all of the peaceful protests happening in our city and around the country. MUST SEE VIDEO: George Floyd protests in Tampa turn violent; several stores looted, gas station set on fireViolation of the order is a second-degree misdemeanor which carries a penalty of up to 60 days imprisonment and/or a $500 fine. According to Florida Statutes, it could also lead to a first-degree misdemeanor, which carries a penalty of up to one year imprisonment and/or a $1000 fine.The Executive Order takes effect immediately.The Mayor will hold a 5:30 p.m. news briefing on the curfew. Watch it live here, on
President Obama on Thursday announced anadministrative policy changethat will let people keep their existing health insurance for anot [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] her year, but the plan is already facing pushback from Republicans, some Democrats and the insurance industry — with some saying the president s move goes too far, and others saying it doesn t go far enough.The president s decision doesn t force insurers to renew existing insurance plans on the individual and small markets, it only gives them the option [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] of doing so — it also gives them the option of reaching out to the millions of Americans already dropped from plans and letting them renew their coverage for next year.However, already at least one state insurance commissioner — Washington state insurance commissioner Mike Kreidler, a former Democratic member of Congress — said he will not go along with the president s decision.Obama letting people keep canceled health plans for another yearIn depth: Obamacare kicks off I understand that many people are upset by the notices they have re [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley cup[/url] cently received from their health plans and they may not need the new benefits today, Kreidler said in a statement. But I have serious concerns about how President Obama s proposal would be implemented and more significantly, its potential impact on the overall stability of our health insurance market. In the interest of keeping consumer protections in place and keeping costs on the new marketplace down, he said, We are staying the course. We will not be al Yscs The X factor: How Trump ally Elon Musk is using social media to prime voter mistrust ahead of 2024 election
Dotty Lynch, Douglas Kiker, Steve Chaggaris, Clothilde Ewing and Sean Sharifi of The CBS News Political Unit have the latest from the nation [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup price[/url] s capital.Issa Joins No On The Recall Team: The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that the Oct. 7 California recall election should take place as previously planned. For complete coverage of the court s decision, please visit CBSNews. Meanwhile, the self-described god [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley cup[/url] father of the recall drive seems to be having second thoughts. Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican lawmaker who bankrolled the campaign to gather enough signatures to force a recall vote on Gov. Gray Davis, said Monday that he ll urge voters to oppose the recall if it appears Lt. Go [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley termoska[/url] v. Cruz Bustamante would win because of a splintered GOP ticket, the Los Angeles Times reports. Issa said that if neither state Sen. Tom McClintock nor actor Arnold Schwarzenegger drops out of the race, he d advise people to vote against the recall. As somebody who some people call the godfather of the recall, nobody should be more determined to remove Gray Davis from office, he said. But, Issa added, When you vote, if there are still two major Republicans on the ballot hellip; then I advise you to vote no on the recall. Schwarzenegger s big debate debut happens Wednesday night. The Sacramento event, sponsored by the California Broadcasters Association, could be the most widely watched debate in California history, the AP reports. The forum
House Republicans are proposing that the Pentagon receive more than $584 billion in discretionary funding for 2018, more than $18 billion above President Trump s request, according to a summary provided by the House Appropriations Committee.The House Appropriations [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley france[/url] Defense subcommittee approved the measure Monday evening, advancing it to the full committee. The funding covers the next fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. The bill appears to assume that Congress will raise spending caps set by a 2011 law before lawmakers approve a 2018 funding package. If Congress doesn t pass another bipartisan budget deal raising those spending limits, the defense spending cap for 2018 is $549 billion. For overseas military operations such as those against the Islamic S [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley cup[/url] tate in Iraq and Syria ISIS, the bill would provide $73.9 billion for the overseas contingency operations OCO fund and the Global War on Terrorism fund. A summary of the measure said that the OCO fundi [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] ng also provides critical support to our key allies, such as Israel, Ukraine and Jordan, to resist aggression. The legislation covers funding for military personnel and pay, operations and maintenance projects, research and development and equipment procurement. The bill would provide funding for the Pentagon to acquire 11 Navy ships, two guided missile destroyers, 56 Black Hawk helicopter and 12 unmanned aerial vehicles, among other things. It would provide $282 million for cance Elit Trump administration suspends all security assistance to Pakistan
LEAKS!....Southern California is once again facing a major drought, and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has urged residents to reduce water use. So how are LA officials themselves doing Well, it turns out that the water use histories of elected officials are public record who knew, and both Villaraigosa and city [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley mug[/url] attorney Rocky Delgadillo have been using enough water to float a rice barge. So what s their excuse Villaraigosa blamed his comparatively high water use at Mount Washington on gophers that chewed holes through a rubberized drip-irrigation system installed beneath his hillside backyard to protect against erosion and to ostensibly save water… We were unable to determine there was a leak. It s underground, he said.....Delgadillo s backyard sprinkler system and his house have had innumerable leaks over the past few years, said spokesman Nick Velasquez, adding that [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]stanley termosy[/url] Delgadillo and hi [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] s wife, Michelle, have worked to identify and repair these leaks, and continue to recognize the importance of water conservation. Gophers Leaks That was the best they could come up with These guys are never going to make it into big league politics at this rate. Not that their futures look bright at the moment anyway. Between Villaraigosa s philandering and Delgadillo s wife s accidental personal use 151; and subsequent trashing 151; of a city vehicle, LA city politics is wide open for a newcomer right now. It could be you!
After promising to make a firm announcement on where he stands on abortion rights, former President Donald Trump said Monday that the issue should be left up to the states.He made the announcement in a video released on his social media platform Truth Social. The presum [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley botella[/url] ptive Republican nominee fell short of taking a definitive position on what is likely to be a deciding issue for many voters come November. My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote, or legislation, or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land 鈥?in this case 鈥?the law of the state. Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others. And that s what they will be, Trump said in his video.His remarks come as the U.S. waited to see if the former president would stand behind some sort of national ban. There had been previous reporting suggesting he would back a 15- or 16-week national ban. He has now made clear his official position is to leave abortion rights to the states.In the video Trump also said h [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley bottles[/url] es proudly responsible for the overturning of Roe v. Wade back in the summer of 2022. He had appointed three of the six justices who [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley mugs[/url] voted to take down the Roe v. Wade decision.SEE MORE: Health experts concerned over Supreme Court restricting abortion pillPresident Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential electi Dmtz School ventilation a major concern as children return to the classroom
The Womens National Basketball Association WNBA says 99% of its players are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19.In a st [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley thermos[/url] atement, the league said all of its 12 teams have also met its threshold for being considered a fully vaccinated team. Additionally, the WNBA says zero new players have tested positive for the novel coronavirus since its regular season began on May 14.The WNBAs players union reacted to the vaccination news Monday by thanking the experts, physicians, and other health care professionals who dedicated time to its player-led vaccine education sessions during the offseason.It appears the WNBA is leading other professional sports leagues in the U.S. ESPN reported on June 25 that about 65% of National Football League NFL players had received at least one shot of a vaccine.Meanwhile, at least 23 Major League Baseball MLB teams have reached that leagues 85% vaccination threshold, The Associated Press reports.Its unclear how many NBA players have been vaccinat [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley vaso[/url] ed at this point, but the leagues commissioner, Adam Silver, said in April that more than 70% of players had received at least one shot, according to NBC Sports. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-below .Link font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova, sans [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley termosky[/url] -serif; Report a typo
The Big Ten commissioner on Wednesday pu [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] blished an open letter explaining the conference s decision to suspend fall 2020 sports until at least the spring. In the letter, Kevin Warren said the vote by the Big Ten Council of Presidents and Chancellors to suspend the season was overwhelmingly in support of postponing fall sports and will not be revisited. The letter was published a few days after several offi [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] cials from Big Ten universities said it was unclear whether or not a formal vote was ever taken, CBS Sports reports. It s unclear whether there was ever a vote or not, Penn State athletic director Sandy Barbour said Monday on a Zoom call. Last week, University of Minnesota president Joan Gabel said, We didn t vote, per se. It s a deliberative process where we came to a decision together. She noted that she fully supports the decision, however.In Wednesday s letter, Warren outlined the main reasons the conference decided to postpone the season, a decision that was announced just six days after the football schedule had been released. Among the chief concerns, Warren noted transmission rates continue to rise at an alarming rate with little indication from medical experts that our campuses, communities or [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley cup[/url] country could gain control of the spread of the virus prior to the start of competition. The letter also points out that as more students return to campus for the start of the fall semester, spread to student-athletes could reint Sech Don Shula, legendary Miami Dolphins head coach, has died at age 90
A suspect is in custody for the brutal attack on an elderly woman on a subway train in New York City, the New York Police Department said on Saturday. In video that was posted online, the suspect walked up to the 78-year-old woman and kicked her in the face multiple times before exiting the train.The victim was treated at a nearby station for cuts and bruises to her face, CBS New York reported.Video that was posted online of the attack was viewed more than 11 million times. The NYPD said Saturday that Marc Gomez, 36, was charged with several counts of assault and harassment.NYPD Chief of Detectives Dermot Sh [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus[/url] ea tweeted that the attack happened March 10, 2019, at Nereid Ave Station in the Bronx. He was apprehended on Saturday, Shea said. Tha [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] nk you to the worldwide community for the tremendous assistance, Shea wrote. Individual below is WANTED for a heinous attack of an elderly woman aboard a 2 train on March 10, 2019, at approx 3:10am, at the Nereid Ave Station in the Bronx. If you know who he is or have info, contact CRIMESTOPPERS @NYPDTips ANONYMOUSLY 800-577-TIPS YourCityYourCall pic.twitter/mmrhdkEhmhmdash; Chief Dermot F. Shea @NYPDDetectives March 22, 2019 More from CBS News Arrest made in c [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] amper s murder, initially reported as a bear attack
A report Friday morning claims Russian President Vladimir Putin gave direct instructions to help elect Donald Trump president.According to a Washington Post investigation, former President Obama received a secret CIA report in August.That report captured Putin s specific instructions on the operation s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. CBS News confirmed last year that U.S. intelligence officials knew that the Russian government operation to interfere in the U.S. election had been approved by Putin himself, but they were reluctant to reveal how much they knew out of concern that sources and methods could be compromised, CBS News justice and homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports. WaPo reporter Greg Miller on Putin election interference report [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley flask[/url] 05:04 The Post reports that U.S. intelligence agencies ha [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup becher[/url] d sourcing deep inside the Russian government capturing Putin s direct instructions in the operation. The Post also reports that before he left office Mr. Obama set in motion a secret program that authorized the deployment of i [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] mplants in Russian networks — digital bombs that could be triggered in a retaliatory cyberstrike in the event of Moscow aggression — and that it would be up to Pre Sney Obama: Afghan Election an Important Step Forward
By the way, Barack Obama s 61-to-38 percent victory in Wyoming owed very much to two counties: Albany Laramie and Teton Jackson Hole. They re both atypical of the state. Laramie is the home of the University of Wyoming, and some 24 [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] percent of registered voters showed up--much more than in almost any other county in the state. Obama led there 75 to 24 percent. Teton County, filling up with liberal rich people [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.es]stanley cup[/url] who have made their money elsewhere and are now placing their residences in Wyoming, which does not have an income tax, was the only county in t [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley tazas[/url] he state to vote for John Kerry in 2004. In Idaho, similarly, the county that is by far the richest in the state, Blaine, home of Sun Valley, was the only county in Idaho to vote for Kerry, whose wife happens to have one of her five houses there. In Teton County, it appears that 37 percent of registered Democrats showed up for the caucuses, and they voted 80 to 20 percent for Obama.By way of comparison, the counties that historically have been the most Democratic in Wyoming, Carbon and Sweetwater on the Union Pacific Railroad line, had much lower turnout 10 and 8 percent of registered Democrats and voted for Clinton. Albany and Teton counties produced a 1,329-vote margin for Obama, 64 percent of his 2,066-vote statewide margin. Carbon and Sweetwater counties produced a 99-vote margin for Clinton. The wealthy and highly educated seem to have replaced the white working class as the dominant force in the Democratic Party, eve
U.S. food safety regulators have issued an alert for a soup product sold at Whole Foods stores that has incorrect labeling for the product inside the containers.The public health alert was issued for a birria-inspired beef soup product for misbranding issues, along with an undeclared allergen warning. The soups that are labeled as a birria-inspired beef soup product, may actuall [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]vaso stanley[/url] y contain a plant-based chicken noodle soup that includes sesame, which is a known allergen, and it is not declared on the product label, the U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service said.Since the products are no longer available for customers to purchase, a recall was not issues, just an alert to consumers.SEE MORE: 1,377 pounds of precooked chicken from Wayne Farms, LLC recalledThe 24 oz. plastic containers are labeled as Whole Foods Market Kitchens Birria-Inspired Beef Soup with Homin, with a Use By date of 01/02/24, and the lot code 11183. The top label on the containers says Whole F [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] oods Market Kitchens plant-based chicken noodle soup made with plant-based protein. Does not contain chicken. This labeling [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] was determined to be incorrect because consumers may see the beef soup label and not realize there is plant-based chicken noodle soup inside.The soup products were known to have been shipped to states including, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.A store employee noticed the discrepancy in the labeling and alerted proper authorities so that the FSIS co Rnfd Rubber-like material found inside hamburger patties prompts recall
Two men were arrested after trying to conceal nearly 160 pounds of marijuana in their luggage, and conceal the smell with the strong odor of air freshener, according to Metro Nashville Police.Trung Tieu pictured left above and Tinh Tran right were both arrested Tuesday night at the Nashville Airport. Police say two K-9 s alerted them to four pieces of luggage coming off Southwest Airlines Flight 364 from Oakland. The bags had clear food saver style vacuum sealed bags visible, sticking out of the zipper.The two men were located, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley cup nz[/url] and agreed to open the luggage for police. The marijuana was wrapped in a bed sheet [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley flask[/url] in each of the bags. Police say the two men were also in possession of cell phones that rang constantly while they were with them. Both were connecting in Nashville to Jacksonville, Florida. The two men will face felony charges.Here s 159 lbs of marijuana that was packed into 4 suitcases. MNPD do [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley mug[/url] g Boston helped find it at BNA after it flew here from OAK Tue night. The owners of the suitcases, Trung Tieu, 40, of Philadelphia, Tihn Tran, 56, of Murphy, TX, are jailed; didn t make their JAX connection. pic.twitter/GG6A7f0j7I 鈥?Metro Nashville PD @MNPDNashville January 16, 2019
McDonald s Quarter Pounder hamburger [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.es]stanley cup[/url] s are being linked to an outbreak of E. coli that has sickened nearly 50 people in 10 states, killing one person, federal health officials said Tuesday.Most sick people reported eating Quarter Pounders from McDonald s, and investigators are working to confirm which food ingredient is contaminated, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.A total of 49 cases have been reported so far. Most of the illnesses occurred in Colorado and Nebraska, with 26 sickened in the former and nin [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] e stricken in the latter, the CDC stated. Of the 26 who fell ill in Colorado, an older adult died, the CDC [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] said. Health officials in Utah and Wyoming each reported four illnesses. Other states reporting illnesses include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oregon and Wisconsin. At least 10 people have been hospitalized. The illnesses began at the end of September, and the most recent incident occurred as of Oct. 11.Another person developed hemolytic uremic syndrome HUS, a serious condition that can cause kidney failure, according to the CDC. The person who died is not the same person with HUS. Initial findings from the investigation indicate that a subset of illnesses may be linked to slivered onions used in the Quarter Pounder and sourced by a single supplier that serves three distribution centers, Cesar Pintilde;a, the company s North America chief supply chain officer, said in a statement.McDonald s r Vney Utah faces backlash over unprecedented drunk driving law
After campaigning throughout the Hawkeye State on Tuesday, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden each have one event in Iowa in the evening. OurPolitical Unit intern Julia Chernerreviewed a copy of Biden s prepared remarks and counts 84 times the former vice president will say Trump or he, and an additional 17 times that he will say his or him in reference to the president mdash; making a total of 101 Trump mentions.CBS News White House producer Fin Gomezconfirmedearlier today that an internal poll conducted by Mr. Trump s reelection campaign found Mr. Trump trailing Biden in some key battleground states in a hypothetical general election matchup, according to two sources with knowledge of the poll.The campaign a [url=https://www.adidasoriginal.it]adidas originals[/url] lso found Biden doi [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] ng well in st [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ates Mr. Trump won in 2016 and would need to win again to ensure reelection to a second term. The poll was conducted by campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio, and its findings were first reported byThe New York Times. The poll found Biden doing well across a broad swath of the country, including Rust Belt states like Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin, as well as Florida, North Carolina and Arizona. A number of public polls have shown Biden leading the president, including aQuinnipiac University national surveyreleased Tuesday that found Biden ahead 53% to 40%.Read more about the internal pollhere. FROM THE CANDIDATESMAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG:Buttigieg gave his most substantivespeecht
With everything from Brexit to the Iran nuclear deal to Russian hackers in the headlines this fall, foreign policy is playing a major role in the 2016 presidential campaign.And Americarsquo relationship with the rest of the world plays a big part in Republican nominee Donald Trumprsquo overall platform: his now-famous slogan, Make America Great Aga [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley quencher[/url] in, is a reference to his view that the United States no longer holds the esteem and power in the world that it once did. Trump has pitched an America First foreign policy, a phrase that was first used to discourage U.S. involvement in World War II. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo, he said during his acceptance speech at the Republican convention this summer. A [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley deutschland[/url] s long as we are led by politicians who will not put America first, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect. This will all change in 2017. [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley taza[/url] Here are some key components of Trumprsquo stated views on foreign policy: Build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico borderThis is one of Trumprsquo first and most recognizable foreign policy goals: to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, which he says Mexico will pay for.Trump traveled to Mexico to meet with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in late August; the pair spoke of a productive and informative meeting, but got into an international dust-up over whether and how they Opig Column: Quid Pro $700 Billion Quo
Zach Hoffman was confident his small business would qualify for a new tax cut in President Barack Obama s health care overhaul law.But when he ran the numbers, Hoffman discover [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley thermoskannen[/url] ed that his office furniture company wouldn t get any assistance with the $79,200 it pays annually in premiums for its 24 employees. It leaves you with this feeling of a bait-and-switch, he said.When the administration unveiled the small business tax credit earlier this week, officials touted its broad eligibility for companies with fewer than 25 workers and average annual wages under $50,000 that provide health coverage. Hoffman s workers earn an average of $35,000 a year, which makes it all the more difficult to understand why his company didn t qualify. CBSNews Special Report: Health CareLost in the fine print: The cred [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup becher[/url] it drops off sharply once a company gets above 10 workers and $25,000 average annual wages. It s an example of how the early provisions of the health care law can create winners and losers among groups lawmakers intended to help — people with health problems, families with young adult children and small businesses. Because of the la [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley mug[/url] w s complexity, not everyone in a broadly similar situation will benefit.Consider small businesses: The idea here is to target the credits to a relatively low number of firms, those who are low-wage and really quite small, said economist Linda Blumberg of the Urban Institute public policy center. The smalle
PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. 鈥?Wander Franco has been placed on administrative leave by Major League Baseball as the league and law enforcement continue to investigate alleged relationships with underage girls in the Dominican Republic, according to ESPN s Jeff Passan.Franco had been on a seven-day stay on the restricted list, which ended Tuesday ahead of the Tampa Bay Rays homestand opener against Colorado.The 22-year-old All-Star shortstop was placed on the restricted list for a week on Aug. 14 while MLB launched an investigation foll [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley cup[/url] owing social media posts suggesting Franco was in a relationship with a minor. The AP has not been able to verify the reported posts.脕ngel Dar铆o Tejeda Fabal, a prosecutor in the Dominican Republic province of Peravia, said an investigation into Franco was open under a division specializing in minors and gender violence.Franco was held out of the Rays lineup on Aug. 13 in what manager Kevin Cash said was a day off, then missed a six-game West Coast trip while on the restricted list.MLB and the Players Association agreed to the joint domestic violence policy in 2015. It allows a player to be placed on ad [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley taza[/url] ministrative leave for seven days but allows for MLB to request [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley water bottle[/url] extensions while it investigates.A player continues to receive pay and accrue major league service while on administrative leaveIn a statement, MLB said the current stay on administrative leave is not considered disciplinary under the collective bargaining agreement.Los Angeles Dodgers pi Orgb Lorenzo Brino: 7th Heaven actor dies at 21
Tokyo Olympic athletes beware 鈥?particularly larger ones.The bed frames in the Athletes Village at this years Olympics will be made of cardboard [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]stanley cup[/url]. Sturdy cardboard. Those beds can stand up to 200 kilograms, explained Takashi Kitajima, the general manager of the Athletes Village, speaking through an interpreter. Thats about 440 pounds, and surely no Olympic athlete weighs tha [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]stanley kubek[/url] t much. They are stronger than wooden beds, Kitajima added.He also took into account the possibility of a wild room celebration after, say, a gold-medal victory. Of course, wood and cardboard would each break if you jumped on them, he said.The single bed frames will be recycled into paper products after the games. The mattress componen [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley cup[/url] ts 鈥?the mattresses are not made of cardboard 鈥?will be recycled into plastic products.The mattress is broken up into three distinct sections, and the firmness of each can be adjusted.The idea was to use materials that could be remade after the Olympics and Paralympics. But the cardboard frames and supports should give the rooms a spartan look. Organizers showed off the beds and a few other furnishings on Thursday at their headquarters. The entire Athletes Village complex will be completed in June. The Olympics open on July 24 followed by the Paralympics on Aug. 25. The organizing committee was thinking about recyclable items, and the bed was one of the ideas, Kitajima explained, crediting local Olympic sponsor Airweave Inc. for the execution.Organizers say this is the fir
Gregg Berhalter was fired 10 months into his second stint as U.S. men s soccer coach, leaving the Americans searching for a leader les [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley cup[/url] s than two years before they host the World Cup.Berhalter was dismissed Wednesday, nine days after his team s first-round exit from the Copa America flamed doubts he was the right person to remain in charge. The Copa America result is extremely disappointing and I take full responsibility for our performance, Berhalter said in a statement. Our approach and process was always focused on the 2026 World Cup and I remain confident that this group will be one of the great stories in 2026. U.S. men s soccer coach Gregg Berhalter walks across the field at the end of th [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley cup[/url] e Copa America group C match between the United States and Uruguay at Arrowhead Stadium on July 1, 2024, in Kansas City, Missouri. [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley cup[/url] Bill Barrett/ISI Photos/USSF/Getty Images for USSF After opening the Copa America with a 2-0 win over Bolivia, the U.S. lost to Panama 2-1 while playing most of the match a man short due to Tim Weah s ejection, then were eliminated with a 2-1 defeat to Uruguay. The U.S. had seven wins, six losses and one draw in his second stint, leaving his overall record at 44 wins, 17 losses and 13 draws. When Berhalter returned to the bench last September, he proclaimed the team s goal was to change soccer in America forever Hldm Photographing Afghanistan by iPhone
RALEIGH, N.C. — A federal judge has dismissed a challenge toa North Carolina law that allows magistrates to refuse to marry same-sexcouples by citing religious beliefs.The judge in Asheville dismissed a lawsuit filed by three couples 8203;, two gay and one interracial. The judge ruled that the couples lackedlegal standing as taxpayers to sue and lacked evidence showing they were harmeddirectly by the law taking effect in June 2015. Still, U.S. District Judge MaxCogburn wrote there is potential someone could suffer real harm because of thelaw.The plaintiffsrsquo; lawyers filed [url=https://www.hokas.com.de]hoka[/url] a notice Wednesday [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] thattheyrsquo;ll appeal Tuesdayrsquo ruling to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. North Carolina is one of only two states the other being Utah with suchreligious-objection laws that are being enforced. About 5 percent of NorthCarolinarsquo magistrates have filed recusal notices.In North Carolina, any officialrsquo decision to opt out applies to all marriages — same-sex and heterosexual — for at le [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas samba[/url] ast six months.The law was pushed by Republicans and passed in mid-2015over the veto of GOP Gov. Pat McCrory. Backers of the law saidthat it protects religious freedom and that government employees should be allowed religious accommodation if marrying same-sex couples runs counter to their beliefs. The lawsuit focusedprimarily on the magistrate exception, arguing that it treats gay and lesbian couples differently, in violation of
A growing number of congressional Republicans have expressed that they re open to investigating the legality or even banning bump stocks — [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]water bottle stanley[/url] the devices the Las Vegas shooter used to modify his semi-automatic weapons so they fired with the rapidity of automatic weapons. Since the mid-1980s, machine guns that fire multiple shots with one pull of the trigger have been illegal but bump stocks are currently legal. Using this attachment, the stock of the gun rebounds after the recoil from the bullet leaving the barrel. The rebound, caused by air pressure from a gap in the stock sends the gun forward into the shooter s stationary finger, which unleashes a volley of shots. The gun keeps firing as long as the trigger is depressed and there s ammunition in the magazine.Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley tumbler[/url] had a dozen of these in his hotel suite Sunday, enabling him to shoot more than 500 people at a country music festival. He killed 59 people and wounded more than 500.While Republicans, including President Trump, have dismissed the idea of tightening gun laws and have stressed that it s not the time to politicize Sunday s tragedy, some say they want to look into bump stocks and potentially place restrictions on them. Ohio Gov. John Kasich was asked on CBS This Morning on Thursd [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] ay if he would support outlawing bump stock devices and he replied, Oh, yeah of course. Gekn 21st Century Excuses
TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?When our world locked down in March 2020, many of our lives changed forever. Remote medicine is one area where things continue to make dramatic turns.Hospitals were at capacity, patients searched for beds, and the sick and dying were lined up in emergency rooms worldwide, waiting for care. It is hard to go back and relive those horrific first days. But, the pandemic forced medical professionals to find ways to treat patients better. And it s a very [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] innovative idea, Dr. Pete Chang said. The beginnings of these programs really started with COVID. When we were starting to look at how we can get patients home sooner safely, we did some remot [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] e patient monitoring of our COVID patients, and that s really where it started. Chang is the medical director of the TGH at Home program and said this is a first-of-its-kind program in the Tampa Bay Area. If you d have asked me two or three years ago if this was possible, I would have said maybe, Dr. Chang said. I think the pandemic definitely taught us a lot about how to treat patients remotely. We re taking those concepts and applying them across all disease processes now. To qualify, patients have to be admitted to the hospital for care, and right now, must be covered by Medicare or a handful of sele [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ct Medicare Advantage programs. Therefore, highly sick people would not qualify for the program; the qualifying conditions are congestive heart failure, urinary tract infection, cellulitis, COPD, and diabetes. I had pneumonia, Kezn NASA s Artemis I rocket launch delayed again
DoorDash customers can now order groceries through its app.The company announced that they have partnered up with several grocery stores in select cities across the country to limit people s trip to stores due to COVID-19.Customers will be able to purchase from stores like Smart Final, Meijer, and Fresh Thyme.In the coming weeks, the company will partner up with Hy-Vee and Gristedes/D agostino. DoorDash provides another convenient way for customers to get the value, selection, and quality that Smart Final offers, especially at a time [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley quencher[/url] when some are looking to limit trips outside the [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley en mexico[/url] ir homes, said Navin Cotton, Director of Digital Commerce, Smart Final in the press release. DoorDash s on-demand grocery service is a nice addition to our online shopping options, and with delivery in under an hour, we know Smart Final customers are going to appreciate it. DoorDash will also deliver prepared meals from partnering grocers like Wegmans, Hy-Vee, and others.There is a delivery fee of $3.99 for each grocery order. There is no grocery fee if you re part of DoorDash s subscription service, DashPass, which costs $9.99/month.The company said they ve also enabled contactless deliv [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] ery.
Face the Nation Guest Lineup:Vice President Mike PenceGov. Jay Inslee, WashingtonSen. Tim Scott, South CarolinaSherrilyn Ifill,President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense an [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley cup[/url] d Educational Fund, Inc.Dr. Scott Gottlieb,Former FDA CommissionerHow to watch Face the Nation Date: Sunday, June 28, 2020TV: Face the Nation airs Sunday mornings on CBS. Click here for your local listingsRadio: Subscribe to Face the Nation from CBS Radio News to listen on-the-goFree online stream [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup[/url]: Watch a rebroadcast of the show on CBS streaming network CBSN at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. ET.With the latest news and analysis from Washington, don t miss Margaret Brennan @margbrennan this Sunday on Face the Nation @FaceTheNation .And for the latest from America s premier public affairs program, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. More from CBS News Full transcript of Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan, Nov. 3, 2024 Transcript Sen. C [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] atherine Cortez Masto on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan, Nov. 3, 2024 Transcript: Mohamed El-Erian on F Adtb Drugmaker says it is working on coronavirus vaccine
Boston saw a deluge of hailstorms on Tuesday which caught the attention of numerous people who took out cellphones to document the extreme weather conditions.Videos show hail blanket yards and roads — so much in one neighborhood it was rushing down the street. A view of the hailstorm that covered Boston on Tue., June 27, 2017. Courtesy of donaldtrumpnewstoday In Tewksbury, the quiet summer afternoon was abruptly interrupted by persistent pinging and pelting of hail, CBS Boston reports. I was working up in my office and it was threatening and loud and thunder. No precip [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cups[/url] itation, Steve Murthey told CBS Boston. All the sudden just bam. Down came the hail and within a minute and a half, two minutes we had a coating of hail. And just like a handful of Dippin Dots ice cream, the hail melted away as quickly as it came. If you don t like the weather, wait. [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus[/url] Within ten minutes it was sunny again, Murthey said.It took a bit longer for things to return to normal in Concord where a huge, rotted tree cracked in half, ripping wires and knocking out power. I took a lot of trees down because I was always worried about having one on my head, said Bob Ellis. They re dangerous because they look really good but they re not. This one here has huge ho [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] les in the center. Thank God nobody got hurt, said Lori Ellis. No cars were crossing un
The Senate will vote Wednesday evening on a continuing resolution to fund the government through December 11, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced on Wednesday, and President Trump must sign the resolution by midnight in order to averta government shutdown. We will clear it sometime tonight, McConnell told reporters. The House passed the continuing resolution earlier this month with an overwhelming majority after House Demo [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley water bottle[/url] crats, Republicans and the White House agreed to a deal. It passed 359-57-1, with only 56 Republicans and libertarian Representative Justin Amash opposing it, and Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voting present.Mr. Trump has not said whether he will sign the legislation, but doing so will avoid a shutdown in the last few weeks before Election Day. The resolution includes nearly $8 billion more for nutrition assistance programs and renews provisions of public health and transportation programs that were set to expire.McConnell also told reporters that House Democrats and Senate Republicans remain far apart on a deal over coronavirus relief legislation. Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are meeting to continue negotiations on Wednesday, after House Democrats proposed a $2 trillion aid bill on M [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] onday. McConnell told reporters that the price tag was outlandish and too high [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url]. More from CBS News Xror FDA ends emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID
The START nuclear arms reduction treaty is fac [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley cup[/url] ing increasing Republican opposition, but President Barack Obama said Thursday that ratifying it is a national security imperative, the Associated Press reports.Obama told reporters on Thursday the stakes for America are high, and that there is no higher national security priority for Congress to address. He spoke during a meeting with top aides and key backers of the pact, including former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright, James Baker and Henry Kissinger, and former defense secretaries William Cohen and William Perry.Opposition to the START nuclear arms reduction treaty has been building among Sen [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley cup[/url] ate Republicans, but they are now facing a rebuke [url=https://www.cup-stanley.com.de]stanley cup[/url] from their colleagues, political opponents and predecessors. The START treaty would reduce U.S. and Russian strategic warheads to 1,550 for each country from the current ceiling of 2,200. It also would set up new procedures to allow both countries to inspect each other s arsenals to verify compliance.Sen. Richard Luger of Indiana, the ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, issued a stinging public statement against members of his own party, accusing them of being intentionally obstructionist on arms reduction for political gain and also imperiling national security, reports Foreign Policy magazine. At the moment, the Republican caucus is tied up in a situation where people don t want to make choices, Lugar told r
Byron Rice-McCready grew up in public housing in southeast Baltimore, where a [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup becher[/url] ll those in his situation were grouped together. Today, he represents where public housing might be headed鈥?stability, supported by vouchers.Baltimore was one of the first cities to build a robust program around vouchers. That was twenty years ago. Now, cities from Bu [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley vaso[/url] ffalo to San Diego have started their own voucher programs. Cities like Cleveland and Nashville are part of federally funded pilots. In those cities alone, there are nearly 500,000 potential beneficiaries.Adria Crutchfield is the executive director of the Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership. There are over 4,300 households that we assist, and the majority of them are doing exactly what Byron is doing: you know, working hard, looking out for their kids, leveraging the opportunity that has been provided through entering our program, Crutchfield said. We just simply dont often hear about it. Part of why these programs are growing in size is because the cities that run them are showing what works. Rice-McCready doesnt just receive vouchers for rent. He received counseling before and after his move. He selected a subdivision in Columbia, M [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] aryland, where his neighbors arent all in his situation. It fits with the findings of a groundbreaking study from last summer that found the biggest factor in low-income children reaching higher income brackets is making friends with those across brackets.Rice-McCready made more than just friends. He me Vbto Feds reach settlement with Premom over improper data sharing
BENNETT, Colo. 鈥?A military family made their way from Virginia to Colorado and didn t even have a chance to move in before thieves stole their moving truck with all of their belongings inside.Evan Salas, his wife Stacey and their thre [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]starbucks stanley cup[/url] e little girls were excited when he received orders that would bring their family to Colorado. Salas is in the Air Force, and he s starting a new job at Buckley Air Force Base. So, we moved from Virginia, moved across the country. We packed up our stuff into a 26-foot Penske moving truck, Salas said. He and his family were exhausted after the four-day drive. They pulled into the parking lot of a hotel near the Denver International Airport just before midnight. The next morning, they would drive to [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup becher[/url] their new home and unpack. When Salas woke up in the morning, he lo [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley cup[/url] oked outside and saw the truck was missing. I was hoping, hoping that maybe it had just been towed, but that, unfortunately, was not the case, Salas said. Somebody came in the middle of the night with the intention, specifically, of stealing, and they stole from us everything. The truck had all their belongings inside, including furniture, clothes and outdoor gear they bought for their adventures in Colorado. There were also boxes full of family heirlooms, photos and their collection of Christmas ornaments. Stuff from my career, stuff that I have worked hard to achieve and earn. Military coin collection is gone. Weve lost family silverware, all of our Christmas ornaments 鈥?everythi
An Army trainee in So [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] u [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cup[/url] th Carolina has been charged after he allegedly hijacked a school bus packed with children. The suspect was identified as Jovan Collazo, 23, of New Jersey. Officials said Collazo was armed, but no one was injured in the incident.Collazo will face dozens of charges, including 19 counts of kidnapping for the 18 children and driver on board, according to Sheriff Leon Lott, of Richland County. Lott said it was probably one of the scariest calls we can get in law enforcement. Brigadier General Milford Beagle said the recruit jumped the fence at Fort Jackson in an attempt to return home. Beagle said his weapon did not have ammunition but those on the bus would not know that. The elementary school students on the bus were more than he could han [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] dle. The kids started asking lots of questions to the suspect, Lott said. The suspect got a little frustrated. Lott said the trainee let the children and the driver off the bus then continued to drive for a couple more miles. He eventually left the rifle on the bus and went through neighborhoods attempting to get rides and clothes, Lott said. You can just imagine they were scared to death, Lott said, CBS affiliate WLTX reported. I ll give the bus driver credit, he kept his cool. His main concern was the safety of the kids and he did his job. More from CBS News Xgof Universities respond to Trump travel ban
Deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters is lea [url=https://www.conversede.de]converse[/url] ving her post in the White House communications shop after more than two years on the job, calling it an honor and a privilege to serve the president. Walters is heading to the public relations firm Edelman where she ll serve as vice president of U.S. public affairs. I am humbled to have walked through the halls of history and thankful for my incredible colleagues in the Administration, as well as those in the press, Walters said in a statement on Tuesday. Walters superior, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called her a vital member of the press team. Her focus, loyalty, and professionalism are unparalleled. Lindsay has helped us thrive every day and her steadfastness is matchless. Not only has she been a pillar for our staff, but she has become a friend and someone who will be missed by all of us who have had the privilege of working with her the last two years, Sanders added. Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said the president was thankful for her service to the administration, saying, There are few talents who also have the savvy, sophistication, and street smarts to thrive inside a West Wing as [url=https://www.nikeair.fr]air max 1[/url] intense as this one. Lindsay Walters is one of them. Since joining the administration at the start of Mr. Trump s presidency, Walters has been a part of the communications department, focusing financial issues, including trade and Wall Street. Bef [url=https://www.airforces.us]air force 1[/url] ore joining
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-New York and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-New Jersey, urged their colleagues in Congress on Thursday to further fund hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico, as the the island continues to struggle months after it was ravaged by Hurricane Maria.Both Gillibrand and Menendez have sizable constituencies from Puerto Rico, and with another government spending deadline fast approaching, they want Congress to provide more funding than it already has. So far, Congress and the Trump administration have signed off on more than $36 billion in disaster relief for Puerto Rico and other disaster-affected areas, and the White House has asked for more. But Puerto Rico says more is still needed.Much of Puerto Rico s residents are still in need of safe drinking water and electricity. As of this week, only 65 percent of the island has elect [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cups[/url] ricity, CBS News David Begnaud reports. You see families with pain on their faces, who clearly are trying to tell Congress that we need help, Gillibrand said.Gillibrand urged her colleagues to pay heed to Puerto Rico s governor, who wants still more federal funding for recovery efforts. Gov. Ricardo Rossello estimates the U.S. Caribbean territory s economy will shrink by about 11 percent by 2019, and its population will dip by about 8 percent, stagg [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] ering numbers econom [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley cup[/url] ically speaking. Gillibrand chastised the federal government s response to to Puerto Rico, which critics have characterized Tpkv Drama at the border: Caravan kept from entering U.S.
Christine O Donnell, the Delaware GOP Senate nominee, said during a 2003 television appearance that she agreed with the suggestion that she wanted to stop the whole country from having sex. She made the comments during a discussion of her efforts to keep young people from having sex before marriage.Check out the video at left, which a Democratic source provided to the Washington Post s Greg Sargent. It s the latest video showing memorable comments from O Donnell, who appeared regularly as a television commentator before becoming a politician. In the video, O Donnell is shown on MSNBC debating Eric Nies, who was talking about his efforts to encourage young people to practice safe sex. I tell them to be careful, Nies says in the video. You have to w [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] ear a condom. You have to protect yourself when you re going to have sex, cause they re having it anyway. There s nothing that you or me can do about it. O Donnell responds: The sad reality is — yes, there is something you can do about it. And the sad reality, to tell them slap on a condom is not… Interjects Nies: You re going to stop t [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley borraccia[/url] he whole country from having sex Replies O Donnell: Yeah. Yeah. I m a young woman in my thirties and I remain chaste, she adds. It s unrealistic to think they re just going to do it anyway. Kids are not just dogs in heat. As Salon notes, O Donnell told the [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]stanley termosy[/url] Wilmington News Journal in 2004 that in college as the News Journal writes sh
Pensacola, Florida ndash; Joshua Kaleb Watson was one of three people killed by a gunman Friday at Naval Air Station Pensacola, CBS News has learned.The 23-year-old graduated this year from the United States Naval Academy, CBS [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] News David Begnaud reports. As a student, the Alabama native made the Dean s List, and he was captain of the rifle team.Watson s brother said in a Facebook post his final act saved countless lives. After being shot multiple times he made it outside and told the first response team where the shooter was and those details were invaluable, Adam Watsonposted. He died a hero, he said, adding, we are beyond proud. Joshua Kaleb Watson The other two slain sailors have been identif [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] ied as Airman Mohammed Sameh Haitham, 19, and Airman Apprentice Cameron Scott Walters, 21. Both were students at the Naval Aviation Schools Command. The sorrow from the tragic event on NAS Pensacola will have a lasting impact on our installation and community, Captain Tim Kinsella, commanding officer of NAS Pensacola said in a statement. We [url=https://www.cup-stanley.com.de]stanley cup[/url] feel the loss profoundly and grieve with the family and friends of the deceased. The Sailors that lost their lives in the line of duty and showed exceptional heroism and bravery in the face of evil. When confronted, they didn t run from danger; they ran towards it and saved lives. If not for their actions, and the actions of the Naval Security Force that wer Bjbm Former first lady Michelle Obama rallies supporters in Nevada, urges them to vote
NEW YORK — Dozens of people watched in horror over the weekend as a man described as mentally disturbed stabbed [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley cup[/url] a little dog to death in an Upper East Side park in New York City, reported CBS New York.WCBS Radio spoke with Randy Capeha [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx]yeezy[/url] rt, the owner of Buddy the Chihuahua.Capehart said Jose Rodriguez, his partner of 13 years, had been showing signs of mental illness recently, but he never thought something like this could happen. He loves my dog, Capehart said.Click here to view related media. But police said on Saturday morning, Rodriguez walked Buddy out to John Jay Park in New York Ci [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg[/url] ty where kids were playing and families were enjoying the weather. Rodriguez allegedly pulled a kitchen knife and stabbed the little dog to death. Horrified people, Capehart said.Rodriguez allegedly told detectives he thought he was being cheated on, but Capehart said he was in Texas burying his grandmother at the time. He gave his life to save mine, because had this not happened now, it could have happened when I got back, Capehart said. I could have been stabbed in my sleep. Rodriguez stood charged Monday with animal cruelty. Capehart said he was just glad his former partner is getting the help he needs. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-e9df9e74-7cbd-43eb-b7e2-b3c1675f846f, right-rail-r
Entrepreneur Elon Musk is trying to help reconnect Tonga to the internet after a volcanic eruption and tsunami cut off the South Pacific nation more than three weeks ago, according to officials, while repairs on an [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley botella[/url] undersea cable are proving more difficult than first thought. The tsunami severed the sole fiber-optic cable that connects Tonga to the rest of the world [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley cup[/url] and most people the [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cups[/url] re remain without reliable connections. A top Fijian official tweeted that a team from Musks SpaceX company was in Fiji establishing a station that would help reconnect Tonga through SpaceX satellites. Mbnk Police: Woman caught on surveillance video loading gun inside Bradenton hospital
Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis is suggesting the Olympics could happen in Florida in [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley cup[/url] 2021.Patronis wrote a letter to the International Olympic Committee encouraging them to consider re [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley cup[/url] locating the 2021 Olympics from Tokyo, Japa [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup[/url] n to the United States of America, and more specifically to Florida. According to Patronis office, recent media reports have stated that leaders in Japan have privately concluded that they are too concerned about the pandemic for the 2021 Olympics to take place.Patronis is requesting a site selection team be sent to Florida, citing the NBA bubble in 2020 and Disney s handling of crowds as reasons Florida would be a good host for the Olympics.The letter is below:Dear President Bach,I am writing to you as the Chief Financial Officer CFO for the State of Florida. As a member of the Florida Cabinet, I sit on the Enterprise Florida Inc. Board of Directors, which is our states business development unit. Today, I am writing to encourage you to consider relocating the 2021 Olympics from Tokyo, Japan to the United States of America, and more specifically to Florida.With media reports of leaders in Japan privately concluding that they are too concerned about the pandemic for the 2021 Olympics to take place, there is still time to deploy a site selection team to Florida to meet with statewide and local officials on holding the Olympics in the Sunshine State. I would welcome the opportunity to pitch Florida and help you make the right contact
The following is a transcript of an interview with Dr. Christos Christou, Doctors Without Borders International president, that aired on Nov. 12, 2023.MARGARET BRENNAN: Christos Christou is president of Doctors Without Borders International and he joins us now from Rome. I understand many of your doctors are working at Al Shifa Hospital, and said two infants died due t [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley puodelis[/url] o lack of electricity, the inability to keep incubators on, there are 40 premature babies who need to evacuate. Will the Israeli military help these children evacuate DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT, DR. CHRISTOS CHRISTOU: So far, we do [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley tumblers[/url] n t have any news about any coordinated action about evacuating at least these neonate patients. And we don t have any news about any proper evacuation. What we see are hundreds of patients that they have underwent surgery very soon- very recently, and now they cannot be just take and walk out of the hospital. And next to them, we have newborn babies that they needed- premature babies, that they needed support. They [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley cup[/url] were supposed to be in incubators, no incubator works this moment in Al Shifa. And actually, Al Shifa doesn t work, it s not functional. MARGARET BRENNAN: The Prime Minister of Israel has said there s no reason why we can t just take the patients out of the hospital. What s your response to that DR. CHRISTOU: To evacuate the hospital, you need time. You need weeks. It s not within 24 hours. And we said that several Kllj Unclear whether Kavanaugh accuser will testify in Senate
Joe Lieberman s legislative director Joe Goffman resigned yesterday in protest of his boss s support of John McCain, according to a former Lieberman staffer with knowledge of the situation.Goffman s farewell email, posted here yesterday, suggested he had no new job waiting for him but gave no [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup usa[/url] reason for his departure.The resignation — delivered to Lieberman in person upon his return from the GOP convention on Monday — is only the latest in a half-dozen recent defections by top aides disaffected with Lieberman s party switch. Other departed deputies include Fred Downey, Lieberman s long time foreign policy adviser, and two well-regarded legislative assistants, Colleen Shogan and Purva Rawal. Goffman is the biggest loss, he was really the guy who held the whole [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley cup[/url] office together, said the former aide. Goffman, like most of [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]kubki stanley[/url] them, was very disturbed by Lieberman s behavior — Lieberman hasn t consulted with any of them or told them what he planned to say… If you re a Democrat and you stay in Lieberman s office too long, there could be the perception that you are buying into his positions, so these poor guys are being put in a terrible spot. Goffman and other Lieberman refugees are reportedly being assisted in job hunts by Democratic leadership staff.Goffman didn t return calls for comment at his office or home. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-c88db5e6-
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Kyle Kashuv says he doesn t believe reforms like bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines would fix the issue of mass shootings in the United States. I talked to senators and I looked at all the facts and they all point in the same direction the a ban on assault weapons will not solve this issue, Kashuv told CBS News Face the Nation on Sunday.Unlike many of his classmates from the Parkland, Florida, high school, Kashuv doesn t support more [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley tumblers[/url] restrictive gun laws, like those embraced by protesters at Saturday s March for Our Lives rallies across the country. He has been meeting with lawmakers in Washington, D.C., to discuss solutions to gun violence that don t restrict [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley kubek[/url] Second Amendment rights.Transcript: Parkland student Kyle Kashuv on Face the Nation, March 25, 201 [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup website[/url] 8 I agree with them completely that this cannot happen ever again, Kashuv said of his classmates. But I differ with them on what policy needs to be made. Kashuv instead called for a debate with his fellow classmates as a way to find some middle ground. 39 Days: A CBS News documentary 44:26 I think that we have to sit down with all members of this issue. OK, sit down with me and David Hogg or Cameron Kasky and debate this and find a common middle ground because that s the on Cnla Steele rips liberals on health care bill
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell R-Ky. [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley quencher[/url] is still under the microscope f [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup price[/url] rom the Kentucky press over his office s involvement — or non-involvement, according to the senator — in attempts todiscredit the family used by Democrats as a case example for expanding the children s health insurance program.Facing reelection in a year, in a less-than-hospitable environment, McConnell probably isn t liking stories like these.Naturally, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is lovin it, blasting in case you missed it emails to reporters yesterday and today. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cup[/url] -child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-c8543de8-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-c8543de8-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-c8543de8-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block;
While the fate of many contestants in the fictional Squid Game series from South Korea was a quick death, for investors in a cryptocurrency inspired by the global sensation, things didn t pan out so well either.Last week, an unknown developer launched a cr [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ypto token inspired by the wildly popular Netflix show about a deadly game in which players risk their lives to dig themselves out of extreme financial debt. Called Squid, the digital [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] currency began trading on the PancakeSwap platform on October 26 at a penny per token, according to crypto-pricing website CoinMarketCap. The price grew to $2,861 by Monday, according to CoinMarketCapdata.Not long after the Squid coin hit the market, CoinMarketCap issued a warning to investors that something was amiss. Someone haddismantled [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley cup[/url] the Squid coin website and promotors of the cryptocurrency could no longer be reached, CoinMarketCap said. We have received multiple reports that the website and socials are no longer functional and users are not able to sell this token in Pancakeswap, CoinMarketCap said on its website. There is growing evidence that this project has been rugged. Please do your own due diligence and exercise extreme caution. Bitcoin mining and its environmental costs 08:17 More than43,000investors bought Gsck California man run over by WWII-era tank
With the government shutdown closing out its fourth week, furloughed [url=https://www.airforceone.fr]af1[/url] workers are turning to their states to make ends meet. Applications for unemployment compensation from federal employees doubled in the first week of January, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. More than 10,000 federal employee sought aid in the week ending Jan. 5, the DOL said. In a typical week, fe [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx]yeezy[/url] wer than a thousand former federal workers apply for unemployment.For those weighing whether or not to apply for unemployment, here s what to know.The earlier, the betterSome states impose a waiting period on people applying for unemployment benefits; others could be delayed in replying because they re inundated with applications. Applications for unemployment last week rose in states with a large number of federal contractors. In Washington D.C., unemployment claims rose to 2,158 from 1,190. In Virginia they jumped to 5,966 from 3,497, and in Maryland t [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics[/url] o 4,949 from 4,467.Edward Zurndorfer, a CPA based in Maryland, has heard from many federal workers applying for unemployment benefits and being told to wait. One person applied for unemployment and was told they re not going to hear back for about a month, he said. Unemployment [benefits] is a state-by-state thing; in one state it might be next week, and the next state it might be next month. Many people might feel like they re on the brink of going back to work and be hesitant to file. In this case, emplo
LAKELAND, Fla. 鈥?After the ground collapsed underneath two homes in North Lakeland, neighbors are worried their homes could be next.Parts of a house crumbled into a gaping hole during the relentless rains of Hurricane Milton. Nei [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] ghbors said the man who lives in the house at 3619 Willow Wisp Drive North was inside a [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley drinking cup[/url] s the ground began to give way.He made it out safely, and so did the family next door whose home was also impacted. Neighbors are still shaken up by the ordeal. It was scary because, first of all, I had never seen a sinkhole before, and then it being so close to home, it was really scary, said Alicia Garcia.Polk County officials are investigating whether the crater is a sinkhole or a washout from the hurricane. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a sinkhole is a depression in the ground with no natural external surface drainage. It forms when the ground beneath an area slowly dissolves, and there is not enough support for the land above it.According to the state Department of Environmental Protection, Central Florida is ground zero for sinkholes. Garcia has lived in the North Lakeland neighborhood for 17 years and is concerned the hole could spread. It is too close to home; it will come out further. Also, I m worried about the property values, that its going to come down because of it, Garcia said.From the air you can see the foundations of the homes sunken in. The sidewalk leading up to the front [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley mug[/url] door of one of the homes caved into the earth. A vintage yello Uwsk Pay the flood insurance: Largo mobile home owner grateful for Citizens flood insurance requirement
Four police employees were killed in a knife attack at Paris police headquarters on Thursday, according to city prosecutor Remy Heitz.The three policemen and a female police administrative worker were killed by a fellow member of staff, who was later shot dead, authorities told CNN.The incident took place insi [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] de the building, which is located near Notre Dame Cathedral on the 脦le de la Cit茅 in central Paris.One victim is undergoing surgery, said French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner. He did not elaborate on the victim s condition or injuries.Castaner said the assailant was a 45-year-old man and had been an employee at the police station since 2003. There is no indication of a motive yet.The wife of the attacker has been taken into custody, a source in the Paris prosecutor s office told CNN. It is not yet clear if she was at the scene of the attack or why she was taken into custody.The island where the incident happened is on lockdown, with roads cordoned off by police and firemen, and ambulances on the scene.The nearby Cit茅 metro station was closed f [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.es]stanley cup[/url] or security measures but has since been reopened.Lo茂c Travers, Secretary of the National Police Alliance for the Ile-de-France region, told BFM TV that the attacker has been with us for over 20 years. President Emanuel Macron is at the scene, accompanied by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and Interior Minister Christophe Castaner.The Elys茅e Palace said in a statement: The President of the Republic we [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley thermoskannen[/url] nt to the police statio
LONDON — Britain s lawmakers will debate Monday whether the government should ban the U.S. presidential race s Republican front-runn [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley france[/url] er from entering the United Kingdom. As CBS News correspondent Mark Phillips reports, Donald Trump is doing in Britain was he s done at home: becoming the news. British Parliament mulls ban on Donald Trump 01:00 The debate will not take place in the House of Commons itself, but in Westminster Hall — the oldest part of the Parliamentary complex. Phillips notes that, in its nearly 1,000 years of history, Westminster Hall may never have seen anything quite like this. Trump has always been seen [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] in the United Kingdom as a bit of a grotesque American curiosity — even as he promised to invest hundreds of millions of d [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley quencher[/url] ollars in Scottish golf resorts and touted his big stake in this great piece of land. Back then his most outspoken opponent was a local farmer named Michael Forbes, who was refusing to move. What are you prepared to tell him Phillips asked Forbes in 2007. He s fired, replied the farmer bluntly. Donald Trump doubles down on Muslim ban remarks 03:04 Mmol With Iraq on the brink, what s at stake for America
SAN FRANCISCO — The revolution will be trademarked and pu [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]garrafa stanley[/url] t on T-shirts if an increasing number of entrepreneurs succeed in their attempts to profit from the Occupy demonstrations.A few T-shirts began to appear [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley mugs[/url] several days after the first protest began on Sept. 17 with a march through the streets of lower Manhattan.Now, T-shirts, coffee mugs and other merchandise emblazoned with Occupy locations and slogans are being offered online and amid the camp sites that have sprung up in cities across the country. A number of merchandise vendors, clothing designers a [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley thermos[/url] nd others are making plans to market a wide-variety of goods for a wide-variety of reasons even as some protesters decry the business plans as directly counter to the demonstrations goals. In recent weeks, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has received a spate of applications from enterprising merchandisers, lawyers and others seeking to win exclusive commercial rights to such phrases as We are the 99 percent, Occupy and Occupy DC 2012. Organizers of the protest centered in Manhattan s Zuccotti Park went so far as to file for a trademark of Occupy Wall Street after several other applications connected to the demonstrations were filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Poll: Occupiers fare better than Wall St.20 arrested at Occupy Atlanta protestNYC mayor becoming more critical of Occupy
In his first public statement since collapsing on the set of Better Call Saul earlier this week, actor Bob Odenkirk said h [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley cup[/url] e had suffered a small heart attack but was going to be OK. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley cup[/url] The 58-year-old collapsedTuesday while filming the show s final season, sparking an outpouring of support from colleagues and fans. Hi. It s Bob, Odenkirk tweeted. Thank you. To my family and friends who have surrounded me this week. And for the outpouring of love from everyone who expressed concern and care for me. It s overwhelming. But I feel the love and it means so much. Odenkirk said doctors were able to fix the blockage in his heart without surgery, and that he planned to be back soon after taking time to recover. Better Call Saul is the prequel to the hit series Breaking Bad. In B [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] etter Call Saul, Odenkirk plays Jimmy McGill, a down-on-his-luck lawyer who eventually becomes the crooked con man and Breaking Bad icon Saul Goodman.Odenkirk has been nominated for four Emmys for Better Call Saul, and previously won two Emmys for his writing on Saturday Night Live and The Ben Stiller Show. More from CBS News Family of mom who died after delayed abortion care says death was preventable Mcvb Super Bowl 2019 tickets are still available, but they ll set you back at least $2,720
AVON, N.C. — A shark attacked a person in North Carolina early Friday afternoon, CBS Affiliate Greensboro WFMY reports.According to Avon Fishing Pier, the shark attacked a person about half a mile down the north side of the pier on Avon beach in Dare County. According to Avon Fishing Pier manager Keith Matthews, the call came in shortly before 12:30 p.m. A witness posted a video to Twitter appearing to be after the incident. @myfox8 to the [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy[/url] right of the shot you can see the fin pic.twitter/qpqmHksJJkmdash; Johnny Supan @jsupan98 June 26, 2015 CBS affiliate Greenville WNCT reports the man was around 50 years old. An employee with the Avon Fishing Pier told WNCT the man was bitten 3 times. At this time it is unclear the severity of his injuries. Matthews said that Hatteras Island Rescue instructed the Avon Fishing Pier to put up its red flag, a sign that no one should go in the water.This latest incident comes just days after an 8-year-old North Carolina boy suffered minor injuries from what appeared to b [url=https://www.adidas-originals.es]adidas originals[/url] e a small shark bite. On June 15, two young people vacationing in the North Carolina beach town of Oak Island were swimming in waist-deep water when they lost limbs in separate life-threatening shar [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] k attacks. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-149c0249-78e4-4de8-a837-93be825e7caf, right
As congressional debate over gun control kicks into high gear, Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., is decrying the airing of an NRA-sponsored NASCAR race th [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley kubek[/url] is weekend, and is calling on its broadcaster to pull it from the schedule.Murphy, a first-term senator in a state devastated by last year s Newtown shootings, yesterday wrote News Corp. chief Rupert Murdoch in a plea to prevent the event from airing Saturday night on Fox. He called the celebration of guns inappropriate in the wake of the shootings and argued that broadcasting this race, which will highlight the NRA and its radical agenda during this time, sends a harmful signal to the families affected by gun violence, as well as the millions of Americans who support sensible gun control measures and enjoy your sports programming. Major hurdle cleared, Senate begins debate on gun billNewtown mother: Our voices need to be heard I write today to urge you to not broadcast NASCAR s NRA 500 at Texas Motor Speedway on April 13th, Murphy wrote. This race, which is being sponsored by the National Rifle Association NRA, is going to take place during the Senate s consideration of legislation to reduce gun violence. The race not only brings national attention to an organization that has been the face of one side of this heated debate, it also features the live shooting of guns at the end of the race. Additionally, winners of races at the Texas Motor Speedway are typically given two revolvers and a cowboy ha [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley cup[/url] t [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley tumbler[/url] as prizes. Vleh Is a Sonic boom in store for Obama and Lee
In the closest race for the White House in 40 years, Al Gore and George W. Bush have resumed their unrelenting battle for swing states after taking a short break to watch their running mates face off. In the contest for battleground states, the rivals are focusing on specific regions using sophisticated media and campaign strategies that leave no stone unturned.Gore went to Florida, while Bush campaigned in the Midwest, where experts believe the Nov. 7 election will be decided. Vowing to turn back the tide of drug abuse, [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]stanley portugal[/url] Bush unveiled a $2.767 billion plan aimed at reversing years of neglect by the Clinton administration.The Texas governor chose a community center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for what his campaign billed as a major policy address. We want a drug-free society for one great moral reason: over time, drugs rob men and women and children of their dignity and character, Bush told some 200 s [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley mugg[/url] upporters at the Jane Boyd Family Resource Center. They are the enemies of innocence and ambition and hope. Bush stressed that he would exert presidential leadership to marshal resources at every level — starting with parents, schools and communities closest to the needs of young Americans — to turn back the tide of drug abuse. Later Friday, at a rally in southern Illinois, Bush continued to press his drug plan and said he was looking forward to the sec [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley quencher[/url] ond presidential debate and spelling out differences with Big Al. His cam
The Supreme Court said an armed man who made threats against Justice Brett Kavanaugh was arrested near the justices house in Maryland. The man was arrested around 1:50 a.m. EDT Wednesday, court spokeswoman Patrica McCabe said in an email. The Washington Post initially reported the arrest, quoting sources who said the man is from California and was upset by a leaked draft opinion suggesting the court is about to overrule Roe v. Wade, the courts landmark abortion case. He was also said to be upset over recent mass sh [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ootings, the Post reported. Kavanaugh lives in a Maryland suburb of Washington, DC.Since the draft of the R [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]water bottle stanley[/url] oe v. Wade ruling was published, there have been broad concerns over the safety of Supreme Court justices. Last month, the DOJ authorized additional security for the homes of justices. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-below .Link font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1 [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova, sans-serif; Report a typo Stek Sheriff: Tiger Woods was driving 84 to 87 mph in a 45 mph zone during time of crash
TAMPA, Fla. — The coronavirus pandemic has schools shut down across the state and students are missing out on a lot of special moments. Among the most special of those moments is classroom birthday celebrations. You remember the celebrations we re talking about — a dozen cupcakes for the whole class and everyone screaming Happy Birthday cha cha cha! .RECOMMENDED: School bus of kids stops to wish happy birthday [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley mugs[/url] to 93-ye [url=https://www.cup-stanley.com.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] ar-old who waves at them dailyLily Wolfe s parents say she was a little sad that she wasn t going to celebrate turning six like all her classmates at Mabry Elementary did. But to the family s surprise, her teacher Jennifer Buckley did a birthday drive-by complete with music and a huge poster to celebrate Lily s big day. Sherry Wolfe RECOMMENDED: Corona Sunshine: Florida moms start Facebook group to share art m [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley water bottle[/url] ade by kids at home during pandemic I cant tell you how grateful I am to have Ms. Buckley as Lilys kindergarten teacher, Lily parents, Sherry and Adam Wolfe said in an email. As we all navigate the new normal under the coronavirus pandemic, remember that we are in this together!
President Joe Biden has declared that Texas is experiencing a major disaster, as residents continue to grapple with the aftermath of a catastrophic winter storm that hit the central and southern U.S. earlier this week.As of Saturday morning, the storm had been linked to at least 27 deaths in the state, and food and safe drinking [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley cup[/url] water was in sort [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] supply for millions of Texans.With the major disaster declaration, people in 77 of Texas 254 counties will be eligible for federal funding to help with recovery efforts. The assistance includes grants for temporary housing and home repairs, as well as low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, the White Housesaid Saturday in a statement. The federal assistance can also be used for programs that will help individuals and business owners recover from the winter storm.If needed, the White House said additional designations may be determined at a later date. Mr. Biden tweeted on Thursday that he ll work relentlessly to get Texas what it needs to deal with the aftermath of the storm. Tonight, I called Governor Greg Abbott to discuss the ongoing situation in Texa [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley cup[/url] s and identify ways we can support the statersquo recovery from this storm. I made clear to the Governor that Irsquo;ll work relentlessly to get his state what they need. pic.twitter/UBwH8DMep2mdash; President Biden @POTUS February 19, 2021 Mr. Biden has also said he plans to visit the state once it is safe to d Qepi Ted Koppel exposes cyberattack threat on U.S. power grid
A police officer is going viral after showing off his stanky leg in a dance battle at a Easter egg hunt in Tennessee. But Chattanooga Police Officer Michael Ampthor insists he was just doing his job. I honestly don t know what to think, Ampthor told CBS Chattanooga affiliate WDEF-TV. For me it s just another day serving the community. The video, first shared by WDEF-TV reporter Amber Worthy, has been viewed more than 500,000 times on Facebook and more than 100,000 times on Twitter. Ampthor s stanky leg delighted children and adults alike at the third annual event. The community always invites the police officers who patrol the area to join the festivities, and they don t hesitate when asked to help hide the eggs — or bust a move. Dance Break at Easter Egg Hunt in Chattanooga!What I love most about work! Chattanooga Police Department officers dancing it out with the community!The event that made this fun and touching moment happen: bit [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx]yeezy[/url] .ly/2uK7JLmPosted by Amber Worthy on Sunday, April 1, 2018 This wasn t the first time Ampthor wowed the group with his dancing skills. His talents were actually discovered last Easter. That was the song they picked last year, Ampthor tol [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley cup[/url] d the station. It was one of those dances I knew how to do and they all seemed to love it. And they wouldn t let m [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk[/url] e forget it. Events like these are just one way the Chattanooga Police Department tries to engage with the community. Officer Ampthor
America s military edge is diminished, and in some cases erased ndash; just as rival countries are getting savvier, stronger and more aggressive, according to a new analysis by a panel of former security officials and military experts. The stark conclusion: America could lose the next war it fights. America s ability to defend its allies, its partners and its own vital interests is increasingly in doubt, the report s authors wrote. It might struggle to win, or perhaps lose, a war against China or Russia. The panel is called the National Defense Strategy Commission, and is made up of 12 former national security officials and experts. It was tasked one year ago with evaluating the nation s de [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley cup quencher[/url] fenses, and reviewing the National Defense Strategy, a comprehensive planning document by the Defense Department that lays out military objectives. Listen to this episode on Stitcher Russia and China are challenging the United States, its allies and its partners on a far greater scale than has any adversary since the Cold War s end, the authors wrote. If the United States had to fight Russia in a Baltic contingency or China in a war over Taiwan, the report warned. Americans could face a decisive military de [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley quencher[/url] feat. Adversaries h [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley cup[/url] ave studied U.S. military strategies post-9/11 ndash; and learned how to counter them, said commission co-chair Eric Edelman, in an interview withIntelligence Mattershost and CBS N Jcul Biden in Bali for G20 summit: What to know and what to watch for
MI [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley becher[/url] NNEAPOLIS — Jesse Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota, just finished addressing a raucous crowd of Ron Paul supporters here at the Target Center. The Body, who said hersquo been living off and on in Mexico over the past months, said that he can feel something shaking in the U.S. and that if it continues to rock, hersquo;ll jump into the ring in 2012. If this country shows me that itrsquo worth it for me to do it, well then maybe in 2012, he thundered, bringing the house down. As the crowd quieted, he concluded his speech: Chanting and yelling isnrsquo;t going to do it. I need to see it [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley thermos[/url] by action. I will be watching. And if I see it, in 2012 wersquo;ll give them a race theyrsquo;ll never forget. Ventura, who is now bald on top but has shoulder-length hair otherwi [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley cup[/url] se, is a popular figure among the libertarian-leaning crowd and got his most feverish response in defense of the second amendment. He let the crowd know that he wasnrsquo;t concerned about the right to bear arms so that he could hunt, but that the real purpose of the amendment is to ensure that if the government gets out of controlhellip;we have the ability to rise up and change it. Ventura also confronted the crowd. Previous speakers had intoned against undocumented workers and Paul supporters tend to see the fight against illegal immigration as a top concern. Ventura, however, mocked those who fear the brown p
Voter registration deadlines are approaching in Florida so ABC Action News has gathered all the important information you need to know to ensure you can vote in the 2022 election.The voter registration deadlines for the Primary Election and General E [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cups[/url] lection are:Primary Election: July 25, 2022General Election: Oct. 11, 2022 It is very important to register at least 29 days before the election in order to vote, according to the Florida Division of Elections.To register, visit registertovoteflorida.gov/home.If you re not sure if you are registered to vote in the state of Florida, you can find that information on the Florida Division of Elections website.How do I change my party affiliation You can switch your party affiliation on the Florida elections website as long as you do it before the voter registration deadlines.How do I vote by mail If you d [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley water bottle[/url] like to vote by mail instead of going to the polls, you must request a vote-by-mail ballot by 5 p.m. on the following dates: Primary Election: Aug. 13 General Election: Oct. 29To request your ballot, click here. Is early voting available Yes, early voting is available in Florida on the following dates: [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley vaso[/url] Primary Election: Aug. 13 — 20 General Election: Oct. 29 — Nov. 5To find more details about early voting in your county, visit: dos.myflorida/elections/for-voters/voting/early-voting/When are elections The Primary Election will be held on Aug. 23.The General Election will be held on Nov. 8.Special elections and local e Cebh Despite COVID-19 surge, Florida AARP wants visitors allowed back inside long-term care facilities
Democrats are nudging toward Senate approval their $3.5 trillion framework for bolstering family services, health and environment programs. [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]cups stanley[/url] P [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley flask[/url] assage seems inevitable, but Republicans have unleashed an avalanche of amendments aimed at making their rivals pay a price in next years elections. The House is expected t [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] o give the fiscal blueprint final congressional approval in two weeks. Budget passage would inoculate a subsequent bill actually enacting the specific policy changes from a Senate filibuster that would otherwise kill it. Republicans argue that the Democratic proposals would waste money, raise economy-wounding taxes and fuel inflation.
Even as job openings have receded from their peak and layoffs cascade insome industries, one saving grace of the labor market is the plethora of open positions, with 1.8 open [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ings for every American who is looking to get hired.Indeed, the high number of openings is a favorite economic figure of the Federal Reserve, whose chairman Jerome Powell repeatedly cites that number as a reason to keep hiking rates. As recently as last month, Powell called the job market very strong and indicated worry at the high number of ope [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley cup[/url] nings, which were 10.8 million as of January, the latest available data.But there s a catch. Many of these openi [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] ngs might not be real. For several years, economists have long expressed skepticism of the number of monthly job openings reported by the government. Plentiful free job-listing tools have made it much easier to list a job, while the boom in remote work during the pandemichas pushed the figures even higher, leading some businesses to duplicate listings across the web. And that s before considering the number of employers who are deliberately advertising for jobs they have no intention of filling mdash; something that s more of a concern today as some companies try to take advantage of the churning job market.10 job openings, two hires There are companies that have 10 job listings and are only hiring two people at the moment, but they want to have a strong pipeline of candidates. They want to have inbound l Vjmb Police used Taser on Ohio stabbing suspect before series of crashes that killed two children
DOBBINS, Calif. --A man was found dead inside a rural home Tuesday after he shot and wounded two California sheriff s deputies who confronted him as he pulled up marijuana plants on a farm that supplies pot to a Rastafarian church, authorities said.During a press conference Tuesday, Yuba County Sheriff Steven Durfor said a man matching the description of the person who shot deputies was found dead in a rural home,CBS Sacramento reports. The scene is along Marysville Road, near the communities [url=https://www.reebokclassic.com.de]reebok[/url] of Oregon House and Dobbins — about 55 miles north of Sacramento. Authorities are treating the area as still active.The incident began around 8:30 a.m. when a deputy described as a 14-year veteran of the department responded to the report of a disturbance over marijuana plants on a farm that supplies pot to a Rastafarian church. He arrived at the scene and tried to sort out the disturbance, but was unable to locate the suspect. A sho [url=https://www.airmaxplus.es]air max[/url] rt time later, a second deputy, described as a 10-year veteran of the depa [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas samba[/url] rtment, arrived at the scene spotted a man who matched the description of the suspect running toward a residence about 100 yards up the hill. Around 9:35 a.m., a third deputy, described as a 22-year-veteran, arrived at the scene and joined the two other deputies in their search. The first two deputies went to the front door of the home, while the third when to the back to cover the back door. The two talked to the resident inside and were
HOLLYWOOD, Florida-- Republican Party leaders turned aside an effort Thursday to change the rules at their national convention to make it harder for the GOP to choose a fresh preside [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley cup[/url] ntial candidate, a prelude to what may be sharper battles ahead.The showdown, which pitted the top echelons of the Re [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup usa[/url] publican National Committee against a renegade party committeeman from Oregon, came at a time when many in the GOP believe that top presidential contenders Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are likely losers in this November s general [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] election. Some have been hoping a new candidate will emerge at the party s gathering in Cleveland, a scenario that has drawn the wrath of Trump and Cruz backers and many of the party s grassroots conservatives.Though the party s 56-member rules committee rejected the proposal by voice vote, Thursday s showdown was likely a mere skirmish compared to the battles that may occur in Cleveland over the bylaws the party will to choose its standard-bearer in this fall s elections. On Friday, RNC chair Reince Priebus addressed the meeting and reiterated the requirements for the nomination. The rules say you have to have 1,237 delegates to be the nominee. We aren t going to hand the nomination to anyone with a plurality, no matter how close they are to 1,237, Priebus said. You need a majority. Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. If, however, no candidate reaches a majority of bound delegates Gpag Transcript: Kevin Hassett discusses coronavirus and the economy on Face the Nation, May 10, 2020
CBS Everyone s angry today. The left. The right. The independents. But what about President Obama That was the theme of Wednesday s pres [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley becher[/url] s conference at the White House where press secretary Robert Gibbs was pressed repeatedly by reporters about President Obama s state of mind following the massacre in Massachusetts. Was he getting worked up Can you give the public some kind of clue that there s a heart beating beneath Mr. Obama s Spock-like personna When does President Obama get angry a reporter asked. I mean, it seems like that might be part of the disconnect. He always offers such a sort of calm and cool and cerebral approach to some of these things. Is there any --is there any sort of thought to needing to show a little bit more of that anger himself Truthfully, I thought the inquisition into Mr. Obama s temperament was silly. Who wants a manic commander-in-chief at the helm But then ABC aired its interview with the president exuding his usual cool demeanor. Considering the magnitude of the defeat his party — and its agenda — had just suffered, maybe a little too cool for comfort. But in the intervening 24 hours Mr. Obama managed to discover his inner populist. The president brought down the hammer in pointed remarks aimed at the banking community. It was time to choose, he said. Going forward, he warned, you [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley taza[/url] either can engage in commercial banking or in proprietary trading — but no longer both. [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley nz[/url] Just to make sure nobody miss
Austin, Texas, activated its emergency alert system to warn the public of a severely worsening COVID-19 situation as area hospitalizations continue to surge. In an alert sent via text, city authorities wrote the Covid-19 situation in Austin is dire. Healthcare facilities are open but resources are limited due to a surge in cases. Austin-Travis County Health Authority Dr. Desmar Walkes said in a press release on Saturd [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] ay that the situation in the Texas capital is critical. Walkes said hospital [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley cup[/url] bed availability and critical care is extremely limited in our hospital systems, not just for COVID-19 patients, but for anyone who may need treatment. Our hospitals are severely stressed and there is little we can do to alleviate their burden with the surging cases, Walkes said. The public has to act now and help our we will face a catastrophe in our community that could have been avoided. According the Tex [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley cup[/url] as Department of Health, there are over 3,400 active cases of COVID-19 in Travis County, where Austin is located. The county returned to Stage 5 COVID-19 restrictions last week, meaning fully vaccinated individuals should wear a mask and those at high-risk with underlying conditions should avoid large gatherings where masks are not required. Austin-Travis County medics wearing personal protective clothing PPE, prepare to enter a nursing home on August 05, 2020 in Austin, Texas. Khvb Supreme Court declines challenge to Washington state s conversion therapy ban for minors
The NCAA men s basketball tournament is down to the Elite Eight. Top seed Duke will take on No. 2 Gonzaga in the South Regional final in Houston, and seventh-seeded Michigan State will take on No. 4 Louisville in the East Regional final at Syracuse.Complete NCAA Tournament coverage at CBSSportsKentucky, Notre Dame, Wisconsin and Arizona advanced to the Elite Eight by winning Thursday night. The Wildcats and Irish will play for the Midwest crown Saturday in Cleveland, and the Badgers will take on Arizona for West Region supremacy.The South and East finals are Sunday. SOUTH REGIONGonzaga 74, UCLA 62SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Przemek Karnowski had 18 points and nine rebounds and second-seeded Gonzaga used a big run early in the second half to pull away for a 74-62 victory over No. 11 UCLA on Friday night in the South Regional semifinals of the NCAA Tournament. The victory puts Gonzaga 35-2 in the Elite Eight f [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus[/url] or the second time, its first regional final since 1999. The Bulldogs will play Duke [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] on Sunday.UCLA 22-14 opened the second half with a 6-0 run to get within 35-34. Gonzaga scored the next 12 points, thanks to the powerful inside game of the 7-foot-1, 288-pound Karnowski to make it 47-34.The Bruins, who lost in the Sweet 16 for the second straight year, were done in by a tough shooting night that included long s [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk[/url] tretches without scoring. They were led by Norman Powell s 16 points.It was Gonzaga s second win over UCLA this season after
Washington ndash; Active shooters in America killed or injured 313 individuals across the country in 2022, the most casualties recorded in the last five years, according to a report released by the FBI on Wednesday.Federal investigators define active shooters as one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. The FBI said [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] the report is intended to assist law enforcement, first responders and the public understand current threat levels.Despite an 18% decrease in violent incid [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]botella stanley[/url] ents involving active shooters in 2022 compared to the year prior, the number of casualties increased by nearly 29% mdash; from 243 to 313 mdash; the highest in the last five years. In all, according to the FBI s report, 50 active shooter incidents were carried out in 2022, down from 61 incidents in 2021, across 25 states and Washington, D.C. The statistics released also highlighted certain locations t [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] argeted by these violent actors, including schools, places of worship, residences and areas of commerce. Nearly half of all incidents occurred in what the FBI classified as open spaces, the report said.The report did not encompass incidents that were related to gang violence, self-defense, drug violence, contained residential or domestic disputes, controlled barricade or hostage situations, crossfire of another criminal act or an action that appeared not to have put others in peril. Utah teache Fwbz When Is A Gallon Not A Gallon
Maria Shriver, the first lady of California, was a surpris [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] e guest via Skype during CBS News anchor Katie Couric s interview with daughter Katherine Schwarze [url=https://www.cup-stanley.com.de]stanley kaffeebecher[/url] negger, who just published a book Rock What You ve Got: Secrets to Loving Your Inner and Outer Beauty. During the interview, Couric asked Shriver what she thought about the governor s race in California, which pits Democratic political veteran Jerry Brown against Republican former Ebay CEO Meg Whitman. I think it s a tossup, said Shriver, a TV journalist and colleague of Couric s at NBC. It s a tight race. California is obviously a very heavily Democratic state, and always has been. But I think the tide of the country c [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]copo stanley[/url] ertainly seems to be bucking that. I think it will be an interesting race.Shriver also reflected on what the future holds, after seven years as California s first lady. I m sad that it s ending. I m scared to death, actually, because I don t know what I m going to do, she said. And, that s the first time since college that I haven t really had a job. So it s the beginning of a whole new journey for me. And I don t know where it s going, but I m gonna try to rock myself. Watch the Full @katiecouric Interview with Katherine Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver Maria Shriver on Calif. Politics Working on Your Body ImageParental Impact on Self-EsteemWhat to Talk to Your Kids About ponent--type-r
HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. 鈥?Early voting for the city of Tampa elections starts Monday, February 27. There are several [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley mug[/url] city council seats on the ballot. Council seats for Districts one, two, three, four, and six are all on the ballot.With several council seats up for grabs, Craig Latimer, the Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections, said it s important to show up and vote. We talk about these municipal elections quite a bit, but these are the people that are going to be fixing your potholes. The ones that are going to tax you and make sure your garbage is picked up. These are important quality of life issues people should be concerned with, Latimer said.MEET THE CANDIDATES: Click here to learn more about the candidates for each districtEarly voting will run Monday, February 27, through Sunday, March 5.Latimer said, We want people to vote, so anything that we can offer to help people out. Early voting is convenient. You can kind of arrange it how you want to. You can cast your ballot at one of the following locations anytime this week from 10 a.m. — 6 p.m.West Tampa Branch LibraryC. Blythe Andrews, Junior Public LibraryFred B. Karl County CenterJan Kaminis Platt Regional LibraryNew Tampa Regional LibraryNorth Tampa Regional LibraryRobert L. Gilder Elections Service CenterYou [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] must [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley termohrnek[/url] be registered to vote and bring a proper form of identification in order to cast your ballot.Latimer said, You must be a registered voter. If you havent already registered to vote, its too late to vot Vdcb Chandrayaan-2: Success in India s second attempt at launching Moon mission
BOSTON, Mass. 鈥?An heiress to the Hot Pockets fortune has been sentenced to five months for her role in the college admissions scandal that has embroiled elite universities across the country. Michelle Janavs agreed to pay $300,000 to cheat the college admissions process for her daug [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley water bottle[/url] hters. Janavs was sentenced Tuesday in federal court in Boston after apologizing for trying to create an unfair advantage for her children. Prosecutors had sought 21 months behind bars, calling Janavs one of the most culpable parents charged in the case.During the trial, the heiress lawyers portrayed her as a dedicated mother and philanthropist who fell for [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley cup[/url] manipulative sales tactics. Janavs lawyers also argued that she had already been punished enough and urged the judge not to send [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley mugg[/url] her to prison.
The impact of China s move to greatly curb purchases of U.S. livestock and crops during the ongoing [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] trade war with the U.S. is rippling beyond farmers into the broader agriculture-industrial complex.Deere Co., the maker of combines, tractors and other farm equipment, is indefinitely laying off more than 160 workers in Illinois and Iowa as demand for its farm equipment shrinks, Reuters reported. About 50 of those were cut from the Harvester Works plant in East Moline, Illinois, and some 118 additional workers in Iowa will be laid off starting Nov. 18, according tonoticesrequired by the state.Farmers are struggling both because of bad weather and China s retaliatory move to curtail, or entirely halt, purchases of soybeans, corn and other products in retaliation for tariffs President Donald Trump imposed starting last year. Under a preliminary deal currently under discussion, China w [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup usa[/url] ould commit to buying between $40 billion and $50 billion a year in American farm products, according to U.S. trade officials. Experts are skeptical such a goal is achievable, however, and the two sideshave yet to clincha final agreement. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley becher[/url] Farmers reckon with the idea of climate change amid a changing climate 03:19 While farmers anxiously await a formal trade deal, makers of fa Nygr Asian Markets, Dow Futures Down As Talks Slow
NEW ORLEANS John McCain paid a visit to an oil platform about 100 miles off the coast of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico today, which prompted Barack Obama s campaign and the Democratic National Committee to accuse the Arizona senator of being in the pocket of big oil. He s standing with the oil companies in opposing a bipartisan compromise in Congress that would expand offshore drilling and, at the same time, make serious investments in alternative energy to break our dependence on foreign oil, said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor. When it comes to solving our energy problems, John McCain is just more of the same and America can t afford it. The DNC helped make the point by sending all of the members in the McCain press corps bumper stickers, oil drums, and buttons with the slogan Exxon/McCain 08 you can check out the photo below. CBS The paraphernalia comes on the heels of the Republican National Committee sendin [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] g members of the Obama press corps tire pressure gauges printed with Obama Energy Plan. McCain maintains that offshore drilling is imperative to solve America s dependence on foreign oil. New drilling has to be part of our energy solution. It will not solve this problem alone. Alternative energy will not solve this problem alone. Conservation will not solve this problem alone. Solving our energy crisis requires an all of the abo [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley thermos[/url] ve approach, McCain said wh [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley fr[/url] ile standing on the deck of the offshore oil platfor
Texas Governor Greg Abbott encouraged residents on Tuesday to remain vigilant as parts of the state are forecasted to experience severe thunderstorms, while others could see extreme fire danger i [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley cup[/url] n the next day. The weather warnings come as officials continue battling a series of wildfires in central Texas. With both extreme fire danger and severe storms expected in Texas today and tomorrow, it is important that Texans monitor local weather reports, heed guidance from local officials, and take proper measures to protect life and property, the governor said in a statement. The State of Texas has been working closely with local officials to respond to dangerous conditions created by wildfires and is prepared respon [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] d to any emergencies that may arise with severe weather. Several wildfires have been growing in Texas over the past few weeks. Firefighters in Coryell County have been battling a series of wildfires called the Crittenburg Complex since Sunday afternoon. The blaze was 33,206 acres and 55% contained [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley cup[/url] as of Tuesday evening, the Texas AM Forest Service tweeted. The Crittenburg Complex in Coryell County has burned 33,175 acres as of Tuesday evening, fire officials said. Texas AM Forest Service via Twitter Residents in nearly 200 homes were asked to evacuate Sunday due to the Crittenburg Complex wildfires, but have since been allowed back home, according Chdt SBA enhances disaster loan program citing Delta variant challenges
ALBANY, New York — Almost 45 years after America s bloodiest prison rebellion, a historian s new account names troopers and Attica prison guards that investigators believed fatally shot hostages and many unarmed inmates.Heather Ann Thompson also writes that authorities knew hostages would die, and details Gov. Nelson Rockefeller s secret efforts afterward to establish an acceptable narrative of what happened.Rockefeller ordered the retaking of the maximum-security prison in western New York on Sept. 13, 1971. The 1,300 inmates who rioted over conditions four days earlier and controlled part of the prison had clu [url=https://www.airmaxplus.it]airmax[/url] bs, knives and makeshift weapons and threatened to kill hostages. After Attica 17:23 Wh [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus[/url] en state police and guards stormed the facilit [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx]yeezy[/url] y after negotiations stalled, they fatally shot 29 inmates and 10 hostages. They knew they were going to kill the hostages, Thompson told The Associated Press on Friday.Details from the book were first published Saturday by the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Thompson s book quotes officials who were involved, acknowledging that in advance. Authorities also never gave the inmates ultimatums, deciding not to tell them they were coming with guns blazing if they didn t surrender, she said. The University of Michiga
The world [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] population grew by 75 million people over the past year and on New Year s Day it will stand at more than 8 billion people, according to figures r [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley shop[/url] eleased by the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday.The worldwide growth rate in the past year was just under 1%. At the start of 2024, 4.3 births and two deaths are expected worldwide every second, according to the Census Bureau figures.The growth rate for the United States in the past year was 0.53%, about half the worldwide figure. The U.S. added 1.7 million people and will have a population on New Year s Day of 335.8 million people.If the current pace continues through the end of the decade, the 2020s could be the slowest [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] -growing decade in U.S. history, yielding a growth rate of less than 4% over the 10-year-period from 2020 to 2030, said William Frey, a demographer at The Brookings Institution.The slowest-growing decade currently was in the aftermath of the Great Depression in the 1930s, when the growth rate was 7.3%. Of course growth may tick up a bit as we leave the pandemic years. But it would still be difficult to get to 7.3%, Frey said.At the start of 2024, the United States is expected to experience one birth every nine seconds and one death every 9.5 seconds. However, immigration will keep the population from dropping. Net international migration is expected to add one person to the U.S. population every 28.3 seconds. This combination of births, deaths and net international migration will increase the U.S. population Eedo Polk superintendent Jacqueline Byrd announces plan to retire
LOUISVILLE, Ky. 鈥?Medina Spiri [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] t won the 147th running of the Kentucky Derby on Saturday.The winning horses Hall of Fame trainer, Bob Baffert, now has seven career Kentucky Derby victories, breaking the record for most wins of all-time. It s also Baffert s second Derby win in a row.This marks Hall of Fame jockey John Velasquez s fourth Kentucky Derby win. He also now has back-to-back Derby wins.Medina Spirit was not an odds-on favorite to win. The ho [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley sverige[/url] rse s odds were 12/1. Essential Quality was the odds-on favorite at [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley cup[/url] 5-2 and finished 4th.Staff at WLEX contributed to this report. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-below .Link font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova, sans-serif; Report a typo
State attorneys general, who are the top law enforcement officials in each state, have the final say on which cases to pursue or not. That power has not gone unnoticed by lobbyists. CBS News got an inside look at one lavish retreat at Kiawah Island, South Carolina, where businesses and trade groups paid for access. Some of the companies are under investigation by state attorneys general, but still give large [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley water bottle[/url] donations so they can get one-on-one access to AGs to state their case.It s perfectly legal for a company under investigation by a state attorney general to give money to the political associations for attorneys general that fund AG campaigns. In return, it s legal for those associations to give access to company lobbyists.Rubbing shoulders with a state attorney general doesn t come cheap. To get an invite to a four-day retreat, lobbyists had to f [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup website[/url] ork over $125,000. The dress code Resort casual. On a hidden camera, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr can be heard saying, We can t do what we do without your help. Selling access to events like this has helped the Republican Attorneys General Association, or RAGA, raise more than $20 million in the last yea [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley taza[/url] r and a half ndash; twice as much as their Democratic counterparts. Look, the other side has been very energized and there s no two ways about it, Carr could be heard saying.CBS News reviewed 88 donations over $50,000 or more to RAGA and found 46 of those donors had mat Otpl DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen defends family separation in heated White House briefing
Rep. Henry Waxman D-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Governmen [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley mug[/url] t Reform Committee, called out his GOP colleagues, Reps. Darrell Issa Calif. and Tom Davis Va., today for failing to properly oversee the Minerals Management Service, which has been the subject of an investigation — and the butt of many jokes — for improper fraternizing with oil industry representatives. Waxman s charge is in response to a GOP claim that he himself is responsible. As Waxman argues, The serious abuses at MMS that the Inspector General described earlier this week occurred between 2002 and 2006, when you were Chairman of the full Committee and the Energy Subcommi [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]stanley kubek[/url] tt [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley cup[/url] ee, respectively. Yet despite my requests, your oversight of the MMS was focused on actions that happened during the Clinton Administration. If there was a failure of oversight by the Committee, it occurred during your watch. The full letter...Continue reading post… ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-c88ee1d2-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-c88ee1d2-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-c88ee1d2-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block;
The Senate on Wednesday passed the 2022 annual defense bill, which authorizes programs and spending guidelines for the Pentagon and other national security programs. It now goes to President Biden s desk for signature.The House approved the must-pass bill last week after an earlier version stalled in the Senate over a stalemate over amendments. The bill comes amid a flurry of last-minute activity in both chambers, after they pushed to increase the debt ceiling to avoid default and as the Senate continues to negotiate Mr. Biden s signature social spending plan, the Build Back Better Act.This year s National Defense Authorization Act NDAA authorizes a topline funding of $768 billion for defense and national security, with $740 billion designated for the Department of Defense mdash; which was $25 billion more for the Pentagon than Mr. Biden [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley thermos mug[/url] h [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley website[/url] ad requested. The Senate passed the bill 88-11, with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand among those voting no. Gillibrand had championed overhauling how the military handles sexual as [url=https://www.cup-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] sault, but she said last week that the House-approved bill did not reform the military justice system in a way that will truly help survivors get justice since it did not remove commanders from the chain of command from handling all felonies. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., left, and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, arrive to vote on an appropriations bill that funds the government through Feb. 18 and avoids a short-t Vexi Trump-backed Dan Cox projected to win Maryland GOP primary for governor
Evangelical conservatives have been tuned out this election cycle, but they may have found their corner of the political ring with Rep. Joseph Pitts R-Pa., who released a GOP family values agenda that stokes the flames on classic issueslike abortion, gays and religion in the public square.On Thursday afternoon Pitts, who heads the GOP Values Action Team, released an agendathat is obviously dead on arrival in a Democratic Congress but seems designed to send a message to marginalized social conservatives that there s a dedicated core of GOP lawmakers that still wants to ban gay marriage and abortion, promote abstinence and prevent courts from ruling on references to God in the Pledge of Allegiance.The agenda doesn t include many brand new ideas, rather, it is a rehashed list of ideas R [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley mugg[/url] epublicans have been proposing for man [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley quencher[/url] y years. Among the proposals: requiring doctors to tell women seeking abortions that the fetus can feel pain; banning lower courts from ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance s mention of God; defining marriage as only a heterosexual union; requiring parental notice for min [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley thermoskannen[/url] ors seeking contraception; abstinence education and increasing criminal penalties for child predators. This agenda is rooted in enduring values that have defined the American character and inspired a nation for generations mdash; values that too often we find under attack by big government and special-interest groups, said Minority Leader John A. Boehn
PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. 鈥?Its another day of high heat across the Tampa Bay area, and the soaring temps might also mean your AC is working on overdrive.No matter where you go right now, it can feel hard to escape the heat. Its like you walk into the sun, said Samuel Prescod.Just about the only place you might find some relief is inside your air-conditioned h [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley taza[/url] ome. I like it cold, said Prescod. 73 all day long because the house has to cool down, heat up, so I keep it constant. While your homes AC works overtime to keep up with rising temps, Arlen Zells business is trying to keep up with a flood of calls. Were doing about 35 service calls a day, four to five installs a day, said Zell, the owner of Pleasant Air Conditioning. Its very, very busy. Zell said one sign to watch for if your AC is having problems is if its running consistently all day long. Definitely make sure that youre on some kind of a maintenance program so that somebodys coming out every six months, said Zell. Making sure that everything s tested, cleaned, and running thoroughly. Energy Saver, the U.S. Department of Energy s consumer resource, said you can save as much as ten percent a year on heating and cooling by turning your thermostat back seven to ten degrees for eight hours a day from its normal setting.It [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] said the smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be. Keep all the doors closed. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley us[/url] Seal them up, said Prescod. I put in the weather Jssm These states have reported the most UFO sightings, database says
As the economy slowly reopens, Americans are still filing for unemployment at record rates. For some, staying off the job makes more sense than returning to work. Im one of those teachers at high risk, said Patty Candelaria, a teacher in Austin, Texas. Ive had open heart surgery thre [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley vattenflaska[/url] e times. Im concerned because we cant predict the future. She just completed her 20th year of teaching. Ive never felt so afraid to be face to face with students and worrying about what germs were all carrying, she said.Candelaria has been teaching summer school from her virtual home classroom. Shes concerned to go [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley cup[/url] back to school in the fall if shes forced to be there in person. Those classrooms are germ factories on the best day, said Lily Eskelsen Garcia, President of the National Education Association. No one wants those public schools open more than the people who love those kids and work in those schools. But we want them open safely. I feel like its our districts responsibility to protect, Candelaria said.Shes not alone. From rideshare drivers to teachers and flight attendants, workers are having to consider many factors before returning to work. I think its quite scary to go back to work if your employer hasn t put the appropriate safeguards in place, said Peter Ganong, an Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the University of Chicago.Ganong has been studying the impa [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley mug[/url] ct of unemployment insurance. We found that it did quite well in the sense that it has replaced all of the lost in
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer apolo [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley cup[/url] gized Sunday after apparently violating state-mandated social distancing guidelines at an East Lansing bar and grill.It was the latest pandemic-related misstep for the Democratic governor, who waited weeks to disclose partial details of a private jet trip she took to visit her father in Florida after two of her top aides headed south as coronavirus cases surged in Michigan and residents were cautioned against traveling south for spring break.A photo circulated on social media of Whitmer with a large group of unmasked people at an East Lansing bar-restaurant, The Landshark Bar Grill, theDetroit Free Pressreported Sunday. The Free Press reported that photo, w [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup[/url] hich shows Whitmer seated with about a dozen, was posted on social media b [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup[/url] y one of the attendees, but later deleted. Throughout the pandemic, I ve been committed to following public health protocols, Whitmer said in a statement Sunday. Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together. Because we were all vaccinated, we didn t stop to think about it. In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize. Michigan restaurants and bars remain subject to capacity limits and social distancing requirements. Current orders require six people or fewer at tables and distances of 6 feet 1.83 meters between tables. Whitmer, who received her Azyc Migrant caravan members reject offer to stay in Mexico: No, we re heading north!
Miami — The U.S. Coast Guard is continuing its search for two people missing off a capsized boat off Florida s Atlantic Coast.The agency said in a news release that it was looking for a 9-year-old Haitian national and a Bahamian national who is a suspected migrant smuggler. According to CBS Miami the Haitian girl and the alleged smuggler were aboard an 18-foot boat that capsized about 50 miles from Jupiter Inlet on Sunday with 11 people on board. An image released by the Coast Guard on Jan. 1, 2018 shows an inflatable boat that was believed to have been carrying 11 people, including a suspected migrant smuggler, capsized about 50 miles from Jupiter Inlet, Florida. U.S. Coast Guard [url=https://www.salomonschuhe.com.de]salomon[/url] Officials say the boat capsized during an apparent migrant smuggling venture from Freeport, Bahamas, to Miami. A Good Samaritan boat spotted nine people in the water [url=https://www.adidas-originals.es]adidas originals[/url] who had been aboard the vessel and called for help. [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus[/url] More from CBS News 2 more Russian disinformation videos are circulating online, sources say Deer hunter mauled to death by bear in Alaska, tro
After Donald Trump in recent weeks suggested stepping up security measures to put further scrutiny on Muslim Americans, such as surveilling mosques, liberals and conservatives alike called his ideas fascist.But in case those critiques didn t get the point across, some politicians and pundits are now making a more direct connection between Trump s views and Nazism. Donald Trump: I want surveillance of certain mosques For instance, New Day for America, the super PAC supporting the candidacy of Ohio s GOP Gov. John Kasich, released a web video this week featuring retired Air Force Col. Tom Moe, a former Vietnam POW. Moe is shown speaking at an event in Ohio, where he warns about the potential danger Trump s candidacy poses by paraphrasing the famous anti-Nazi remarks delivered by pastor Martin Niemouml;ller. You might not care if Donald Trump says Muslims should register with their government, because you re not one, Moe is shown saying over ominous music. And you might not [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley thermos[/url] care if Donald Trump says he s going to round up all the Hispanic immigrants, because you re not one. And you might not care if Donald Trump says it s okay to rough up black [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] protesters, because you re not one. And you might not care if Donald Trump wants to suppress journalists, because you re not o [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley water bottle[/url] ne. But think about this: If he keeps going, and he actually becomes president, he might just get around to you. And you better hope there s someone left to help you. Scch Biden s hometown campaign brings spotlight and economic boost to tiny Wilmington, Delaware
AP Photo/Kyle Ericson Todd Palin, the husband of polarizing former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, has quite his job working in an oil field.The Associated Press reports that Palin s resignation from the job as a production operator for BP was effective September 18th. Todd loved his union job on the Slope and hopes to return, Sarah Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton said via email. For now, he is spending time with his family. The AP reports that Todd Palin made roughly $34,500 last year at the part time job, plus another $51,700 through the Palins commercial fishing business. He also had $5,600 in snowmobile race winnings. ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley mug[/url]: none; inline-recirc-item--id-d1b219c8-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-d1b219c8-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-d1b219c8-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d ~ .item:nt [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]gourde stanley[/url] h-child 5 display: block; Brian Montopoli Brian Montopoli is the national reporter and political analyst for CBSNews. Twitter [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley vaso[/url]
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. 鈥?After record COVID-19 hospitalizations pushed Florid [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] a health workers to new limits, the summer spike has continued to weaken.The latest data from the Florida Hospital Association showed hospitalizations down about 25 percent in seven days to 6,138. That s a nearly 63 percent decrease from the August peak of more than 17,000.The decline has the state on track to possibly return to pre-surge levels as soon as October. Time will tell if that happens. 鈩?Florida COVID-19 Update for September 28, 2021馃毃 Total Confirmed Hospitalizations: 6,138 pic.twitter/q51KOT1guUmdash; Florida Hospital Association @FLHospitalAssn September 28, 2021 Florida Hospital Association Pre [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley taza[/url] sident Mary Mayhew said facilities would remain on guard, however. Mayhew believed the biggest lesson learned from the summer was that a spike could happen again. Vaccinat [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] ions, she said, remained the best defense. The challenge that we ve experienced over the last 18 months is the ongoing mutation of this virus, Mayhew said. And one of the best ways to reduce the likelihood of a future mutation is to get more individuals vaccinated. At the state level, Florida s governor has continued promoting monoclonal therapies as a way to ease the surge. When given early after a COVID diagnosis, the antibody treatment boosts immune response and can reduce the chance of hospitalization by more than 70 percent. E.W. Scripps Florida Hospital Association President M Qhrf Florida legislature votes to ban abortions after 15 weeks, Gov. DeSantis expected to approve
ORLANDO, Fla. AP 鈥?A year after Hurricane Michael, the Florida county hardest hit by the Category 5 storm is still in crisis: Thousands in Bay County are homeless, medical care and housing are at a premium, domestic violence has become a problem and severely diminished mental health services are overwhelmed with backlogs.Michael, among the strongest hurricanes ever to make landfall in the United States, barreled onto the Florida Panhandle on Oct. 10, 2018, with 160 mph 257 kph winds, ripping homes from their foundations, flattening others and utterly devastating Tyndall Air Force Base, home to 11,000 airmen. It left 22,000 of Bay County s then-180,000 residents homeless and resulted in total insured losses of almost $7 billion.This summer, co [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley cup[/url] unty officials unveiled a nearly 300-page blu [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]cups stanley[/url] eprint to rebuild. Among their ideas is to use shipping containers and 3-D technology to build new houses and to offer signing bonuses for doctors to replace those who fled when their offices and equipment were destroyed.They have their work cut out for them: About 5,000 people are still homeless and rent for the few available living quarters has skyrocketed. About 1 in 6 insurance claims are still unresolved, and local government officials a [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley website[/url] re worried about depleted tax coffers as small businesses struggle to reopen. Bay County schools have lost more than 1 in 8 students, which will affect the amount of state education funding they receive. The community at large is suffering from trauma a
Wrongfully convicted man exonerated after nearly 30 years in prison Wrongfully convicted man exonerated after nearly 30 years in prison 01:04 A man who spent nearly 30 years in pris [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] on for rape, kidnapping and robbery has been declared innocent and freed, Los Angeles County prosecutors announced Tuesday. DNA testing helped exonerate Gerardo Cabanillas in a 1995 attack on a couple sitting in a parked car [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] in the city of South Gate, the county district attorney s office said in a state [url=https://www.cup-stanley.com.de]stanley cup[/url] ment. In this photo provided by The Innocence Center and the California Innocence Project, Gerardo Cabanillas waves from outside the Hall of Justice in downtown Los Angeles after his release on Sept. 26, 2023. Laurence Colletti / Legal Talk Network via AP Cabanillas case was reexamined by the Conviction Integrity Unit of the DA s office, and last week a judge reversed his conviction, found him factually innocent and ordered his permanent release. We acknowledge a grave injustice that has resulted in the unjust more than 28-year incarceration of Mr. Cabanillas, District Attorney George Gascoacute;n said in a statement. Upon thorough reexamination of th Czsn Oklahoma prosecutor declines to charge cop in deaf man s killing
ESTES PARK, Colo. — A pizzeria owner in Colorado blames a female black bear and her two cubs for damage to his kitchen — and he has surveillance video to pr [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy[/url] ove it, CBS Denver reports. It was really fun to come into that one, said Tony Francher, the co-owner of Antonio s Real New York Pizza in Estes Park.Francher said the bears broke into a main window on the front of the business. He said they ate pretty lightly, nabbing several trays of dough [url=https://www.reebokclassic.com.de]reebok[/url] and a chunk of salami before exiting. A note to police for the future: if bears break into our stores, please don t shoot them. Every dumpster in town is now bear proof which leaves only our homes, cars and businesses, the pizzeria said on Facebook. While I don t advocate feeding wildlife in any way, I believe it would have been much [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas samba[/url] better to have left the old dumpster tops in place because they wouldn t become desperate enough to break into houses or businesses and the damage in dollars would be much lower, the post said. This could have been so much worse. Surveillance video shows three bears breaking into a Colorado pizzeria. Antonio s Real New York Pizza/Facebook The company keeps the majority of its materials in another room which the bears did not gain access to. Restaurant workers tossed product, sanitized, re-stocked, and were open for business Saturday as scheduled a
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced at a press briefing Monday morning that the U.S. will no longer grant sanctions waivers to any country importing Iranian [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] oil, in what marks the latest escalation of the administration s maximum pressure campaign on Tehran. Pompeo said that the Trump administration had secured a commitment from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to ensure markets remain adequately supplied.The decision to not to reissue the Significant Reduction Exceptions SREs comes [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] just over a week before the waivers are set to expire on May 2. Pompeo said the United States had made clear our seriousness of purpose: We are going to zero Iranian oil exports.Pompeo said that oil exports had long been Iran s principal sourc [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] e of revenue and at one point exceeded $50 billion a year. How long we remain there, at zero, depends solely on Iran s senior leaders, he said. The Trump administration has repeatedly accused Tehran of backing destabilizing activity throughout the Middle East.He reiterated multiple times, however, that Trump White House does indeed support the Iranian people. Asked what meaningful change the maximum pressure campaign had brought about to date in Iran s behavior, Pompeo said, We have watched Iran have diminished power as a result of our campaign. Their capacity to wreak harm around the world is absolutely, clearly diminished, he told reporters at the State Department. His remarks followed Xuhf More Precarious
The opening line of an Associated Press report posted online last night was not pretty:Whites largely shunned Barack Obama in Mississippi s Democratic presidential primary on Tuesday as the Deep South showed once again its reluctance to embrace him across racial lines.Is this the beginning of the end for Obama As I posted earlier this week, Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Jonathan Last wrote that Obama s victories have come mainly in states unlikely to be won by the Democrats in November in any event: states like Idaho, Utah, Georgia, and South Carolina. Now there are questions about Obama s ability to win over white southern Democrats. Finally other write [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]garrafa stanley[/url] rs are agreeing with what I referred to weeks ago as the Obama phenom: That it is starting to show cracks. Consider this online Seattle Times op-ed by one John Carlson in which he tracks the excitement over Obama s campaign as trending down from a previously high arc:But excitement is closely tied to momentum and [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley italia[/url] the Obama campaign is losing both. The affection for him is genuine, but it s less a long-term romance than a crush. Six days ago, Rasmussen Reports released a poll [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley mug[/url] showing: In Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton has opened a fifteen percentage point lead over Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey shows Clinton attracting 52% of the vote while Obama earns 37%. The Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton race for the Democratic nod has been harder to follow t
It s now more expensive to stream shows and movies on Netflix.The streaming service rolled out price increases for its monthly plans on Friday.The basic plan is now $9.99. That s a $1 increase. The standard plan also jumped from $13.99 to $15.49. The premium plan went from $17 [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley tumbler[/url] .99 to $19.99.In a statement to CNN, Netflix cited more competition for the price hike. We understand people have more entertainment choices than ever and we re committed to delivering an even better experience for our members, the spokesperson said. We re updating our prices so that we can continue to offer a wide variety of quality entertainment options. As always we offer a range of plans so members can pick a price that works for their budget. Customers will reportedlyget an email about the price increases. Netflix says it has more than 200 million paid memberships in nearly 200 countries. .Page-below > .RichTextModule display:none; .Page-b [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup spain[/url] elow .Link font-siz [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley cup[/url] e: 12px; padding: 5px 10px;border: 1px solid 005687;border-radius: 4px;font-family: proxima-nova, sans-serif; Report a typo Urfd Customers furious as popular fast-fashion brand bans shoppers over frequent returns
HOLIDAY, Fla. 鈥?Barbara Parks deals with potholes every day up and down Sunray Drive in Holiday. Its very bumpy, and it feels like its damaging my car every time I drive over it. So a lot of times Ill drive toward the middle of the road to try and avoid them, which isnt very safe, she said.Some have been patched, but those patches dont seem to last. I think its because the road keeps flooding and it keeps re-damaging the road, she said.Pasco County officials say theyve been working on Sunray Drive, even patching some potholes just last week.And they say part of Sunray Drive is already on its list for repaving sometime this year.Repaving the rest of the roa [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley mug[/url] d would require an assessment that residents would get the chance to vote on.Those can be a touchy issue if some people dont want or cant afford the costs.In the meantime Barbara says the rough road is costing her money. Ive repeatedly had to go get [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup website[/url] my car realigned, s [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley thermos mug[/url] aid Parks.People can use the My Pasco app to report potholes anywhere in the county.You can even snap a picture of the pothole to send with it.
Watch the CBS Reports documentary Conspirituality: How Wellness Became a Gateway for Misinformation in the video player above.Susanna Barkataki, a yoga teacher in Los Angeles, saw it unfold on her social media feed starting last year. It was so fascinating, because they were using words that spoke to me and people like me, Barkataki told CBS News Adam Yamaguchi. They were saying phrases and hashtags like, Where we go one, we go all. That s like, OK, yeah, that sounds very yogic, right… Or the Great Awakening. I mean, that s samadhi, that s enlightenment. The instructor, whose influence spans beyond her studio to over 68,000 Instagram followers, quickly realized those phrases stemmed from QAnon, the conspiracy theory that started as a fringe movement among supporters of former President Trump. She also noticed people questioning whether COVID-19 was a government conspiracy or a plandemic mdash; echoing a notoriou [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cup[/url] s video that was banned from Facebook and YouTube for spreading dangerous falsehoods about the virus. I was shocked, because people I knew, friends, colleagues, other yoga teachers, w [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley cup[/url] ere starting to jump on the bandwagon of these conspiracy theories. And I though [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] t, Wait, these are people who I know and who I respect. Why are they sharing this misinformation Barkataki recalled. Conspiracy theories infiltrated slowly, she said, helped along by the fact that some members of the yoga and wellness communit Kuta Hunters find human skull in South Carolina; sheriff vows best efforts to ID victim and bring justice
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio — LeB [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley cup[/url] ron James respected Phil Jacksonrsquo unmatched coaching accomplishments. That affection has vanished.Irsquo;ve got nothing for him, James said Tuesday.James fired back at Jackson, the 11-time coaching champion and current New York Knicks president, for using the word posse in a recent interview to describe the NBA megastarrsquo business a [url=https://www.skecher.com.de]skechers[/url] ssociates. James said he lost all respect for Jackson and that his comments underscore a larger societal issue for young African-Americans trying to achieve success in the business world. LeBron James heads back to Cleveland 14 photos In the interview, Jackson said James has always demanded preferential treatment and called his departure from Miami as a free agent a ldquo lap in the face to the Heat organization. Jackson recalled a time when James asked for the team to stay over in Cleveland while on a road trip, a request that put coach Erik Spoelstra in a bind. You canrsquo;t hold up the whole team because you and your mom and your posse want to spend an extra night in Cleveland, Jackson said in the ESPN interview.CBSSportsrsquo [url=https://www.hokas.com.de]hoka[/url] James Herbert writes: At best, Jackson is being careles
Severe storms and possible tornadoes are forecast to affect millions of people across the U.S. Midwest this week.The National Weather Service s Storm Prediction Center said Monday thunderstorms could start in Kansas and Nebraska, which could see hail and flash floods and the possibility of strong tornadoes.Conditions are right to favor very large hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes, the agency said in its Monday evening report.Supercells are expected over the Plains states, which the Storm Prediction C [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup[/url] enter says will increase the risk of tornadoes and hail.Tornado watches were in effect until 3 a.m. Central Time for portions of Western and central Kansas, South central Nebraska, Northwest Oklahoma and the eastern Oklahoma Panhandle and the northeast Texas Panhandle.By Tuesday the storms will have reached the Mississippi Valley, Great Lakes and Ohio Valley, where forecasters warn significant hail could fall. Tornadoes may also be a risk. The regions at greatest risk will be Southern Iowa, Northern Missouri and Central Illinois.SEE MORE: Are you [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] prepared for a natural disaster Do these things nowTrending stories at ScrippsnewsBody of 4th construc [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] tion worker recovered from Key Bridge collapseFeds to close California women s prison plagued by sex abuseFormer Kentucky swimmers sue school, coaches over alleged sexual abuse Jtxq Environmental leaders say red tide bloom could last for months
TARPON SPRINGS, Fla. 鈥?An East Lake High School student is in criticalcondition after a crash at the intersection of East Lake Road and Pine Ridge Drive in Tarpon Springs. The crash happened around 6:50 a.m. Wednesday.Florida Highway Patrol troopers sayJaneva Love Buczynski, 15, was crossing East Lake Road on her bike to get to Eas [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley cup[/url] t Lake High Scho [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley canada[/url] ol.DRIVING TAMPA BAY FORWARD |East Bay H.S. mother posts video about students walking unsafe streetsInvestigators say Buczynski was in the crosswalk, but she crossed into the Northbound part of the intersection, in front of a car that had a green light.The car, driven by a 51-year-old woman from Holiday, hit Buczynski, critically injuring her. She was airlifted to St. Josephs Hospital.Investigators say alcohol was not a factor in this crash. The driver was cited for driving on a suspended license.In the meantime, Pinellas County School leaders have sent a support team to East Lake High School to help students in the wake of the crash.The crash closed East Lake Road until abou [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley us[/url] t 7:30 a.m.
President Biden signed an executive order Friday aimed at protecting access to abortion, as he faces mounting pressure from fellow Democrats to be more forceful on the subject after the Supreme Court ended a constitutional right to the procedure two weeks ago. The president blasted the court s decision, and urged Americans to vote for candidates in November who support abortion rights legislation. This was not a decision driven by the Constitution, and despite what those justices in the majority said, this was no [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley mug[/url] t a decision driven by history, Mr. Biden said at the White House Friday, flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. Biden speaks on reproductive rights, signs executive order on abortion access 15 [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cup[/url] :13 The actions the president outlined Friday are intended to try to mitigate some potential penalties women seeking abortion may face after the ruling but are limited in their ability to safeguard access to abortion nationwide. S [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley quencher[/url] pecifically, the executive order asks the Justice Department to do everything within its power to protect women seeking abortion, including protecting women s right to travel to another state for an abortion and to protect access to Food and Drug Administration-approved abortion d Lsah Starting Gate: Back To The Issues
house.gov Over the weekend, Republican Congressman Trent Franks said at the How to Take Back America conference [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley cup becher[/url] that President Obama is an enemy of humanity. Today, a spokesman for Franks said the Arizona representative should have made clear that he was discussing the president s position on abortion.Here s what Frank said in full on Saturday, to applause from t [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley mug[/url] he conservative conference-goers: Obama s first act as president of any consequence, in the middle of a financial meltdown, was to send taxpayers money overseas to pay for the killing of unborn children in other countries. Now, I got to tell you, if a president will do that, there s almost nothing that you should be surprised at after that. We shouldn t be shocked that he does all these other insane things. A president that has lost his way that badly, that has no ability to see the image of God in these little fellow human beings, if he can t do that right, then h [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley cup[/url] e has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an enemy of humanity. Franks spokesman Bethany Haley said the congressman was referring to unborn humanity, according to the Associated Press, and should have been more clear. She added that Franks was saying the president s abortion policies have no place in any station of government, not that the president himself should have no place in the government. She added to the AP that Franks was just referring to the way President Obama has set himself up as the most pro-ab
Films about invading insects have been scaring movie-goers for decades. But now, a real-life insect invasion of what are called periodical cicadaswill put Hollywood to shame by its sheer size and scope.Over the next few weeks along the East Coast and Midwest, the cicadas will emerge from the ground, shed their skins and partake in a month-long mating ritual, making quite a scene mdash; climbing trees and singing mating songs as loud as 100 decibels, the same intensity as a jackhammer. It s a pretty big event. I mean, we re talking about trillions of cicadas that are gonna be emerging, singing, calling, finding mates in your backyard, Dr. Jessica Ware, an entomologist at the American Museum of Natural History, told meteorologist and CBS News climate specialist Jeff Berardelli. There are over a dozen known broods of cicadas in the U.S. categorized by [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup[/url] when they emerge together from the gr [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley cup[/url] ound. Brood X is consi [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] dered one of the largest and makes its appearance like clockwork every 17 years. I think it s not that the cicadas know anything per se. I think part of it is hardwired. So there s a series of biochemical cascades, you know, hormones that rise and fall that set off a trigger. And if you have a certain hormone level and the temperature of the soil is 64 degrees, it s go time, Ware said. Once the cicadas do emerge, time is not on their side. Ware said they re on a short clock mdash; around three or four weeks to find a mate Osdb Experts: Society s problems don t stop at military bases gates
CHARLESTON, S.C. — The architect who designed the 9/11 Memorial in New York has been chosen to create a memorial to honor the nine worshippers gunned down in a racist shooting attack on a South Carolina church.The decision came Saturday on the second anniversary o [url=https://www.adidas-originals.es]adidas originals[/url] f the massacre at Emanuel AME church in Charleston — a day also marked by a crowd singing Amazing Grace as they marched to the church. Emanuel s bells rang nine times at the end of the Hate Won t Win Unity Walk. The walk, which organizers said was designed to bring people of all races, religions, and backgrounds to contest hate and spread love across the world, honored the nine parishioners of the church who were killed during a Wednesday night Bible study on June 17, 2015. The message of the march, Hate won t win, could be seen on signs and heard from family and friends of the victims and survivors, CBS affiliate WCSC reports. South Caroli [url=https://www.airforces.us]air force 1[/url] na church shooting victims 16 photos Ashland Temoney lost her aunt, the Rev. Depayne Middleton Doctor. It was very meaningful today for us to come together [url=https://www.af1.it]af1[/url] and just show the city and the world that hate did not win, said Ashland Temoney, whose aunt, Rev. Depayne Middleton Doctor, was killed. It was
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai says that as the FCC rolls back the Obama-era net neutrality rules, consumers will be protected under the commission s [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] new Restoring Internet Freedom rule which goes into effect today. The new legislation replaces net neutrality rules introduced by the Obama administration that aimed to ensure that internet service providers [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] treat all online content, apps and traffic equally.Pai told CBS This Morning that the new rules will provide a light touch approach that produces tremendously positive benefits for consumers.Pai says he believes the net neutrality rules adopted during the Obama administration discourage internet providers from making investments in their network to provide better, faster online access. In his announcement of the repeal proposal last year, he claimed the regulations depressed investment in building and expanding broadband networks and deterred innovation. But critics claim that the F [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]botella stanley[/url] CC s new rules could invite internet service provides an opportunity to slow down its competitors content. Pai told CBS that the Federal Trade Commission will work to prevent such cases of bad apples in the internet economy from taking place. We ve empowered the FTC to take action against any company that might act in any competitive way, said Pai. The consumer is going to be protected and we preserve the incentive for companies to build out better, faster, and cheaper i Nxvc More plagiarism accusations against Sen. Rand Paul
The immigration billThis is my Creators Syndicate column this week, on the collapse of the immigration bill and what those of us who favor its basic thrust need to do next.The best comment on the Louisville and Seattle school cases--and Chicago as the center of the new media revolution circa 1932 Read this brilliant column by Juan Williams in the New York Times. The whole thing. Williams puts this decision in historic context and shows us the way to create a better nation in the years ahead. Juan is an old friend whose office I took over when I joined the editorial-page staff at the Washington Post in 1982 he moved to the newsroom and with whom I have appeared many times on Fox News Channel. His book Enough is a national service, and so is this column. Juan and I will be a [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup price[/url] mong the speakers tonight at the Museum of Broadcast Communications event in Chicago commemorating the 75th anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt s flight to Chicago and acceptance speech to the 1932 Democratic National Convention. Tune in to the webcast if you can t make it in person. The museum is headquartered in Chicago, which is appropriate, because Chicago radio stations in the 1920s were the great pioneer [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley thermos mug[/url] s in broadcasting, originating the situation comedy, the sports broadcast, and the national convention broadcast. Among their listeners: a boy in Dixon, Ill., 100 miles to the west, where clear-channel Chicago stations like WLS and WC [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley trinkflaschen[/url] FL came through strong, named R
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. AP 鈥?Americas commercial casinos are off to their best two-month start ever, the latest indication the industry is recovering in the third year of the coronavirus pandemic. The American Gaming Association says revenue from in-person casino games, sports betting and internet gambling reac [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] hed nearly $9 billion in January and February, up more than 19% from the previous record set in 2020. In-person slots and table games revenue was over $7 billion in the first two [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cups[/url] months of 2022, up just under 1% from the same period in 2020. The figures do not include tribal-run casinos, like the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Tampa, many of which are experiencing similar increases.Last year was the best ever for the U.S. casino industry as it won $53 billion. Almost $45 [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley puodelis[/url] billion was won from in-person gamblers at casinos last year, up 6.6% from 2019. Oumn Treasury secretary says inflation is here to stay
A farmer in New Zealand packed up his semi-automatic firearm Monday and surrendered it to police.The weight of the terror attacks on two mosques in New Zealand and the thought of what could happen if the gun fell into the wrong hands made John Hart voluntarily turn in his firearm, he said. I had had that gun since it was made. I was glad it had never harmed a person, Hart, 46, told CNN. Now I can know that it never harmed a person, so I have some reassurance in that. Friday s attacks killed 50 people in the nation which has had relatively few gun-related deaths. The shooter s weapons including two semi-automatic firearms and two shotguns, according to New Zealand officials.New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told reporters Monday that the government would ref [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] orm the country s gun laws .Hart has been a gun owner for almost two decades, he said. He owns a 50-acre farm in Masterton, New Zealand, whe [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley isolierkanne[/url] re he raises sheep and beef. He said he thought a lot before making his decision and ultimately, he felt a bit of relief. He said he had purchased the semi-automatic firearm to help with killing goats and wild pigs to aid in pest control on the farm. Har [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] t said he still has other guns on the farm for chores and euthanizing animals. For me, the main reasoning was that these types of weapons are convenient for some types of tasks, but they aren t the only way to perform those
When Americans think of the Civil Rights Movement, they think of icons like Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewismdash; men with such a gift for oration that the words of their speeches are forever ingrained in American history. Today, however, there is no central leader unifying th [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] e marches and rallies for racial justice across America.There is no shortage of passionate young activists, nor is there a shortage of inspiration for change. The makeup of the movement simply looks different. And while it is often criticized for being decentralized, some of the young activists at its core tell CBS News that that s actually by design. I think that this movement doesn t need a central leader, 23-year-old Chelsea Miller, who co-founded Fr [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley cup[/url] eedom March NYC in the wake of George Floyd s killing, told CBS News. Because when you cut off one head, there are still dozens, hundreds, [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup[/url] thousands of heads operating. hellip; There isn t one leader and I think there s a beauty to that. In 1955, the brutal murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till in Mississippi and the acquittal of his killers by an all-White jury served as the spark that motivated a generation of young activists, like John Lewis and Rosa Parks, to change the course of history.The young activists of today have many sparks. Many Emmett Tills. Every single uprising that took place in the 1960s, they involved the unjust killing by the police of an unarmed black man as the spark, said Marc M Vbbe New Jersey to close notorious women s prison after long history of abusive incidents
BOARDMAN, Ohio — An Ohio man [url=https://www.nikeairjordan.fr]jordan[/url] has been charged after chasing his 6-year-old daughter around a neighborhood while wearing a clown mask, and another man is charged for firing a gun.Boardman police say the girl first jumped into a stranger s car, then ran into a stranger s apartment while screaming that a clown was chasing her Saturday night, reports CBS Youngstown, O [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] hio affiliate WKBN-TV.Police say a man in the apartment building came outside and fired a gunshot into the ground. The father, identified as Vernon Barrett Jr., told police he chased his daughter to discipline her for behavioral issues, rather than spanking her. He s been charged with child endangering and inducing panic.Barrett claimed the girl s mother is serving jail time for child endangerment after being convicted of breaking four of the girl s ribs, WKBN says, citing police. Barrett said he opted for frightening his daughter instead of spanking her because of what her mother had done, the station adds. Police say the man who fired the gunshot has been charged with using weapons while intoxicated. More from CBS News 2 Ohio officers involved in Black man s death charged with reckless homicide [url=https://www.dunks.fr]nike dunk[/url]
Newt Gingrich, the Republican House Speaker in the late 90s, said on Monday that there would be no reporters mdash; who he calls enemies of the president mdash; at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue if it [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] was up to him.Gingrich, who catapulted his career large [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] ly in part by appearances on cable news, made the comments while he wa [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley flask[/url] s on CBSN Monday to discuss and promote his new book, Trump vs. China: Facing America s Greatest Threat. The former speaker of the House was responding to a question from CBSN anchor Vladimir Duthiers, who asked whether Gingrich would have advised going out on camera like Mick Mulvaney did if he were chief of staff. In that news conference last week, Mulvaneyappeared to admit that the U.S. withheld Ukraine aid in order to get the country to investigate the 2016 U.S. presidential election. If I had had the ability to do it, there wouldn t be a White House press corps in the White House, Gingrich responded. Why is that asked CBSN anchor Anne-Marie Green. Because they re all the enemies of the president. I mean why would you call on people who get up every morning saying I hate Donald Trump, I wonder how I can make his life miserable Gingrich answered. Well this is the opportunity for the president to speak to the people, right Green interjected. No, the president can speak to the people anytime. He doesn t need to speak to a bunch of reporters who are then going to be distorted by their editors, Gingric Yuoy The Mardi Gras Primary
CBS News Below is a rush transcript of Face the Nation on August 5, 2012, hosted by CBS News Bob Schieffer. Guests include: Gov. Bob McDonnell, R-Va., former Gov. Ted Strickland, D-Ohio, former Gov. Ed Rendell, D-Penn., and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla. Plus, an interview with Justice Sandra Day O Connor. And, a roundtable with Michael Crowley, Julianna Goldman, Nancy Cordes and Jan Cr [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley water bottle[/url] awford.BOB SCHIEFFER: Today on FACE THE NATION, it s all about the battleground states, and the Obama campaign likes the numbers they re seeing. New polls show the President [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley trinkflaschen[/url] leading now in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania, and dead even in Virginia. But then there are those other numbers. Unemployment ticked up again and that brought Mitt Romney to the camp.MITT ROMNEY: And-- and of course today we just got a new number from the unemployment report and it s another hammer blow to the struggling midd [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley isolierkanne[/url] le-class families of America. BOB SCHIEFFER: The President had his own thoughts about what was bad for the middle class--the Romney economic plan.PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Under my opponent s plan, who do you think gets the bill for these two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollar tax cuts You do. BOB SCHIEFFER: Back and forth it went, but with the nation now so polarized that only five percent of the electorate is undecided, and eleven battleground states could decide the election, today we ll check in with politicians and four of them, Virginia Republican
WAUKESHA 鈥?WAUKESHA, Wisc. 鈥?A parent has filed a lawsuit against the Waukesha School District and its school board, claiming her child got sick with COVID-19 after being exposed by a classmate because the school district does not have a mask requirement in place.The child is a student a Rose Glen Elementary School. The lawsuit alleges the district violated the boy s 14th Amendment right to be protected from state-created dangers at school. We received a COVID-19 complaint for filing yesterday. We have not been formally served. Immediately we contacted our attorneys and on the advice of our counsel we have been advised not to respond further at this time, Waukesha School District Superintendent James Sebert said last Thursday.The laws [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]vaso stanley[/url] uit said a mask policy was in place at Waukesha schools last year, but it ended on May 12. The district did not put a new mask policy in place for the 2021-2022 school year. [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cups[/url] TMJ4 Rose Glen Elementary School In a declaration included in the lawsuit, the mother said that as a family, they decided to send their kids to school wearing masks despite the district not requiring them. She sai [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley website[/url] d other students did not wear masks at school.The lawsuit claims that a classmate of the child came to school with COVID-19 symptoms on Sept. 16 and 17 before being sent home. The child allegedly sat next to that classmate each day. The mother said in the declaration that her child became symptomatic and tested positive on Se Tksm Majority Leader McConnell holds his Kentucky senate seat
NEW YORK 鈥? Alelia Murphy, Americas oldest resident, has passed away, according to 1199SEIU, a health care union.Murphy turned 114 years old in July. She was born into a family of 12 children in North Carolina, but moved to Harlem in New York because she wanted to be a part of the Harlem renaissance in the 1920s.New York State Sen. Brian Benjamin called her a Harlem icon. Murphy lost her husband in 1953. She raised a daughter and a son who pre-deceased her. My grandmother, her strength, I dont know w [url=https://www.cup-stanley.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] here she gets it from, but she has been through so many things. She is the glue that holds this family together, one of her granddaughters, Nefer Nekhet, told WPIX at Murphys birthday. We ask her Grandma, you been here for a very long time and she said, Im here because you all [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley trinkflaschen[/url] dont know how to live, Im here to teach you all how to live and things to do. When asked what is her secret to living a long life, Murphy said: Trust in God and be a good person. Funeral services will take place Friday, Dec. 6 at the United House of Prayer for All People in Harlem. The viewing will be held from 5-7 p.m., and the funeral service will immediately follow. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cup[/url] This story was originally published on WPIX.
Leading lawmaker says that Trump gunman had plan to use explosives to escape rally site [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] Leading lawmaker says that Trump gunman had plan to use explosives to escape rally [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] site 00:14 PITTSBURGH, Pa. KDKA — The gunman who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump planned to use explosives to create a diversion in a bid to escape the rally site, a leading lawmaker has revealed.House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul R-Texas said on CBS Face the Nation that Thomas Crooks had a detonation device on his body and two bombs in his vehicle. What his plan was, was to assassinate the president, create a diversion by blowing up his vehicle on the other side of the property, and then he could escape, said McCaul, who served three terms as chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. CBS News previously reportedthat an AR-style rifle, remote transmitter and cellphone were found on the shooter s body while two explosive devices, a drone, a tactical vest and four magazines of the same ammunition used in the shooting were found in Crooks vehicle.The U.S. Secret Service quickly came under intense scrutiny, with questions mounting about how the assassination attempt could have happened at such a high-profile event. Srrm Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker s jersey ranks among top-selling NFL jerseys after commencement speech
WASHINGTON — When word of the Supreme Court s decision on the Affordable Care Act reached the courthouse steps Thursday morning, supporters were jubilant.But inside the courtroom, the mood was tense as Chief Justice John Roberts summarized the 6-3 ruling upholding billions of dollars in subsidies for Americans in every state to buy insurance. Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, said Roberts for the majority, not to destroy them. [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy[/url] Supreme Court rules on Obamacare subsidies 01:37 Opponents argued Congress wrote the law to make tax credits only available to people who buy health insurance though ex [url=https://www.nikeair.fr]air max 1[/url] changes established by the state. But only 16 states actually created their own exchanges — so that would leave empty-handed more than six million people in 34 states who buy insurance and get subsidies through the federal Healthcare.gov website.Roberts acknowledged the law contains more than a few examples of inartful drafting, but sai [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba[/url] d the opponents approach would lead to a calamitous result and that it was implausible that Congress meant the act to operate in this manner. His opinion sparked a blistering dissent by Justice Antonin Scalia, who took the unusual step of summarizing it from the bench.Calling
The agency that oversees federal workers has some advice for the 800,000 furloughed workers who are entering a seventh day without pay: Try bartering for your rent payment.The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] provided sample letters that furloughed workers can send to their landlords in case they can t make their rent payments. One of the l [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] etters suggests the cash-strapped workers could barter handyman services in exchange for rent money. I would like to discuss with you the possibility of trading my services to perform maintenance e.g. painting, carpentry work in exchange for partial rent payments, the [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley deutschland[/url] letter states. It also asks the landlords if they would consider a partial rent reduction because of the government shutdown. Feds, here are sample letters you may use as a guide when working with your creditors during this furlough. If you need legal advice please consult with your personal attorney. t.co/t6h6OzALsSmdash; OPM @USOPM December 27, 2018 The partial government shutdown, which began on Saturday after negotiations hit an impasse over President Donald Trump s $5 billion demand for funds to construct a wall along the southwestern border,is likely to extend into the new year after members of the House of Representatives were notified that no votes are expected to take place this week. Both the Senate and House reconvened Thursday after the Christmas break, but few lawmakers showed up on Capitol Hill. Hkuj With debate approaching, GOP picture remains blurry
CBS NEWS WASHINGTON — Moving quickly to try to put its record of bad behavior behind it, the Secret Service has issued strict new behavior guidelines.The enhanced standards were sent out to all Secret Service personnel, and are effective immediately.It s the latest attempt by the agency to get control of the sex scandal enveloping the agency, amid new questions about a culture of inappropriate behavior. The agency handed down the new enhanced standards of conduct two weeks after the Secret Service prostitution scandal broke in Colombia, as allegations of inappropriate behavior expanded to four countries.An internal agency memo says personnel should consider your conduct through the lens of the past several wee [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley thermosflasche[/url] ks. Among the enhanced standards: Foreign nationals cannot enter employees hotel rooms, excluding hotel staff and official counterparts. Patronizing in non-reputable establishments is not allowed. And drinking alcohol can only be done while off-duty and in moderate amounts. It s prohibited within 10 hours of reporting for duty.Next week, more than 100 Secret Service personnel are scheduled to take an ethics in law enforcement class. The agency says more of these addi [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley canada[/url] tional training sessions will be held throughout the year.New code of conduct issued for Secret Service agentsEl Salvador night club owner denies USSS reportKIRO: USSS agents bragged about rowdy conduc [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley mug[/url] tReport: Secret Service agents partied with strippers a
Pressed to take action on guns by students who survived the most recent mass school shooting and by President Trump, lawmakers are discussing what they might enact on gun safety. On Wednesday, thepresident surprised the bipartisan members of Congress he met withwhen he sided with Democrats on expanding background checks and raising the purchasing age for rifles. It doesn t make sense that I have to wait til I m 21 to get a handgun but I can get this weapon at 18, Mr. Trump said. He also discouraged Republican hopes of passing a concealed carry law across state lines, and he seemed to support the idea of taking guns from people who show signs [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley water bottle[/url] of threatening behavior, as the alleged Florida shooter did.Lawmakers are talking about several different ideas, though it s not completely clear what will attract enough bipartisan support to pass, much less be grouped into a single bill, as Mr. Trump suggested Wednesday. Here s a rundown of some of the proposals: The bump stock banBump stocks are a device [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley taza[/url] that allow semi-automatic weapons, such as the AR-15, to mimic the firing rate of automatic weapons, which are already the subject of strict regulation. The man who killed 58 people in Las Vegas in October utilized a bump stock, which helped him fire more [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley website[/url] than a thousand rounds from his perch above a country music concert in the city.In the wake of that massacre, California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced a bill to ban bump stocks, Uxta Napolitano resignation deals new blow to DHS leadership
Updated 11:24 a.m. Eastern Bob Collins/Minnesota Public Radio If you drive along I-35 in Wyoming, Minnesota, you might see a billboard with a picture of George W. Bush and the words, Miss Me Yet Bob Collins of Minnesota Public Radio says that the billboard is real, not Photoshopped, and he has been trying to chase down who is behind it. As of Tuesday morning, no luck. While many may miss President Bush, he seems to be enjoying his life outside of the spotlight, where he doesn t have to deal with load on the shoulders of the current president.Update 3:00 p.m. ET: Bob Collins has an update today on the mystery surrounding who paid for the sign. According to Mary Teske, the general manager of Schubert Hoey Outdoor Advertising, the sign was bought by a group of small business owners who feel like Washington is against them. She added that they wish to remain anonymous. Daniel Farber is editor-in-chief of CBSNews ponent--type-recirculation .item:nth-child 5 display: none; inline-recirc-item--id-d1d721d2-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, right-rail-recirc-item--id-d1d721d2-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d display: n [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cup[/url] one; inline-recirc-item--id-d1d721d2-8 [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] c88-11e2-b06b-024 [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley quencher[/url] c619f5c3d ~ .item:nth-child 5 display: block; Dan Farber
NAPLES, Fla. 鈥?A Missing Child Alert has been issued for a 16-year-old boy who disappeared from Naples last Thursday.The Florida Department of Law Enforcement said Dylan [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]water bottle stanley[/url] Helms was last seen on Sept. 26 in the 5800th block of Whitaker Road. He was wearing a black beanie, white tank top and khaki or black plants.Officials described Helms as a white male who is 4 feet and five inches tall and 150 pounds with blonde hair and blue eyes. They added that Helms is a double-leg amputee, is in a wheelchair and his hair may be longer than pictured. If you have any information on his whereabouts, contact the Collier County Sheriff s Office at 239-252-9300 or 911. As allegations mount that the DeSantis administration is misusing taxpayer money to influence voters on abor [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley website[/url] tion and marijuana issues, a political communications expert calls the states actions not just unprecedented, but dangerous. Public service or propaganda The consequences of Florida meddling in on abortion, marijuana issues [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] Latest Florida News from ABC Action News 3 FL fire rescue employees resign, investigation into training tragedy continues CNN Floridas convicted killer clown Xinq Wide receiver Chris Godwin returns to practice for the Buccaneers
BRADENTON, Fla. — With high school graduations across the country [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup usa[/url] being canceled, delayed or altered, Valedictorian speeches have fallen by the wayside.A national competition was started, asking seniors nationwide to submit virtual speeches.Isabella Macias has dreamed of giving a graduation speech ever since she was a little girl running around Tom Bennett Park.Then just a few months away from receiving a diploma from Braden River High School, the pandemic changed everything. I know a lot of people were going through anxiety, depression. People were scared how the school year was going to end. They were sad they werent going to be with their friends, said Macias.Throughout her high school career, Macias always had a desire to inspire, so she applied for the National Society [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley mug[/url] of High School Scholars Virtual Valedictorian Scholarship. They were looking for the top 10 motivational speeches from the class of 2020.In her speech, Macias wrote, I am proud of each and every one of us. We are stronger than ever and these past four years have prepared us for greatness. No matter what disaster may come our way, we will always continue to look forward, to look up. The speech, recorded right in h [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley thermos mug[/url] er bedroom, was selected as a winner. Macias even sprinkled in a space theme throughout. Her goal is to one day be an astrophysicist. All of us today are astronauts and weve all taken a giant leap to face this pandemic, said Macias during the speech.As part of her award, the honors student was
Washington mdash; Nebraska s Republican Gov. Jim Pillen said Tuesday he would not call a special session to change how the state awards Electoral College votes before the November election.It s a setback for former President Donald Trump, who was all but certain to benefit under a winner-take-all allocation. My team and I have worked relentlessly to secure a filibuster-proof 33 [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] -vote majority to get winner-take-all passed before the November election, Pillen said in a stat [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley cup[/url] ement. Unfortunately, we c [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ould not persuade 33 state senators. State Sen. Mike McDonnell, a Democrat-turned-Republican from Omaha, announced his opposition to the move on Monday, which meant Republicans would come up short unless a Democrat or independent were to defect. In recent weeks, a conversation around whether to change how we allocate our Electoral College votes has returned to the forefront, he said in a statement. I respect the desire of some of my colleagues to have this discussion, and I have taken time to listen carefully to Nebraskans and national leaders on both sides of the issue. After deep consideration, it is clear to me that right now, 43 days from Election Day, is not the moment to make this change. Nebraska allocates three of its five electoral votes based on the winner in each of the state s three congressional districts. The presidential candidate who wins the statewide popular vote receives the remaining two.Republicans have recentl Lspo A Trump administration gag order just proposed cutting millions from Planned Parenthood
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A federal judge on Thursday ordered California s corrections department to provide a transgender inmate with sex reassignment surgery, the first time such an operation has been ordered in [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba[/url] the state.U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco ruled that denying the su [url=https://www.nikeair.fr]air max 1[/url] rgery to 51-year-old Michelle-Lael Norsworthy violates her constitutional rights. Her birth name is Jeffrey Bryan Norsworthy.The ruling marks just the second time nationwide that a judge has issued an injunction directing a state prison system to provide the surgery, said Ilona Turner, legal director at the Transgender Law Center in Oakland, which helped represent Norsworthy. The previous order in a Massachusetts case was overturned last year and is being appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.In his ruling in California, Tigar cited testimony that the surgery has actually been performed just once on an inmate, an apparent reference to a person who castrated himself in Texas then was given the surgery out of necessity. Norsworthy, who was convicted of murder, has lived as a woman since the 1990s and has what Tigar termed severe gender dysphoria — a condition that occurs when people s gender at birth is contrary [url=https://www.af1.it]af1[/url] to the way they identify themselves. The weight of the evidence demonstrates that for Norsworthy, the only adequate medical treatment for her gender dysphoria is SRS, Tigar wrote, referring to sex reassignment surgery.California Department
One of the defining features of the 2016 election has been the rise of outsiders on the left and right who have promised not to work within the system, but to blow it up and start over.Among Democrats, that anti-establishment furor has empowered Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Among Republicans, it s allowed Donald Trump to become the presumptiv [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cups[/url] e GOP nominee.How can we explain the profound sense of disappointment, even rage, with the political establishment that has gripped this year s primaries Face the Nation moderator John Dickerson and Late Show host Stephen Colbert took a stab at answering that question, among ot [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley tumblers[/url] hers, during a wide-ranging discussion this week at the 92nd St. Y in New York City. You can view the full conversation here. Below is an [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]vaso stanley[/url] excerpt. Stephen Colbert: When we spoke last, in December...you were looking for a theory of this election. Have you found one yet. And why do you need one John Dickerson: No, I haven t found it yet. The reason I need one is the first campaign I ever covered, when I was at TIME, one of the bureau chiefs said, you always have to be looking for what is the question of this election — what are we trying to figure out, what are we trying to answer, what are the candidates trying to answer, what is the public trying to answer Because campaigns used to be, and one of the challenges with this one is whether this is still the case, it s a national conversation. It s when we take control Ltvx McCain Faces Balancing Act On Immigration
President Obama speaks to members of the media in advance of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, Sunday, April 11, 2010. AP Two more Senate Republicans have put their support behind the Unit [url=https://www.stanley-cups.pl]kubki stanley[/url] ed States nuclear arms treaty with Russia, g [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley cup[/url] iving momentum to the deal which President Obama says the Senate must ratify before leaving for Christmas vacation.Maine s two moderate Republican senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins both confirmed today that they will vote in support of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START agreement. Collins said in a statement today she will vote to ratify the treaty after receiving reassurances from Secretary of State Hillar [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]garrafa stanley[/url] y Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates regarding the Obama administration s approach to tactical nuclear warheads, which are particularly vulnerable to theft or acquisition by terrorists. After Collins wrote to Clinton and Gates regarding her concerns that too much emphasis had been placed on the physical location of Russia s nuclear warheads, the administration officials told the senator that they were also focused on the reduction and security of tactical warheads. As the Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, I support the President s commitment to reduce not only the number of strategic nuclear weapons through the New START treaty, but
TAMPA, Fla. 鈥?Mayor Jane Castor laid out the road map toward her goal of transforming Tampas tomorrow in her annual State of the City address Wednesday morning.Her speech focused on housing affordability, transportation, workforce development, and resiliency.On the topic of transportation, the mayor threw her support behind the one-cent transportation s [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley cup[/url] ales tax voters in Hillsborough County will consider on the November ballot. County leaders say the tax if approved by voters, would generate millions of dollars in revenue to repair roads, create new sidewalks, and address the countys limited transit options.The mayor addressed the need for more projects to address localized flooding that has plagued neighborhoods like East Seminole Heights, where one such project is currently underway.On the topic of affordable housing, the mayor highlighted steps the city is currently pursuing: a goal of building 10,000 more affordable units by 2027, a program that helps homeowners repair and [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cups[/url] rehabilitate their aging homes, and assistance for renters. In the home building, anything from tiny homes to single-family homes all the way up to multi-level residential, and then we are also looking at home remodeling 鈥?putting millions of dollars into allowing homes to be remodeled so that individuals can stay in those homes, Castor said Tuesday.Her speech also asked the community for [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley cup[/url] help addressing the shortage of affordable housing, as mortgage rates, rent prices, and other costs continue to c Dtxz Starbucks rolls out delivery service for coffee drinkers
E [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley thermobecher[/url] SCONDIDO, Calif. KGTV 鈥?As families prepare to enjoy their pools this summer, an Escondido mother is speaking out for the first time after a near-drowning last summer that forever changed the life of her little boy.July 3, 2020. Trisha Bernal was at work, while her husband and six kids, including 3-year-old Malachi, were at a friend s Poway home celebrating the holiday weekend.A total of nine children were in the house and backyard, with three adults inside cooking. When everyone gathered to eat, Malachi was nowhere to be found. After a frantic search, he was discovered at the bottom of the pool. It s unclear how long he had been there.After CPR was performed, he was breathing before the [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley tumbler[/url] ambulance rushed him to th [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley termosar[/url] e hospital. Lots of shock. You just don t know how to respond in a situation like that. It s a parent s worst nightmare, said Bernal.Malachi would survive, but at the hospital, Bernal learned her happy, active son had suffered severe brain damage. Just very minor movements, but for the most part, he cant move, and he can t talk, said Bernal.Doctors have told Bernal her son won t walk or talk again, but she hasn t lost hope, enlisting alternative therapies like hyperbaric oxygen chambers.Meanwhile, Bernal is now sharing Malachi s story in hopes of helping others, detailing his story on a Facebook page. She encourages parents to vigilant and to look into measures like pool gates and door alarms. Dont take it for granted that your child knows what to do when theyre
Internal government documents disclosed to a team of Senate investigators offer new details about a secret intelligence project that was successfully dismantling U.S. weapons smuggling networks into Mexico until it was abruptly shut down without explanation in fiscal year 2022.Whistleblower disclosures made to Iowa Sen. Chuck Grass [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley cup[/url] ley s office confirmed and expanded upon the existence and success of Project Thor,first reported by CBS News last September.The new documents, exclusively obtained by CBS News, were sent by Grassley on Thursday to nine federal law enforcement agencies within the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, State and Postal Service. They accompanie [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] d a set of sternly-worded letters demanding that each department disclose details about Thor s operations mdash; the existence of which the Biden administration has yet to publicly acknowledge mdash; as well as all current efforts to target cartel firearms trafficking networks operating in the U.S. and neighboring countries. The American people deserve to know more about the Biden administration s strategy hellip; to target cartel firearms networks in the U.S., wrote Grassley, questioning exactly how committed the U.S. government has been to stem the fl [url=https://www.cup-stanley.com.de]stanley cup[/url] ow of American weapons into the hands of cartels.The FBI and State Department declined to comment. The Postal Service confirmed that they were reviewing the letter and will be providing a response directly to the Se Ydkl Calif. dental clinic reopens after bacterial outbreaks
A longtime associate of President Trump is maintaining his innocence. Roger Stone insists he is not guilty of charges outlined in a federal indictment and he s blasting an early-morning FBI raid on his Florida home. Stone spoke to CBS News justice and homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues. Stone walked out of his Fort Lauderdale home on Saturday and immediately dismissed speculation that he shared inf [url=https://www.salomonschuhe.com.de]salomon[/url] ormation about the WikiLeaks disclosures with then-candidate Trump in 2016. Who were you communicating with then if it wasn t the president Pegues asked. I wasn t, Stone said. Those two assertions regarding Campaign Official 1 and Campaign Official 2 are incorrect. They are false. Now that doesn t mean that the special counsel can t induce somebody to say that, but they would be people who are easily impeachable, because they were either seeking a reduction in their sentence or because they have an ax to grind against me. This will all come out at trial. Roger Stone leaves his Fort Lauderd [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] ale home on January 26, 2019. CBS News After emerging from the courthouse on Friday, the flamboyant political operative did a series of cable network interviews dismissing the charges against him. [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy[/url] And he sharply denounced the FBI for the arrest at his home. I believe that I will be vindicated in court, but I am 66 years old, I do not have
With six states holding contests on March 10, Michigan is the biggest delegate prize at stake in this next batch of prim [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] aries. Because of a 2018 ballot measure, Michigan now allows for absentee ballots without needing a reason, reportsCBS News campaign reporter Adam Brewster. It has led to a spike in absentee ballot requests and returns. As of 8:00 p.m. ET on Thursday night, 599,644 absentee ballots had been returned of the 924,340 that were requested. Five days before the 2016 primary, when no-reason absentee voting was not allowed, 357,733 absentee ballots were returned of the 484,173 that were requested. Michigan law also allows people to spoil their ballot if the candidate th [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley cup quencher[/url] ey voted for dropped out or for any other reason. A voter can have a new ballot mailed to them or vote in person on Tuesday for a different candidate. As of 2:00 p.m. ET on Friday, the Secretary of State s office says there were 24,109 requests to spoil ballots, which would allow a voter who sent in an absentee ballot to recast his or her ballot. If a voter is spoiling their ballot by mail, the request must be received by 2:00 p.m. ET on Saturday. It can also be done in person at a clerk s office by 4:00 p.m. ET on Monday.ON THE DEBATE STAGEAnd then there were two. On Friday, the Democratic National Committee announced its qualifications for the next Democratic presidential debate in Arizon [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] a on March 15, and it appears Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will be the only candidates qualified to participa Owgm Obama: U.S. Not Out Of The Woods
It is worse, quite frankly, than everyone thought it was, and it is [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley termosar[/url] getting worse every day, Vice President Joe Biden said about the American e [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley website[/url] conomy on CBS Face The Nation Sunday morning. There has been no good news, he admitted. Yet he said that we are off and running regarding the stimulus package designed by the Obama administration. CBS We have already had a lot of bipartisan support, Biden argued, saying that the bill expected to come out of the Senate includes elements to satisfy or dis-satisfy both Republican [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]starbucks stanley cup[/url] s and Democrats. Roughly forty percent of this entire package is tax cuts mdash; that is not what the Democrats wanted mdash; and sixty percent is spending, economic stimulus mdash; not what the Republicans wanted. But we have come a pretty long way already. We are trying to get money out of the door as rapidly as possible, Biden said. Biden noted that during the eight presidencies during which he has been a Senator, he never recalls being called down to a serious meeting about procedures before a new administration even began, as has happened with the Obama administration. He argued that there is a genuine effort here for bipartisan cooperation. On the second $350 billion of the remaining TARP funds, Mr. Biden said that he and President Obama have agreed to dissect the usage of any of these funds. The Vice President was confident that Timothy Geithner will be confirmed as Treasury Secretary on Monday, a
Israel s assault in Gaza has killed more than 29,000 Palestinians since Oct. 7, the territory s Health Ministry said Monday, marking another grim milestone in one of the deadliest and most destructive military campaigns in recent history.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue the offensive until total victory against Hamas after the militants Oct. 7 attack on Israeli communities. He and the military have said troops will move soon into the southernmost town of Rafah on the Egyptian border, where over half of Gaza s 2.3 million people have sought refuge from fighting elsewhere.The United States, Israel s top ally, says it is still working with mediators Egypt and Qatar to try to broker another cease-fire andhostagerelease agreement. But those efforts appear to have stalled in recent days, and Netanyahu angered Qatar by calling on it to pressure H [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley thermos[/url] amas and suggesting it funds the militant group.The conflict has also brought near daily exchanges of fire between Israel and Lebanon s Hezbol [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] lah militant group that frequently threaten to escalate.Israeli warplanes on Monday carried out at least two strikes near the southern port city of Sidon in one of the largest attacks near a major city, wounding 14 people, Lebanese state media said. The Israeli military said it attacked Hezbollah arms depots near Sidon in retaliatio [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cup[/url] n for a drone that exploded in an open field near the northern Israeli city of Tiberias earlier Monday.SEE MORE: Israel strikes Gaza as US Mjue New bans in place on U.S. citizens visiting Cuba
With St. Patricks Day on Wednesday, a handful of notable restaurants a [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]vaso stanley[/url] nd online retailers around the nation are offering deals to help you save some green Check [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley en mexico[/url] out a few of the best St. Patricks Day deals below: RestaurantsApplebees — The restaurant chain is of [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley nz[/url] fering mucho cocktails and Saintly Sips for $5. They ll also be serving up a Tipsy Leprechaun and Pot O Gold Colada. At participating locations, guests can enjoy Saintly Sips to-go.California Pizza Kitchen — for $5, guests can enjoy an Irish Mule Chili s- All month long, guests can enjoy Lucky Jameson margaritas for $5.Dunkin — In celebration, guests can enjoy the company s Irish Creme鈥揻lavored coffees and espresso drinks while enjoying a Lucky Shamrock doughnut.Kona Grill — Between now and Saturday, guests can enjoy $3 green beer and Sake Seltzer specials dine-in only and order the Corned Beef Sliders for $6.Krispy Kreme — If you wear green to your local Krispy Kreme on Wednesday, you ll receive an Original Glazed doughnut for free.McDonald s — Enjoy a Shamrock Shake or an Oreo Shamrock McFlurry to celebrate.Twin Peaks — At participating locations, guests who wear green could receive free Fried Pickles. RetailersAsos — Now through March 17, enjoy 20% off when you enter coupon code LUCKYME.Claire s — Guests can receive 50% off St. Patrick s Day accessories.
New York officials say the state will sue to stop the Trump administration from blocking New Yorkers access to Trusted Traveler programs like Global Entry. The Department of Homeland Sec [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley cup[/url] urity rolled out plans Thursday to bar New York residents from enrolling or re-enrolling in the program, which offers expedited access through airport security lines and the United States border. The administration said the decision came in response to New York s new Green Light law, which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers licenses. Here we have one of the targets of 9/11 walking backwards quite intentionally to bar information from DHS, Acting Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli told reporters on Thursday, referring to the Green Light law. As a result of this, the DHS has decided that New York residents will no longer be allowed to participate in any of our Trusted Traveler programs. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo s office condemned the move as political retaliation. In a statement Friday announcing the lawsuit, New York Attorney General Letitia James said, This is political retribution, plain and simple, and while the president may want to punish New York for standing up to his xenophobic policies, we [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] will not back down. She added, We plan to take legal action and sue the Trump Administration for its [url=https://www.stanleycups.it]stanley cup[/url] unfair targeting of New York State residents. The suspension affects programs like Global Entry, wh Seuq House approves war powers resolution to restrict Trump on Iran
SALEM, Ore. — Oregon has become the first state in the U.S. to allow residents who don t identify as male or female to mark their gender as not specified when they apply for a driver s license, learner s permit or identity card. Instead of choosing M for male or F for female, people will have the option to choose X for non-binary, CBS affiliate KOIN-TV in Portlandreports.The rule went into effect Monday. It comes after the mayor of Washington, D.C., said the district was the first jurisdiction to offer the option late last month. Non-binary people — where identity documents fail 00:55 Oregon s Driver and Motor Vehicle Services said the new rule emerged after a judge last year allowed a Portland resident to legally change to non-binary gender. The DMV said it studied state laws, updated computer systems, worked with law [url=https://www.dunks.fr]nike dunk[/url] enforcement and the courts, and changed administrative rules to comply with the court order. California lawmakers also are considering adding a third gender option on state IDs. More from CBS News [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] Texas [url=https://www.adidascampus.us]adidas campus[/url] State of Mind
Federal prosecutors in Florida filed a civil lawsuit against Donald Trump s former campaign adviser Roger Stone on Friday, alleging Stone and his wife, Nydia, have failed to pay the federal government roughly $2 million in unpaid income taxes, penalties and interest.Prosecutors allege St [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] one and his wife owe $1,590,361.89 in unpaid income taxes, penalties and interest for the years 2007 through 2011, and that Stone owes $407,036.84 in income tax, penalties and interest for the 2018 tax year. The lawsuit claims the Stones entered into an installment agreement with the IRS in 2017 that required them to pay $19,485 per month toward their unpaid tax bill. But when Stone formed a trust after his 2019 indictment, the Stones purchased [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley mug[/url] a home using funds that should have gone towards the payment plan, intend[ing] to defraud the United States of funds meant to pay off the tax debt, the complaint alleges. They purchased the residence shortly after Roger Stone s indictment and placed it in the name of the Bertran Trust j [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley website[/url] ust prior to defaulting on their installment agreement with the IRS, the filing alleges. The Stones have long owed back taxes, and they have been parties to numerous installment agreements, some of which were terminated by the IRS. They were aware that their default would result in IRS collection activity. Stone said he will fight the allegations. That my wife and I owe a significant amount in federal taxes has been a ma Jnzl With Clock Running Out, Debate Looms Large
WERE THE F [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cup[/url] OUNDING FATHERS REALLY CHRISTIANS… Religious conservatives have long insisted that the Framers were deeply and traditionally Christian, an assertion central to their contention that America was founded as a Christian nation. Secular liberals, by contrast, have long argued that most of the Founders were agnostics or, at best, Deists who believed that reason, not scripture, is the true path to understanding the Almigh [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]cups stanley[/url] ty. So which side is right Neither is, quite, according to Steve Waldman, founding editor of beliefnet and the author of a terrific new book, Founding Faith. Waldman has read just about every available thing that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and the rest said and wrote, publicly and privately, about their personal theological views. He comes to two conclusions. First, all the Founders saw themselves as Christians and believed that God in one way or another guides human affairs. So, score one for the religious right. Second, not a single one of the main Founders actually believed in th [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley cup[/url] e divinity of Jesus, which is the central tenet of the Christian faith. Score one for the secular left. Steve is blogging about this over at TPM Cafe. Also he s compiled an archive of his source material so you can read for yourself -what the Founders had to say about their personal religious beliefs. You might also check out the cover story he wrote for the Washington Monthly where he s a contributing editor on the surprising role evangeli
Palestinian health authorities and United Nations agencies on Sunday began a large-scale campaign of vaccinations against polio in the Gaza Strip, hoping to prevent an outbreak in the territory that has been ravaged by the Israel-Hamas war.Authorities plan to vaccinate children in central Gaza until Wednesday before moving on to the more devastated northern and southern parts of the strip. The campaign began with a small number of vaccinations on Saturday and aims to reach about 640,000 children.Gaza s Health Ministry said more than 72,600 children received vaccines Sunday.The World Health Organization has said Israel agreed to limited pauses in the fighting to facilitate the campaign. There were initial reports of Israeli strikes in central Gaza early Sunday, but it was not immediately known if anyone was killed or wounded. The pause ended Sunday afternoon, according to a schedule released by Israel.Israel has said the vaccina [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley cup[/url] tion program will continue through Sept. 9 and last eight hours a day.Gaza recently reported its first polio case in 25 years 鈥?a 10-month-old boy, now paralyzed in a leg. The World Health Organization says the presence of a paralysis case indicates there could be hundr [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley cup[/url] eds more who have been infected but arent showing symptoms.Most people who have polio do not experience symptoms, an [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] d those who do usually recover in a week or so. But there is no cure, and when polio causes paralysis, it is usually permanent. If the paralysis affects breathing muscles, t Ztyp The power of the independent voter
WASHINGTON AP 鈥?The U.S. military conducted airstrikes against facilities in eastern Syria that the Pentagon said were used by Iran-backed militia groups, in response to recent attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq. The airstrikes were announced by Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, who said the action was authorized by President Joe Bi [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] den. Kirby said t [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley thermos[/url] he U.S. attacks destroyed multiple facilities at a border control point used by a number of Iranian-backed militant groups, which include K [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]garrafa stanley[/url] aitib Hezbollah and Kaitib Sayyid al-Shuhada. This proportionate military response was conducted together with diplomatic measures, including consultation with Coalition partners, Kirby said in a statement. The operation sends an unambiguous message: President Biden will act to protect American and Coalition personnel. At the same time, we have acted in a deliberate manner that aims to de-escalate the overall situation in both eastern Syria and Iraq. The U.S. was retaliating for a rocket attack earlier this month that killed one civilian contractor and wounded a U.S. service member and other coalition troops.
On Feb. 3, 2020, Putnam County Sheriff s Deputy Terrell Abernathy was dispatched to the home of a police officer with the City of Eatonton, Georgia. He was there to serve Officer Seth Perrault with a subpoena to appear in court as witness in a case for the department. No one answered the door, but as Abernathy said to 48 Hours contributor Anne-Marie Green, he could tell someone was home. A doorbell camera shows Putnam County Deputy Terrell Abernathy attempting to deliver a subpoena for an upcoming case at the home of Eatonton, Georgia, police Officer Seth Perrault on Feb 3, 2020. Perrault did not answer the door, but Abernathy said he heard footsteps inside the home. Putnam County Sheriff s Office [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley cup[/url] I heard footsteps or foot [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley cup[/url] falls, heavy ones, Abernathy told Green in an interview for The Death of an Officer s Wife. I m announcing myself, who I am, what it is. I even turned my back to the door. I don t care if you re in your underwear. Just answer the door [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] and take the paper, he added.Seven minutes later, Abernathy left with the subpoena still in hand. Twenty minutes later, Abernathy was on his way back to the Perrault home. Seth Perrault had called his boss, the chief of police, to report that his wife had killed herself. The chief then alerted Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills. In an interview for 48 Hours, the sheriff told G Gcbh Arrest warrant issued for Odell Beckham, Jr. after NFL star apparently slapped security guard on rear
A tug pushing two barges collided with an oil tanker in the Houston Ship Channel, causing one barge to capsize and the other is damaged, the U.S. Coast Guard said in a statement. The barges were transporting gasoline blend stock Reformate, which is leaking into the water, officials said.There are no reported injuries at this time.An estimated 25,000 tons of gasoline stock were on each barge and an unknown amount had been released, the Coast Guard said. A helicopter aircrew and a boat crew were both deployed to assess the situation. A Port Houston Fire Department fireboat plus oil spill response, air monitoring and salvage [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] personnel are responding, the Coast Guard said.The city of Seabrook acknowledged a strong smell coming from the collision, but said it is not getting any reports that the air quality is impa [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] cted. Residents do not need to take any action at this time, CBS Houston affiliate KHOU-TV reports. The Coast Guard said air monitoring is being conducted. Galveston County officials warned that if anyone smelled gasoline, they should stay indoors [url=https://www.nikeairjordan.de]jordan[/url] and avoid the coastline, KHOU-TV reports. More from CBS News Trump sues CBS News; network says suit completely without merit
The Federal Reserve, which sets short-term interest rates, showed no likelihood to lower rates at its most recent policy meeting, according to minutes released Wednesday.Some Fed officials expressed concern that inflation was too low, but stopped short of calling for rate hikes.The Fed s overall assessment of the economy is more upbeat than it was earlier this year. Some Federal Reserve offic [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ials were concerned that inflation is too low, but the central bank s rate-setting bo [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley mug[/url] dy showed little desire to cut interest rates at its most recent meeting.According to minutes from the April 30-May 1 meeting, released Wednesday, Fed officials noted that economic prospects for the U.S. and global economy were improving, while inflation had fallen farther below the Fed s 2% target.Some officials expressed concerns that long-term inf [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup[/url] lation expectations could be below levels consistent with the Fed s target of 2%. However, officials still believed a return of inflation to the Fed s 2% target was the most likely outcome, according to the minutes. Patience persists, Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said in a note. Most, perhaps all, FOMC members are content to leave rates on hold for some time yet. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell: The 60 Minutes interview 13:17 Nayu G20 leaders to focus on climate, COVID and Iran s nuclear ambitions at Rome summit
By Bon [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley cup[/url] nie Erbe, Thomas Jefferson Street blogI thought Warren Buffett was smarter than this. He told ABC News the United States may need a second feder [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.de]stanley cups[/url] al stimulus package:Buffett, a supporter of President Barack Obama during last year s election campaign, said a second economic stimulus package might be needed. The Obama administration says it does not see a need for a second stimulus yet. I think a second one may well be called for. It is not a panacea. A stimulus is the right thing. You hope it doesn t get watered down, he said.Huh The first one hasn t worked at least not yet, so spend us deeper into debt I don t think so. According to the General Accounting Office, the reason the first one hasn t yet fueled a recovery is that few funds from the first stimulus package have yet been released: A report released Wednesday by Congress investigative arm, the Government Accountability Office GAO, says the bulk of the money will be released in 2010, la [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] ter than expected due to bureaucratic delays.We won t even start to feel the inflationary effects of the overspending produced by the first package until 2011 or later, if it is going to take more than a year for those funds to turn into a significant number of new jobs. Now is too soon to talk about the second package. Even White House sources are downplaying such talk. Buffett should, too.--Check out our political cartoons.--Become a political insider: Subscribe to U.S. News Wee
The Secret Service is facing mounting questions after a 20-year-old was able to position himself on a roof and shoot at former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer has requested a briefing and that Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle appear for a hearing.On Sunday, a Secret Service spokesperson released a statement in an attempt to tamp down misinformation.RELATED STORY | What is known about the suspected shooter at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania Theres an untrue assertion that a member of the former Presidents team requested additional security resources that those were rebuffed, said Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi. This is absolutely false. In fact, we added protective resource [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] s technology capabilities as part of the increased campaign travel tempo There have been a n [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] umber of conspiracy theories floating around on the internet about the assassination attempt and the response from the Secret Service.Investigators have said it was a member of the Secret Service who engaged the shooter, killing him after he fired shots toward former President Trump. One of those bullets grazed the former president in the right ear and a rally attendee was killed. Two other attendees were critically injured. RELATED STORY |Trump says he was shot in e [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] ar at Pennsylvania rally; shooter killedThere are still a lot of questions about how something like this could have happened. The Secret Se Tqif Model used to project impact of COVID-19 projects higher death toll in the US
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida s unemployment system has launched a virtual wai [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley us[/url] ting room feature for the state s out-of-work residents.The announcement comes as Floridians trying to file for unemployment continue to wait for their unemployment benefits. With the waiting room feature, users can log into Florida Department of Economic Opportunity s DEO CONNECT page, wait for their turn and then [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley water bottle[/url] log off so others can try. DEO told I-Team Investigator Kylie McGivern in an email statement that when the CONNECT system was developed, it was designed to have 1,000 concurrent users at a time. With the new feature, CONNECT can now host up to 80,000 concurrent users. The CONNECT Virtual Waiting Room allows claimants to reserve their place in line while other claimants access the system, DEO told I-Team s McGivern in an [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]cups stanley[/url] email statement.Claimants contacted ABC Action News first thing Monday morning, already expressing concerns and frustration with the new feature, saying there is no way to know where you are in line. Weve asked DEO about this and have not yet heard back.According to the state s most recent claims dashboard, Florida has paid off more than 1,066,000 claimants, which is about 89 percent of eligible claimants.PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Florida didn t start sending most $600 fed unemployment checks until stay-at-home order was liftedU.S. Rep.: Floridians need more federal unemployment checks to right some of these wrongs Florida retraining unemployment customer call center staff
At least a dozen athletes have tested positive at the University of Mississippi, with classes set to resume there next week. It comes as COVID-19 concerns spread across college campuses nationwide. Michigan State is the latest university to scrap in-person classes. I think time will tell whether this is the right decision or not, said Michigan State President Samuel Stanley.Analise Macksood was just moving into her freshman dorm after a lost spring. We re like, you re kidding, Macksood said. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] Prom, finals, graduation, everything. Summer hit and we were told, Oh, you get a whole new fresh start in college, and then that gets taken away. she told CBS News. It sucks, to be [url=https://www.stanley-mugs.us]stanley cup[/url] honest. It sucks. Michigan State joinsNotre Dame and North Carolina to go virtual this fall. Nationwide, more than 1,000 COVID-19 cases [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup[/url] have been reported on college campuses since July. Other schools are keeping students on campus for now. Like Auburn, which is trying to educate and play football.Thirty-three members of the Auburn football team tested positive earlier this summer. Now, school is starting. Masks are required, and not everyone is listening.In Mississippi, state health officials are investigating outbreaks at the University of Mississippi and the Mississippi University for Women, the state s health officer, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, announced Wednesday, CBS Jackson affiliate WJTV reported.Fourteen people, thirteen student-athletes and one employee hav Tyez Teachers worry schools can t manage coronavirus spread: When a student tests positive, now what
HESSTON, Kan. — Four people were killed, including the suspected gunman, and 14 others wounded in a shooting Thursday at a manufacturing plant near Wichita, CBS affiliate KWCH reported.Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton said at a news conference Thursday evening that there are a number of crime scenes involved, including the Excel Industries [url=https://www.adidasoriginal.de]adidas originals[/url] plant in Hesston where dispatchers earlier said a shooting too [url=https://www.salomons.com.es]salomon[/url] k place.Walton said there were two other shootings nearby and a shooting in the plant parking lot before the gunman opened fire inside the Excel building. Cedric Ford. CBS affiliate KWCH A law enforcement source identified the suspected shooter as Cedric Ford, CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton reported. The source said Ford was an employee of Excel Industries and worked as a painter there. It is not clear whether or not he was still employed at Excel at the time of the shooting.The law enforcement source told Milton there was no indications that the shooting was terrorism related but a motive has not been established. There was some things that triggered this particular individual, Walton said, declining to discuss what [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx]yeezy[/url] those things were.Court records obtained by CBS News confirm Ford had run-ins with the law. He pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in 2008 in Kansas and faced multiple burglary charges in Flor
Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul is slamming members of his party for being hypocritical for passing both tax c [url=https://www.stanley-tumbler.us]stanley mug[/url] uts and spending increases. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cups[/url] Paul s comments on CBS News Face the Nation come just days after President Trump signed a $400 billion budget deal, ending a brief federal government shutdown on Friday that came after Paul held up a key vote in the Senate. I think if you re for tax cuts and for increasing spending that s hypocritical. But if you re for tax cuts and you re also for cutting spending a corresponding amount — see, I would offset the tax cuts with spending cuts, and there are a few of us that would actually do that, said Paul on Sunday.Paul voted for the tax cut package last year that experts said would add $1.5 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years.Transcript: Sen. Rand Paul on [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] Face the Nation, Feb. 11, 2018 I voted for the tax cuts and I voted for spending cuts. The people who voted for tax cuts and spending increases — I think there is some hypocrisy there and it shows they re not serious about the debt, he added. Paul, who was instrumental in derailing Senate leaders plan to drive the budget agreement quickly through the Senate by repeatedly blocking a Thursday vote, says he thinks lawmakers should draw attention to the fact that we re spending so much money. I m still against deficit spending just because Republicans are doing it doesn t make it any better. The budget agreement reach Kvdn Transcript: Dr. Scott Gottlieb on Face the Nation, August 1, 2021
Since January, the major Democratic presidential candidates have raised more than $200 million for their campaigns, nearly double the total amount expected to be reported by their chief Republican counterparts. The lopsided third-quarter totals mdash; the major Democrats raised a combined $63 million between July 1 and Sept. 30, compared to roughly $33 million expected from the chief Republicans mdash; is just the latest evidence of a fall-off in Republican giving that is eroding hopes of gains in the 2008 elections. New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton posted the newest eye-catching number Tuesday, reporting $27 million [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley flask[/url] raised in the third quarter alone. For comparison, Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry had raised a total of $17 million over nine months at the same point in 2003. Beyond the presidential race, Democrats are outraising their federal opponents nearly across the board. Their congressional commi [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] ttees are on top, their freshman incumbents are banking big numbers and once reliable corporate donations through political action committees are filling accounts of new Democratic chairmen.Only the Republican National Committee has maintained its dominance over the Democratic National Committee mdash; but even that gap is closing. In addition to cash, the Democrats have seen an explosive expansion of t [url=https://www.stanley-cup.ca]stanley quencher[/url] heir donor base. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama reports 352,000 givers, including more than 90,000 new donors to his campaign in
HILLSBOROUGH, Fla. 鈥? Theres lots of different ways to get at consumers these days for scams, said Leslie H. Tayne, financial attorney and credit and debt ExpertScammers can reach you by text, email, phone call and social media.Online scams continue to grow at the highest rate, where people are losing money, their personal information or both. When people get a hold of [url=https://www.cup-stanley.es]stanley botella[/url] your information, they use it against you. So its not only that your information is being bought and sold, but its used to open up accounts that can damage your credit, said Eric Olsen with Hillsborough County Consumer Protection Services.In the past year, the Better Business Bureau reported that cryptocurrency/investment, employment and online purchase scams are the top three riskiest reported by consumers.Romance scams rose [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley becher[/url] on the BBBs list in 2023, and for the first time, credit repair and debt relief scams have made the top 10. It doesnt surprise me that there has been an increase in debt relief scams, especially post the changes with student loan debt relief programs with the federal government, said Tayne.Officials see this in the credit card debt relief industry as well, where someone says they can resolve your debt for a fraction of the price.Some of the red flags to look out for include someone pushing you to pay money upfront and promises and guarantees, [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley cup[/url] such as certain numbers or time frames. Many times consumers are emotionally distressed by the debt that they have, making it very difficult for t Chxj Recovered COVID-19 patients being asked to donate plasma
Following a Nov. 22 story that claimed that an associate of Rudolph Giuliani was willing to tell Congress that Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., met with an ex-Ukrainian official for dirt on Joe Biden, Nunes filed a lawsuit on Tuesday seeking $435 million in damages. The suit, which was first reported by the Washington Times, claims that CNN s reporting was fake despite CNN using an on-the-record source. According to the Nov. 22 story, the attorney for Lev Parnas, Joseph A. Bondy, claimed that his client was willing to testify to Congress that Nunes [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley termosky[/url] was in Vienna last year to discuss digging up dirt on Joe Biden with a former Ukranian prosecutor. Parnas, who is an associated with Rudolph Giuliani, has been indicted on conspiracy, false statements and falsification of records.The news was notable as the story came at the end of two weeks of contentious impeachment hearings by the House [url=https://www.stanley-cups.at]stanley trinkflaschen[/url] Intelligence Committee. Nunes is the Republican s ranking member of [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley tumbler[/url] the committee, and actively defended President Donald Trump during the hearings with a number of current and former government officials active in the United States foreign policy with Ukraine.In the filing, Nunes claims that he did not visit Vienna in 2018. Nunes also said that he did not communicate with Parnas last December.Bondy also told CNN that Parnas would be willing to testify that Nunes met with former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin
Half of the 100 largest U.S. employers of low-wage workers [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] adjusted their CEO pay packages last year, sweetening rewards for chief executives during the pandemic while cutting pay for average workers.The study, from the Institute for Policy Studies, found that CEO pay at 51 of 100 companies whose compensation practices were examined bythe left-leaning think tank rose an average of 29% last year. Meanwhile, many of those same companies reduced or furloughed its workers. As a result, the average worker s paycheck for 2020 fell 2% at those companies. The most common justification for pumping up CEO pay during the pandemic was that it was critical to retain talent, said Sarah Anderson, lead author of the IPS chief executive pay study. The notion that one individual almost single-handedly creates corporate value, and so he should be paid whatever it takes to keep him from abandoning ship, has always been absurd. But in the middle of a pandemic crisis, when frontline [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup[/url] employees are demonstrating just how essential they are to our economy and health, it s even more preposterous. Swelling pay gapThe study cited a large auto-parts company called Aptiv, which made adjustments that boosted the total value of CEO Kevin Clark s total compensation to jus [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] t over $31 million last year, according to afiling with the Securities and Exchange Commission. That was more than double the $15 million the company paid Clark in 2019.At the same time, Aptiv, whi Lqyf Bristol-Myers Squibb buying Celgene in $74 billion deal
Brittany Maynard thinks she may die before the end of the month — and she seems very [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr]adidas campus[/url] sure that she is going to end her life on her terms. But as certain as she se [url=https://www.airmaxplus.us]air max 1[/url] ems, there s a lot of sadness — and also some fear — about what s ahead, reports CBS News correspondent Jan Crawford. Brittany Maynard: Everyone s been bending over backwards to make sure I don t suffer 01:45 I don t want to die, Maynard said. If anyone wants to hand me, like, a magical cure and save my life so that I can have children with my husband, you know, I will take them up on it. She s 29 years old, recently married and was hoping to start a family. [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy[/url] Now Brittany Maynard is planning her death, choosing to end her life before cancer can destroy her. I think until anyone has walked a mile in my shoes and knows what they re facing and has felt the — like, just bone-splitting headaches that I get sometimes, or the seizures, or the inability to speak, or the moments where I m looking at my husband s face and I can t think of his name. Aid in dying from a doctor s perspective 03:42 Maynard found out this s
Connecticut U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, a Democrat, announced Monday she won t seek re-election amid calls for her resignation over her handling of a sexual harassment case involving her former chief of staff.Esty issued a statement Monday saying she has determined it s in the best interest of her constituents and her family to end her time in Congress at the end of this year and not seek re-election. Esty is serving her third term. She is also [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley canada[/url] again apologizing to a former female member of her staff who said she was punched in the back and received death threats from Esty s former chief of staff in 2016. The man [url=https://www.stanleycup.lt]stanley puodelis[/url] accused of punching her was not fired for several months, pending an internal investigation. In the terrible situation in my office, I could have and should have done better, Esty said in her statement. To the survivor, I want to express my strongest apology for letting you down. Esty had previouslyresisted calls to step down.Republicans pounced on the opportun [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup usa[/url] ity to win her seat, which was last held by a Republican in 2007, when incumbent Rep. Nancy Johnson lost to a challenge by Chris Murphy, who now serves in the U.S. Senate. National Republican Congressional Committee NRCC communications director Matt Gorman released a statement Monday afternoon that read, The NRCC is ready to win this competitive seat this fall. Democrats won t be able to distance themselves from the stain Esty left on their brand. Esty, wh Gqjt Job Growth No Boost For Bush
Watch CBS News Videos OnlinePresident Obama said this afternoon addressed what he called a horrific out [url=https://www.stanleymug.us]stanley website[/url] burst of violence at the Fort Hood Army Post today, where 12 people were killed and 31 wounded by a shooter. It s difficult enough when we lose these brave Americans in battles overseas, the president said. It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an Army base on American soil. My immediat [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] e thoughts and prayers are with the wounded, and with the families of the fallen, and with those who live and serve at Fort Hood, he said at the Tribal Nations Conference at the Department of the Interior, where he had been scheduled to give remarks. There was an audible gasp in the crowd when the president mentioned t [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cup[/url] he shooting, indicating that attendees of the conference had not yet heard about it. CBS The president said he had spoke to Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen, and said he would be continually updated about the situation. We are working with the Pentagon, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security, all to ensure that Fort Hood is secure, and we will continue to support the community with the full resources of the federal government, the president said. In the meantime I would ask all Americans to keep the men and women of Fort Hood in your thoughts and prayers, he continued. We will make sure that we get answers to every single question about this horrible i
The United States signed a peace agreement with Taliban militants on Saturday aimed at bringing an end to 18 years of bloodshed in Afghanistan and allowing U [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pt]stanley cup[/url] .S. troops to return home from America s longest war. Under the agreement, the U.S. would draw its forces down to 8,600 from 13,000 in the next 3-4 months, with the remaining U.S. forces withdrawing in 14 months.The complete pullout, however, would depend on the Taliban meeting their commitments to prevent terrorism. President George W. Bush ordered the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in response to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Some U.S. troops currently serving there had not yet been born when the World Trade Center collapsed on that crisp, sunny morning that changed how Americans see the world. [url=https://www.stanley-cup.it]stanley cup[/url] It only took a few months to topple the Taliban and send Osama bin Laden and top al-Qaida militants scrambling across the border into Pakistan, but the war dragged on for years as the United States tried establish a stable, functioning state in one of the least developed countries in the world. The Taliban regrouped, and currently hold sway over half the country.The U.S. spent more than $750 billion, and on all sides the war cost tens of thousands of lives lost, permanently scarred and indelibly interrupted. But the conflict was also frequently ignored by U.S. politicians and the American public. U.S. Sec [url=https://www.stanleycups.at]stanley cup[/url] retary of State Mike Pompeo attended the ceremony in Qatar, where the Taliban h Nkuu Florida passes election bill that would make changes to mail voting
MIAMI — A motorist shot during a [url=https://www.salomonschuhe.com.de]salomon[/url] naltercation with South Carolina deputies over a HurricaneMatthew evacuation route has died.Berkeley County Chief Deputy CoronerGeorge Oliver says 35-year-old Lucas M. Felkel of Moncks Corner died shortlyafter 7 p.m. Wednesday.Sheriff Duane Lewis sa [url=https://www.stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] ys it happenedabout 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in Moncks Corner when a motorist came to a checkpoint,knocked down some traffic cones and sped off. Lewis said he didnrsquo;t know at the time what the subject told the officers,but he saidthere was some indication by the subject that theofficers were in danger, CBS affiliate WCSC-TV reports.His actions placed the officers in danger, Lewis said. The Moncks Corner police called the sheriffrsquo office for assistance and we responded and picked up the chase on Old Highway 52. The sheriff says when deputies finallycaught up with the driver a few miles away he pointed a gun at deputies andstarted shooting. The sheriff says the deputie [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics[/url] s shot back, wounding the man whowas taken to the hospital, where he later died.No deputies were wounded, but thesheriff says that four deputies have been placed on administrative leave.The State Law Enforcement Division is investigating. Thecoroner says an autopsy is scheduled.South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is taking every precaution inordering a massive evacuation. To reduce delays, state troopers reversed all ofthe interstatersquo east-bound lanes, cr
Nearly a year since the U.S. withdrew from [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] Afghanistan, the humanitarian crisis and human rights record under the Taliban remains dire.Despite the demands of the U.S. and many in the international community, the rights of women in Afghanistan have deteriorated to a level unseen since the Taliban first imposed its repressive policies in the 1990s.A quarterly report released Tuesday [url=https://www.stanley-cup.pl]stanley kubek[/url] by the special inspector general for Afghanistan Reconstruction SIGAR found that the USAID, State and Defense Department disbursed at least $787 million to programs focused on women and girls from 2002 to 2020. The report found that while opportunities for Afghan women slowly increased over the course of those two decades, ultimately, women s rights in Afghanistan failed to achieve the structural change the U.S. and international partners had envisioned. There were a number of obstacles, including inconsistent implementation by the prior Afghan government of women s rights policies and ingrained traditional social norms, among others. And the ongoing Taliban insurgency meant that women generally faced [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.uk]stanley quencher[/url] a hostile environment, the report said. The U.S. continues to be the single largest aid donor to Afghanistan, providing $774 million in contributions since August 2021. But even with the infusion of cash that continues in the wake of the Taliban s takeover, it has been hard for aid agencies to figure out how to distribute it.Many aid organization Iluq GOP Pennsylvania senator dismisses Trump s fraud claims: Simply no evidence
Updated at 11:50 a.m. ETAfter Congress met with the FBI and other law enforcement officials yesterday to discuss threats against them, reports continued to surface about the troubling actions taken against lawmakers. [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] [url=https://www.cup-stanley.at]stanley thermobecher[/url] Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan of Missouri found a coffin on his lawn this week, Politico reports. The coffin was from a wake held on Sunday in front of Carnahan s home by the St. Louis Tea Party see a clip of the event at left .Carnahan is one of at least 10 members of Congress to receive threatening messages in the wake of the House vote on Sunday approving the Democrats health care reform package. Hotsheet yesterday provided audio of the hostile messages Rep. Bart Stupak received and reported on the threats against Reps. Louise Slaughter D-N.Y., Gabrielle Giffords D-Ariz. and others. Carnahan appreciates thoughtful feedback received both in favor and opposition of health insurance reform, Carnahan spokesman Jim Hubbard told Politico, adding that the lawmaker isn t going to shy away from the importance of reform when 45,000 fellow Americans died last year due to a lack of health insurance. A number of lawmakers are also reportedly concerned for the safety of their families. A photo of Rep. Steve Driehaus D-Ohio s family appeared in an anti-health care reform newspaper ad last week, according to Politico. Rep. Phil Hare D-Ill. reportedly said he knows several Democrats who have told [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.us]stanley water jug[/url] their spouses to s
BEIJING 鈥?Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai has denied saying she was sexually assaulted, despite a November social media post attributed to her that accused a former top Communist Party official of forcing her into sex.The Lianhe Zaobao posted a video of Peng that the newspaper says was taken Sunday in Shanghai. In the video, Peng says she has been mainly staying at home in Beijing but was free to come [url=https://www.stanley-cups.uk]stanley cups uk[/url] and go as she chose. First of all, I want to emphasize something that is very important. I have never said that I wrote that anyone sexually assaulted me. I need to emphasize this point very clearly, Peng told the newspapers reporter.WTA chief executive Steve Simon questioned the emailed statements legitimacy while others said it only i [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] ncreased their concern about her safety.Peng dropped out of sight several weeks ago after alleging former vice-premier Zhang Gaoli sexually assaulted her. Soon after she levied the allegation on Chinese social media, it was removed from the platform.Screenshots of the post were widely shared, drawing widespread concern about Peng s safety.Peng s silence had alarmed the world s top tennis [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley cup[/url] stars, including Serena Williams. Earlier this year, the Women s Tennis Association announced it would not hold tournaments in China next year over its concerns for Peng s safety and freedom. While we now know where Peng is, I have serious doubts that she is free, safe and not subject to censorship, coercion and intimidation, Simon said in a statement earlier thi Khoo 7 San Diegans die from flesh-eating bacteria linked to black tar heroin
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. AP 鈥?Florida s midterm election races were among the most anticipated in the country.The bruising and expensive U.S. Senate race between Florida s Republican Gov. Rick Scott and Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson is too close to call and is headed toward a recount, according to Sen. Bill Nelson s office. We are proceeding to a recount, Sen. Nelson said this morning, in a brief statement. 鈫扚ULL LIST OF ELECTION RESULTS 鈫扷P TO THE MINUTE UPDATES 鈫扲epublican Ron DeSantis to be Florida s next governor, Democrat Andrew Gillum concedesWith all precincts reporting early Wednesday, Scott held a lead of 38,717 votes out of more than 8 million cast 鈥?a margin of less than one half of 1 percent. Under state law in Florida, a recount is mandatory if the winning candidate s margin is less than 0.5 percentage points.The next step in the process is for the 67 county supervisors of election to recheck the total tally, and for the Nelson campaign to contact voters whose ballots were not counted due to a lack of ID or a matching address, for instance. The deadline is noon [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ca]stanley thermos[/url] Saturday, or perhaps longer under certain circumstance [url=https://www.stanleycup.com.se]stanley termosar[/url] s, to determine whether the recount proceeds under law. This race is over. It s a sad way for Bill Nelson to end his career. He is desperately trying to hold on to something that no longer exists, Chris Hartline, a spokesman for Scott for Flori [url=https://www.stanley-cups.us]stanley cup[/url] da said Wednesday.Scott had declared victory during an election party in his hometown of Naples late T
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AUSTIN, Texas AP 鈥?A federal judge on Thursday blocked until at least next month hotly debated Texas rules mandating burial or cremation of fetal remains that were set to go into effect within days.The ruling by Austin-based U.S. District Judge Sam [url=https://www.stanley-cups.fr]stanley fr[/url] Sparks begins the latest legal battle for a state whose tough anti-abortion laws were largely struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court this summer.The Center for Reproductive Rights and other national advocacy groups sued to prevent Texas from requiring hospitals and clinics to bury or cremate fetal remains from abortions or miscarriages rather than disposing of them in a sanitary landfill, as they often currently do with such remains and other biological medical waste. The rules had been set to take effect Monday.The lawsuit argues that the rules serve no medical purpose and are meant to shame women who seek abortions and make it harder for doctors to provide them.Sparks granted a temporary restraining order blocking the rules, then scheduled two days of testimony for early next month. He expects to rule by Jan. 6 on whether they will be allowed to stand going forward.Earlier legal [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley flask[/url] challenges blocked similar measures in Louisiana and in Indiana, where they were signed into law by Gov. Mike Pence, now Donald Trumps vice president-elect. We look forward to demonstrating that these regulations are unwise, unjustified and unconstitutional, and should be permanently struck down, David Brown, senior staf [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley mug[/url] f attorney with the Center for Re Ledq Alligator under transparent canoe leaves passengers shocked
Yomiuri Shimbun file photoThe Kyokujitsuki Rising Sun flag is hoisted on a Maritime Self-Defense Force vessel.The Yomiuri Shimbun16:07 JST,ensp;May 25, 2023The Japanese and South Korean governments are making arrangements for a Maritime Self-Defense Force vessel displaying the Kyokujitsuki Rising Sun ensign to make a port call in South Korea, while visiting that nation to participate in a multinational maritime exercise, [url=https://www.stanleycups.pl]kubki stanley[/url] The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned.The planned port call by a vessel hoisting the ensign comes as bilateral relations between Tokyo and Seoul have quickly improved since the administration of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol came to power. Both sides are keen to further bolster defense exchanges.According to multiple Japanese and South Korean government sources, the vessel could arrive at the port in Busan as soon as the end of this month.The administration of former South Korean President Mo [url=https://www.cup-stanley-cup.pl]stanley kubek[/url] on Jae-in one-sidedly considered [url=https://www.stanley-germany.de]stanley germany[/url] the Kyokujitsuki to be problematic and had demanded that Japan refrain from flying the flag. If the planned port visit goes ahead with the Kyokujitsuki hoisted, South Koreas treatment of this flag would return to being in line with international rules.The South Korean government will hold the maritime exercise, which also will include vessels from the U.S. and Australian militaries, off the southern island of Jeju on May 31. The exercise aims to improve cooperation between these nations naval forces in a maritime interception that preven
Photo: Mid Atlantic Territory WrestlingMid Atlantic Territory Wrestling makes its return to Elkton Middle School on Saturday during Harvest Havoc 2024.The card features Doug Delicious and Pain Train Preston Quinn, the Elkton debut of The Flippin Problems The Flip Terry Sequoyah and Problem Child Preston Jeter, Big Rig B.T. [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup spain[/url] Windsor and Keo Vandu. We had such a great crowd and interactions when we were [url=https://www.stanleyquencher.us]stanley quencher[/url] here in the spring. Everyone at MATW is excited to return to Elkton and see our fans. And give them another night to talk about! promoter Stephanie Baker said.Doors open at 5:15 p.m. with a 6 p.m. bell time.Tickets are available at matwtix. Share this page Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Telegram E-mail TagsMid Atlantic Territory Wrestling Chris GrahamChris GrahamChris Graham, the king of fringe media, a zero-time Virginia Sportswriter of the Year, and a member of zero Halls of Fame, is the founder and editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1994 alum of the University of Virginia, Chris is the author and co-author of seven [url=https://www.stanleys-cups.us]stanley us[/url] books, including Poverty of Imagination, a memoir published in 2019. For his commentaries on news, sports and politics, go to his YouTube page, or subscribe to his Street Knowledge podcast. Email Chris at [email 160;protected].View all posts by Chris Graham Btpi Update: Waynesboro updates on response to COVID-19
U.S. Sens. Mark Warner D-Va., Jeanne Shaheen D-N.H. and Rob Portman R-Ohio renewed their bipartisan push for a national energy efficiency strategy last week 聽by reintroducing an updated version of the聽Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act ESIC .The legislation [url=https://www.stanley-de.de]stanley germany[/url] uses a variety of low-cost tools to help energy users become more efficient while encouraging the federal government to reduce its own energy use through energy-efficient technologies. The legislation does not add one dime to the deficit, incentivizing the use of efficiency technologies that are widely available, can be widely deployed across the country, and which quickly pay for themselves through energy savings. I am proud to cosponsor this bipartisan legislation to encourage efforts to increase energy productivity, which can help create jobs and stimulate additional economic growth, 聽Sen. Warner聽said. Improved energy efficiency will help Virginia families and businesses while also promoting a healthier environment. I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass this commonsense package. The Warner-Shaheen-Portman approach has received widespread support from industry leaders, energy-efficiency advocates and environmental stakeholders because it creates jobs, re [url=https://www.stanleyusa.us]stanley usa[/url] duces pollution, and saves businesses and consumers money. A聽study聽by the American Cou [url=https://www.cups-stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cups[/url] ncil for an Energy-Efficient Economy estimated that ESIC will create more than 190,000 jobs, save consumers $16.2 billion a year, and cut CO2 emissi
Existing user Just click login.According to an Equity casting notice, Top Hat, which won Best New Musical at the 2013 Olivier Awards, will get a New York City developmental lab March 7-20. Tony-winner Christopher Gatelli is set to helm the project as director and choreographer.LATEST NEWSCRAZY RICH ASIANS Moving F [url=https://www.nikeairforce.es]af1[/url] orward at Max; Jon M. Chu to Executive ProducePhotos: Kathryn Gallagher, Julia Lester and More in ALL NIGHTERListen: Songs From REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES EP Out NowWhy Film Choreographers Deserve Their Own Awards CategoryTom Chambers and Summer Strallen led the West End production as Jerry Travers and Dale Tremont, which opened on May 9, 2012 at the Aldwych Theatre in the West End. A UK tour is set to launch in August 2014 from [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx]yeezy 350[/url] Wimbledon.The West End version was directed by Matthew White and choreographed by Bill Deamer, set designs are by Hildegard Bechtler, costume designs by Jon Morrell, lighting design by Peter Mumford, sound by Gareth Owen, new orchestrations by Chris Walker, musical supervision by Richard Balcombe and musical direction byDaniel Jackson.With music and lyrics by Irving Berlin and based on the RKO motion picture, the screenplay by Dwight Taylor and Allan Scott has been adapted for the stage by Matthew White and Howard Jacques and is presented by arrangement with RKO Pictures LLC, Warner Bros Theatre Ventures Inc. and the Irving Berlin Music Company.RELATED STORIES1 alt= Listen: Songs From REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES EP Out Now Photo ezim [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]dunk panda[/url] gfmt= rs rscb11 Xfhk Photo Flash: Inside MOTOWN s Launch Event with Berry Gordy, Smokey Robinson, and More!
Existing user Just click login.LATEST NEWSExclusive: Inside FLOYD COLLINS First Rehearsal with Jeremy Jordan and MoreListen: Classic Stage Companys I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE Cast AlbumC [url=https://www.airforces.us]nike af[/url] ynthia Erivo Drops New Single Replay, First Music From New AlbumPhotos: Katie Yeomans Joins M [url=https://www.adidascampus.us]adidas campus 80s[/url] EAN GIRLS North American TourTony Award-winner Faith Prince will return to Broadway as evil orphanage matron Miss Hannigan in the new Broadway production of ANNIE at the Palace Theatre 1564 Broadway between 46th and 47th Streets. She will begin performances tonight, July 19. Emmy Award-winning Glee star Jane Lynch will play her final performance as Miss Hannigan on Sunday, July 14. I had the wonderful experience of working with Faith Prince on Falsettoland and I am thrilled that she will be joining the ANNIE company as Hannigan, a role she was born to play, commented directed James Lapine.Faith Prince has dazzled Broadway audiences since winning the Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards for her performance as Miss Adelaide in Guys and Dolls. In 2008, she was nominated for Tony, Drama Desk and Outer Critics Circle Awards for A Catered Affair. Other Broadway credits include The Little Mermaid, Bells Are Ringing [url=https://www.crocss.com.de]crocs schuhe[/url] Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle nominations, Nick Nora Outer Critics Circle Award, Jerome Robbins Broadway Tony, Drama Desk nominations, Little Me, The Dead, and Noises Off. She also starred in the world premiere of Terrence McNally s Unusual Acts of Devotion
Missing teen body recoveredJuly 17, 2024 Caleb Dennis, Categories: Featured, Local News, NewsFacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin .clt-73 .thumb-wrap display: block;float: none;.clt-73 .inner-thumb-wrap padding: 56.25% 0 0 0;.content-primary-cat a font-size: 13px; Related [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley romania[/url] [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] Kenny Brooks wins first ever Border Rivalry versus Tennessee, 82-58 [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley becher[/url] Former Lexington Mayor Isabel Yates dies at 100 Zoxg Wife of drug kingpin El Chapo arrested on US drug charges
CNN 鈥?China has released the first images taken by its Mars rover, Zhurong.A black-and-white image taken by the rovers obstacle avoidance camera shows a deployed ramp and the flat Martian surface where Zhurong聽landed on Saturday.The color image take [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] n by a navigation camera of the rear of the solar-powered rover showed that its solar panel and antenna have unfolded normally, the China National Space Administration said Wednesday.The space agency said Zhurong, named after a god of fire in Chinese mythology, was preparing to leave the lander and drive onto the surface of Mars, where it will begin patrolling and exploring as part of its three-mon [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley cup nz[/url] th mission to聽search for signs or evidence of ancient life on the red planet.Chinas Mars mission succeeded in聽entering the planets orbit聽and landing a rover [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley us[/url] that could traverse the Martian聽surface in one go. It took NASA multiple missions聽to complete those challenging steps, albeit decades before China, between 1971 and 1997.While Chinas Zhurong is not as technologically advanced as NASAs Perseverance, which is also currently roving Mars, its presence sends a clear signal that Chinas space capabilities are catching up with those of the United States.Weighing around 529 pounds 240 kilograms and equipped with six scientific instruments, Zhurong was launched by a type of rocked called聽Long March 5 from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan, China, on July 23, 2020. The rover spent seven months en route to Mars before entering its
Existing user Just click login.This August, Broadway fans will be keeping busy with new movies, television shows, albums, and concerts to binge. From Netflix s new film adaptation of 13: the Musical to a new album from Funny Girl star Julie Benko, check out what s coming to streaming services this month!LATEST NEWSVideo: [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley cup[/url] Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public Theate [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley cup[/url] rCheyenne Jackson Joins Cast of Indie Coming-of-Age Film CHINESE SCHOOLLook below to see what movies, television, music, and concerts you should tune into this August!Theatre Movies TVOriginal Cast Album: Company, 1970 Now Streaming, HBO Max The 1970 documentary following the 15 hour recording session for the original Broadway cast recording of Stephen Sondheim s Company, featuring commentary from Sondheim, Elaine Stritch, and Harold Prince. Watch the documentary here.The Sandman [url=https://www.stanley1913.com.es]stanley cup[/url] August 5, Netflix Hedwig and the Angry Inch stars John Cameron Mitchell and Mason Alexander Park join Tom Sturridge in the new series adaption of Neil Gaiman s comic books.Respect August 10, Paramount+ Newly-minted EGOT winner Jennifer Hudson stars in the feature film following the life of Aretha Franklin, also featuring Audra McDonald, Hailey Kilgore, Heather Headley, Tituss Burgess, Saycon Sengloh, and more.13: the Musical August 12, Netflix The new film adaption of Jason Robert Brown s 13: the Musical debuts on Netflix, starring Eli Golde Snxi BROADWAY BARES Will Return With TWERK FROM HOME on June 20
Existing user Just click login.Lindsay Mendez is currently wowing audiences at the I [url=https://www.stanleymugs.us]stanley cup[/url] mperial Theatre with her performance as Carrie Pipperidge in Carousel, and now she ll be turning heads on 44th Street as well. Just yesterday, the newly minted Tony winner received Broadway s second-highest honor- her own portrait at Sardi s. Check out pho [url=https://www.stanleyquencher.us]stanley quencher[/url] tos from the unveiling ceremony below!LATEST NEWSWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterCheyenne Jackson Joins Cast of Indie Coming-of-Age Film CHINESE SCHOOLReview Roundup: DAKAR 2000 Manhattan Theatre Club World PremiereMendez received the 2018 Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical, as well as the Drama Desk Award and Outer Critics Circle Award, for her performance in Carousel.Other Broadway credits include: [url=https://www.stanleycups.cz]stanley cup[/url] Significant Other, Wicked, Godspell, Everyday Rapture, Grease. Off-Broadway/regional: The Golden Apple City Center Encores!, Dogfight Second Stage; Drama Desk Award, Drama League Award, and Outer Critics Circle Award nominations, The Rose Tattoo Williamstown Theatre Festival, 35mm, The Winter s Tale Delacorte Theater. Television: Smash. Debut album: This Time. Her concert work includes appearances with Lincoln Center s American Songbook, the Library of Congress, Lyrics and Lyricists, and the American Pops Orchestra. In 2012, she co-founded Actor Therapy, a training and mentorship program for New York City artists, with composer Ryan Scott Oliver.Photo Credit: Jennifer BroskiT
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania WHDH 鈥?Caught on camera, foam pouring into a street in Philadelphias city center.This followed an explosion at a power substation.The explosion activated the fire suppression system and flooded the building with foam.Then it started overflowing into the street.No one was injured but over two thousand customers lost power. Copyright c 2024 Sunbeam Television. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Join our [url=https://www.cups-stanley-cups.us]stanley us[/url] Newsletter for the latest news right to your inboxTrending7WEATHER: Roller coaster rideBoston Red Sox Spring Training Schedule 鈥?including games airing on 7Court releases redacted copy of defense motion to dismiss charges against Karen ReadMayor Wu preparing to head [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley italy[/url] to D.C. to defend Boston immigration enforcement policiesSocial Security Administra [url=https://www.cup-stanley-cup.ca]stanley water bottle[/url] tion could cut up to 50% of its workforceWhat to know about the lives and deaths of Hollywood icon Gene Hackman and wife Betsy Arakawa Fflh Work multilaterally to install facilities that promote widespread use
The Yomiuri ShimbunPrime Minister Yoshihide Suga, right, announces the lifting of the state of emergency in six prefectures at the Prime Ministers Office on Friday alongside Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Norihisa Tamura, center, and Shigeru Omi, who heads the government subcommittee on coronavirus measures.By Yas [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ro]stanley termos[/url] ushi Kaneko / Yomiuri Shimbun Staff Writer17:04 JST,ensp;February 27, 2021Despite the governments decision to lift the state of emergency early for six prefectures mainly in the Kansai and Chukyo regions, it cannot be said that the coronavirus pandemic has been successfully contained.The situation remains unpredictable, making it uncertain whether Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will be able to achieve his goal of pursuing infection countermeasures and economic recovery in tandem.Suga announced on Friday that the state of emergency would be lifted in the six prefectures at the end of February. The state of emergency for Tokyo and the three surrounding prefectures in the m [url=https://www.cups-stanley-cups.ca]stanley ca[/url] etropolitan area remains in place as scheduled through March 7.From early on, Suga has been trying to find an exit strategy for the state of emergency.After the government decided t [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ro]stanley cup[/url] o extend the emergency period on Feb. 2 in Tokyo and nine other prefectures, the infection situations in Aichi, Gifu, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo prefectures began to ease, which made Suga consider lifting the state of emergency early.Spike in suicidesSuga had become alarmed that the number of people driven to suicide due to
Existing user Just click login.On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the opening of the exhibition Iran Inside Out at the Chelsea Museum in 2009 and on the first anniversary of Iran Modern, which debuted at the Asia [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba[/url] Society in 2013, curators Roya Khadjavi Heidari and Massoud Nader are pleased to present Portraits: Reflections by Emerging Iranian Artists, a groundbreaking group show which will further shed light on, and explore Iran [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx]yeezy[/url] s contemporary art scene by showcasing [url=https://www.nikeairforce.es]air force 1[/url] work by over 20 young Iranian artists who were raised, educated, and born there. Opening Wednesday, September 17, the exhibition will be on view through September 29, 2014 at Rogue Space Chelsea, located at 508 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001.LATEST NEWSWhy Film Choreographers Deserve Their Own Awards CategoryVideo: Billy Porter and Marisha Wallace in CABARET AT THE KIT KATExclusive: Inside FLOYD COLLINS First Rehearsal with Jeremy Jordan and MoreListen: Classic Stage Companys I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE Cast AlbumWith a catalogue featuring acclaimed scholar and co-founder/editor of the bilingual magazine TehranAvenue, Sohrab Mahdavi, the exhibition is sponsored by ArteEast, ArtTable, City Gallery Framing, Iranian-American Women s Foundation, Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans PAAIA, patrons and collectors Anahita Rahimzadeh + Amir Khajehnouri, Rogue Space Chelsea, The Committee, and AKArt Advisory. Currently on the Host Committee are Azita Aghravi, Maryam Ayromlou, Sanam Akhlagh, Pjrh TV: Watch SUBMISSIONS ONLY s Season 3 Finale Trailer- with Judith Light, Jenn Colella and More!
Existing user Just click login.The British premiere of Jerry Herman s musical Dear World, starring Betty Buckley and Paul Nicholas and directed and choreographed by Gillian Lynne, opened on 13 February and closes two weeks ea [url=https://www.hokas.com.de]hoka laufschuhe[/url] rly today, 16 March 2013, at Charing Cross Theatre. Below, BroadwayWorld brings you photos and video from the show s run in the West End!LATEST NEWSVideo: Billy Porter and Marisha Wallace in CABARET AT THE KIT KATExclusive: Inside FLOYD COLLINS First Rehearsal with Jeremy Jordan and MoreListen: Classic Stage Companys I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE Cast AlbumCynthia Erivo Drops New Single Replay, First Music From New AlbumKaty Treharne and Stuart Matthew Price star as Nina and Julian, the two young lovers. Peter Land, Robert Meadmore and Jack Rebaldi star as the Presidents, Ayman Safia plays the Mute. The cast also includes Anthony Barclay as the Prospector, [url=https://www.salomons.com.es]salomon gtx[/url] Brett Brown as the Waiter, Michael Chance as the Sargeant, Annabel Leventon as Constance, Rebecca Lock as Gabrielle, Joanna Loxton, and Craig Nicholls.Based on Jean Giraudoux s play The Madwoman of Chaillot, Dear Worl [url=https://www.owalas.ca]owala website[/url] d centres around the Countess, living in the basement of a Parisian bistrot in 1945, driven mad by a lost lover and bemoaning her past. When oil is discovered under the streets of the city, she and her motley crew of acquaintances must band together to stop rapacious businessmen from destroying her home, and indeed all of Paris. This surreal musical fable of Good vers
Positivity stays below 5%; kids hit highest percentage: COVIDAugust 27, 2020 Steve Rogers, FRANKFORT, Ky. WTVQ The state continued on its new high plateau of new coronavirus cases Thursday, but kids under age 18 hit a new high as a percentage of those new cases.Meanwhile, Gov. Andy Beshear said he does not expect the Kentucky Board of Education to make any kind of decision when it discusses fall sports at a special meeting Friday.On that meeting, Beshear said he was more concerned about people who had called board members making threats.Everybody needs to take a breath 8230;go talk to your minister, let not lose our minds, Beshear said, noting, Facebook [url=https://www.stanley-cup-website.us]stanley usa[/url] is spreading rumors and getting folks riled up.The state school board announced its special meeting Wednesday ad has said publicly it doe not exp [url=https://www.stanley-cup-website.us]stanley website[/url] ect to make any decision, e [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cup[/url] specially to overturn a decision last week by the high school sports oversight board, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association.The KHSAA surprised some people by going ahead with fall sports, starting with competition the week of Sept. 7.Beshear said he had nothing to do with the meeting being called and hasn ;t spoken to any board members.If there is going to be a meeting, what I would like to see is 8230 ome real information be provided to parents, coaches, ad superintendents if this is going to be a choice for them. Put all the information out ther Kbdd Man wins $10 million lottery jackpot 鈥?for the second time
New York CNN 鈥斅燯ber is cashing in on spooky season.The ridehailing聽co [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley usa[/url] mpany will now deliver costumes, makeup, and even decorations from Spirit Halloween, the largest Halloween retailer in North America, Uber announced in a聽press release聽Friday.Big-box retailers are聽getting into Halloween earlier and earlier, suggesting American consumers continue spending on the October holiday even as they pull back from other discretionary purchases.Customers in the US and Canada can buy聽their Chipotle burrito costume聽for the same price as in store, but聽without having to visit the seasonal Halloween store that pops up in abandoned storefronts every year, Uber said. Of course, there will still be the fees associated with Uber Eats delivery.Spirit Halloween has 1,525 locations. The holiday season officially kicks off this time of year, and households across the country are looking to on-demand delivery to get whats needed鈥攏ow, said聽Beryl Sanders, director of US grocery and retail partners [url=https://www.cup-stanley.de]stanley thermobecher[/url] hips at Uber, in a statement.Since th [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley tazas[/url] e pandemic, different types of retailers have partnered with Uber to deliver their goods 鈥?such as Olive Garden聽for its breadsticks and pasta. Uber Eats has also partnered with Big Lots, Lowes, Michaels and Party City for on-demand delivery.Uber and its competitors聽have also experimented with robot deliveries, though those have not fully taken off in the US market. Copyright c 2024 CNN. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or
Existing user Just click login.Your fitness doesn t have to hit P [url=https://www.cup-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] AUSE while sheltering in place, so we re teaming up with Mark Fisher Fitness and Harold Gibbons to offer you a bodyweight workout to get your fitness fix. Today we have a four exercise series to focus on strength and stability through the core, shoulders, and hips!Take 3-4 minutes for a quick warm-up to get prepared: Modified Child s Pose for 60 seconds helps us set our intentions for the workout and reset our nervous system — it s like the calm before the storm. Then, we use the Seated Hip Switch and the Half-Kneeling Shoulder Circle to get our ball-and-socket joints moving as fluidly as possible. We ll also use a Glute Bridge for the booty and a Deadbug for the abz! Then, it s on to our fierce foursome:Push-Up to Shoulder TapThis push-up variation challenges the stability of our shoulders and core because we have to resist rotation a [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] s our hand leaves the ground. Rather than focusing on speed, I always do this with a pause and full exhale to ensure that I m using my breath to create as much desirable stiffness and muscular tension possible.One Arm RowThe one arm row directly builds upon the Push-Up to Shoulder Tap because we re usi [url=https://www.stanley-cup-website.us]stanley cup[/url] ng our obliques — along with a vast supporting cast -to stabilize our ribcage over our pelvis and above the work being down by our arm and shoulder muscles. Find your hinge position, and then row while resisting letting your ribcage rotate as your arm and shoulder blade move. Rememb Kwrl Jane Krakowski to Perform at LIVE! from the Rainbow Room This June
Existing user Just click login.This weekend, TED-Ed got a special performance from Broadway s Tony Award-winning Best Musical, Dear Evan Hansen. See the show s current Zoe Murphy, Mallory Bechtel, perform a solo version the ballad Only Us below!The winner of six 2017 Tony Awards, including Best Musical, Dear Evan Hansen features a book by Tony Award-winner Steven Levenson, a score by Academy Award, and Tony Grammy Award-winning composers Ben [url=https://www.stanleyuk.co.uk]stanley uk[/url] j PasekJustin Paul, and direction by 4-time Tony庐 Award nominee Michael Greif.The Grammy [url=https://www.stanleycups.cz]stanley cup[/url] Award-winning Original Broadway Cast Recording of Dear Evan Hansen produced by Atlantic Records, was released in February 2017, making an extraordinary debut on the Billboard 200 and entering the chart at 8 — the highest charting debut position for an original cast [url=https://www.stanleyusa.us]stanley usa[/url] album since 1961 — and went on to win the 2018 Grammy Award for Best Musical Theatre Album. A new deluxe version of the cast recording, including six bonus tracks and a pop cover from Katy Perry of Waving through a Window is now available digitally.Declared One of the most remarkable shows in musical theater history by the Washington Post s Peter Marks, Dear Evan Hansen opened on Broadway at the Music Box Theatre to rave reviews on December 4, 2016, where it s broken all box office records and has struck a chord with critics and audiences alike.In addition to the Broadway production, there is a national tour currently underway with performances scheduled across North America, and
Existing user Just click [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx]yeezy[/url] login.LATEST NEWSVideo: Billy Porter and Marisha Wallace in CABARET AT THE KIT KATExclusive: Inside FLOYD COLLINS First Rehearsal with Jeremy Jordan and MoreListen: Classic Stage Companys I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE Cast AlbumCynthia Erivo Drops New Single Replay, First Music From New AlbumSimon Amstell is an award-winning British comedian, writer and actor whose dark humor and acerbic wit have made him a household name in the UK. His self-revelator [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba og[/url] y style of stand-up comedy glimmers with intelligence and angst.Simon is touring his new show, To Be Free, to rave reviews in the U.K. and will tour theaters across the U.S. in April kicking off with a week long run in New York City. With intense vulnerability and troubling honesty, To Be Free explores freedom, joy, love, death, adventure, art, peace, sex, regret, success, eating, suffering, dreaming, healing, forgiving and other areas. Previous shows of Amstell s include his hour-long sp [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx]yeezy[/url] ecials Do Nothing and Numb.Simon s award-winning comedy series, Grandma s House, which he co-wrote and starred in, ran for two seasons on BBC2 TV garnering ecstatic reviews. Simon also served as host of the BBC s enduring popular comedy panel show, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, which he left in 2009 after four seasons. Simon has won an RTS Award as well as a Broadcast Award, two British Comedy Awards and has been nominated for a BAFTA.Comedy Works is pleased to announce that Simon Amstell will perform at Comedy Works Dow Yfvl AiBo Fine Asian Art/Glenn Aber Contemporary Exhibits at Palm Beach Convention Center, Beg. Today
Existing user Just click login.LATEST NEWSVideo: Billy Porter and Marisha Wallace in CABARET AT THE KIT KATExclusive: Inside FLOYD COLLINS First Rehearsal with Jeremy Jordan and MoreListen: Classic Stage Companys I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE Cast AlbumCynthia Erivo Drops New Single Replay, First Music From New AlbumDrew Carey will headline at Comedy Works South in the Landmark Village, tonight, June 21 and tomorrow, the 22nd, 2013.Drew Carey is [url=https://www.salomons.com.es]salomon[/url] a stand-up comic turned actor and producer. He has had the distinction of having two hit shows simultaneously: the long-running comedy The Drew Carey Show, which ran from 1995-2004 and the improv/sketch show Whose Line Is It Anyway on which he was host and a producer. In 2007, Carey was named the host of The Price is [url=https://www.owalas.us]owala usa[/url] Right, succeeding longtime host Bob Barker.Carey has had numerous TV appearances including The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, NBC s new hit show Community, Just for Laughs, King of the Hill and Dharma Greg. Not only has he been on TV, but movies as well, such as Freaky Friday and more recently in Adam Sandler s movie Jack and Jill. Carey has been recognized for all of his work and has received awards from the People s Choice Awards and the TV Guide Awards.Comedy Works has announced that Drew Carey will perform at Comedy Works South at the Landmark:Friday, June 21 | [url=https://www.airmaxplus.us]nike air max[/url] 7:15 PM 9:45 PM Ages18+ | $26.00Saturday, June 22 | 7:15 PM 9:45 PM | $26.00Advance tickets are available. Call 720 274-6800 or purchase onli
WINDSOR, England AP 鈥?Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, gave birth to a healthy baby boy early Monday morning, a beaming Prince Harry announced to the world, declaring hes incredibly proud of his wife.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces at birth and was born at 5:26 a.m. Harry said the child was a little bit overdue and that had given the royal couple more time to contemplate names.Harry said he was ecstatic about the birth of their first child and promised that more details 鈥?such as the babys name 鈥?will be shared in the coming days. The couple said earlier they were not going to find out the babys sex in advance. This little baby is absolutely to die for, he said. Im just over the moon. The infant is seventh in line to the British throne and Queen Elizabeth IIs eighth great-grandchild. Harry is the younger son of Prince Charles, heir to the throne, and the late Princess Diana, who died in a Paris car crash in 1997.The 34-year-old Harry, speaking before TV cameras on Monday afternoon in Windsor, said he was present for the birth. Its been the most amazing experien [url=https://www.cups-stanley.us]stanley cup[/url] ce I could ever have possibly imagined, he said. How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension. Were both absolutely thrilled and so grateful for all the love and support from everybody out there. Its been amazing, so we just wanted to share this with everybody, he gushed.Meghans mother Doria Rag [url=https://www.cup-stanley.co.uk]stanley flask[/url] land was reportedly also with her daughter and said she is overj [url=https://www.stanley-cups-uk.uk]stanley quencher[/url] oyed, according to British media. Senior Psjt AP sources: White House seeks another $30B for COVID battle
The Yomiuri ShimbunAutumn leaves adorn Lake Chuzenji in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture.The Yomiuri Shimbun14:08 JST,ensp;October 24, 2022Autumn leaves changing to seasonal red and yellow colors at Lake Chuzenji in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture, were seen from a helicopter on Sunday. Tourists were delighted by the sight of the color changes seen on maple and mountain ash amongst other trees and bushes in the area. According to the Nikko Natural Science Museum, the first autumn leaves this year were seen in late September, about a week later than usual. As colder weather arrived in October, the speed of the color change returned to normal with the leaves looking brighter than last year. The peak of autumn leaves along the Irohazaka winding mountain road in the area is expected to come down toward the city area in early November. Tourist numbers have increased sin [url=https://www.stanleycups.cz]stanley termohrnek[/url] ce last year thanks to the recently launched government program for boosting domestic tourism.Add TheJapanNews to your Google News feed.General News Latest ArticlesFuji Media Holdings Exec Hisashi Hieda Resigns from Committee as ...164 Serious Accidents involving Motorists, Cyclists on Smartphone...Wildfire in Iwate Pref. in Japan Burns About 1,200 Hectares; More...3 Teens Arrested Over Illicit Purchase of Mobile Accounts; Allege...Latest ArticlesThis Year s Fitness Buzzword Is RecoveryT [url=https://www.cups-stanley-cups.ca]stanley canada[/url] estimony from Ex-Abe Faction: Work toward Settling Political Fun...Record-low Births: Address Low Rate from Co [url=https://www.stanleycups.cz]stanley quencher[/url] mprehensive Perspectiv...Tokyo Co
Somerset man turns love of outdoors into t [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cup[/url] urkey-call business that gives to militaryNovember 12, 2020 Steve Rogers, SOMERSET, Ky. WTVQ ndash; As most high school students do, Paul Underwood lived for Fridays when he was a teenager.Hersquo;d go grab something to eat at Drutherrsquo, then a popular fast-food chain in Kentucky, and head out on the Jon boat with his dad for two or three hours of fishing.They spent a great deal of time together deer hunting, rabbit hunting, squirrel hunting and fishing in those days mdash; a love of the outdoors he has since passed along to his own son, now 21, who is currently serving in the U.S. Army in Kuwait.We shoot a lot when he comes home, Underwood said of his son. Hersquo played with the calls; hersquo thrilled to death with the calls. Hersquo expressed some interest in working with me when he comes home.ldqu [url=https://www.cups-stanley.ca]stanley cup[/url] o;The calls mdash; custom handmade hunting devices that, when used, imitate the sound of a turkey mdash; have become a livelihood for this Somerset resident and retired law enforcement of [url=https://www.stanleycup.cz]stanley cup[/url] ficer. After purchasing many turkey calls over the years for himself, one day Underwood began to explore the idea of making his own. He wanted to create something completely unique, something you couldnrsquo;t just buy on the shelf at a big box store.Irsquo;ve got 50 of them at home, and I just got to the point that I thought, lsquo;You know what, I can make that,rsquo; Underwood Kldk NASA astronaut shares beautiful image of 2020 s first meteor shower
BRASILIA, Brazil AP 鈥?As world leaders rely on public health specialists to inform their decisions about whether and how to vaccinate children against the coronavirus, Brazils government is asking the online public for guidance.In recent weeks, President Jair Bolsonaro has staked out a positi [url=https://www.stanley-mug.us]stanley mugs[/url] on against聽immunizing kids aged between 5 and 11,聽and his administration took the unusual step of creating a platform that could validate a stance that is widely opposed by experts. Since his government on Dec. 23 unveiled its online questionnaire on the issue, the presidents supporters have been highly engaged on messaging apps trying to pressure parents to swing the results.One widely shared post Wednesday on the Telegram group Bolsonaro Army, which has about 37,000 members, said the vaccine is experimental and suggested that receiving shots could be more harmful than getting infected, although several studies have shown the opposite is true. It also included a link to the governments survey, which other peopl [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley en mexico[/url] e were posting along with instructions to relay to friends and family.The rally for resistance resembles online behavior observed earlier this month, which catapulted Bolsonaro to the top of the heap in聽TIME magazines readers poll for Person of the Year, David Nemer, an expert on Brazils far- [url=https://www.stanley-cup.co.nz]stanley cup nz[/url] right groups on messaging apps, told The Associated Press. Bolsonaro garnered about one-quarter of the more than 9 million votes 鈥?nearly triple that of the runner-up, former U.S. President D
Existing user Just click login.Who is Annie without her red dress Or Eva without her balcony It is the charge of the Broadway designer to transport the audience into the world of a show, whether it be Great Depression-era New York City or outside of the Casa Rosada.LATEST NEWSDurrell Tank Babbs to Join HELL S KITCHEN as Davis Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterIn Broadway by Design, BroadwayWorld is shining a spotlight on the stellar designs of this Broadway season, show by show. Today, we continue the series with Emma Bailey, Tim Deiling, Paul Gatehouse [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley cup[/url], and Gabriella Slade who acted as scenic, lighting, sound and costume design [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley cup[/url] ers for the Broadway mega-hit, Six.Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, s [url=https://www.stanley-cup-website.us]stanley cup[/url] urvived. From Tudor Queens to Pop Princesses, the Six wives of Henry VIII take the mic to remix five hundred years of historical heartbreak into an exuberant celebration of 21st century girl power! The musical, which opened on Broadway on October 3, 2021, just earned a whopping eight Tony nominations.But how did the queendom come to life onstage Scenic designer Emma Bailey found inspiration in the ladies themselves. The Tudors are right alongside the iconic pop stars of our era. Between my historical research of Hampton Court brickwork, I binged modern live stage performances, aesthetics and lighting, she explained. As a trio, Lucy, Jamie and I, brough Otns It Takes A Woman: Bette Midler Finishes Performance Like A Boss Following a Fall in HELLO DOLLY!
Existing user Just click login.LATEST NEWSDurrell Tank Babbs to Join HELL S KITCHEN as Davis Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterJoining the previously announced women performing in Broadway Baby Mamas in support of Planned Parenthood on March 15th, 2018 at FEINSTEIN S/54 BELOW, are two time Tony nominee Stephanie J. Block, and Broadway favorites, Sara Jean Ford, Carmen Ruby Floyd, Garrett Elise Long, Megan McGinnis and NaTasha Yvette Williams.Many of Broadway s hottest divas are working two full-time jobs: Broadway star by night and tireless Mama by day. Join the Mamas of Broadway in a special one-night-only concert benefiting Planned Parenthood. Hosted by three-time Tony nominee and star of Aaron Sorkin s upcoming Broadway adaptation of To KIll A Mockingbird, Celia Keenan-Bolger, and featuring the song stylings of Broadway s diverse group of mothers including two time tony nominee Stephanie J. Block, Ashley [url=https://www.cups-stanley.de]stanley cup[/url] Brown, Nikki Renee Daniels, Jenn Gambatese, Tony nominee Anika Larsen, Megan McGinnis, Tony winner Ruthie Ann Miles, NaTasha Yvette Williams, Tony nominee [url=https://www.cups-stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] Lauren Worsham, and more — you ll laugh, you ll cry, you ll give to a good cause and you won t hear any screaming children. Produced by Cara Cooper, Jessica Rush and Lauren Worsham.Upon the birth of their daughters, Cara Cooper and Jessica Rush discovered the very unique [url=https://www.stanleyusa.us]stanley usa[/url] challenges that come along with bein
漏 thodonal 鈥?stock.adobe A federal judge has聽dismissed聽all charges against the two聽U.S. Park Police聽officers聽involved in the November 2017 shooting of Bijan Ghaisar, after Attorney General Jason Miyares, a Republican, filed a motion to dismiss the case.Ghai [url=https://www.stanley-cup.fr]stanley mug[/url] sar, who was unarmed, was fatally shot by Alejandro Amaya and Lucas Vinyard while he was in his car in Fairfax County in 2017.Video of the shooting was made a [url=https://www.cup-stanley-cup.us]stanley usa[/url] vailable only because of dashboard footage from the Fairfax County Police Department.U.S. Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine and Eighth District Congressman Don Beyer had been pressing the Park Police for answers in the shooting for more than four years. Our hearts go out to Bijan Ghaisars loved ones, who have spent more than four years searching for closure following the fatal shooting of Bijan by two U.S. Park Police officers, Warner and Kaine said in a joi [url=https://www.stanleyquencher.us]stanley cup[/url] nt statement. We are deeply disappointed by this decision by Attorney General Miyares to end Virginias pursuit of justice for Bijan and his family. This decision only stands to cause further harm to the Fairfax County community while preventing a heartbroken family from reaching the closure they desperately need. We will continue to support the Ghaisar familys pursuit of justice for Bijan. Attorney General Miyares misguided decision to drop this case denies justice to the Ghaisar family, Beyer said. A local grand jury reviewed the evidence and handed down indictments which Miyares just summarily overruled. This Xslf Virginia continues to struggle to get COVID-19 vaccine rollout right
Junior right-hander聽Chris Huffman聽 Fort Defiance, Va./Fort Defiance struck out seven for the victory and senior聽Trent Cundiff聽 Roanoke, Va./Northside wrapped up eight scoreless innings from the JMU staff with the save in a 5-2 victory over East Carolina聽on Satu [url=https://www.cups-stanley-cups.co.uk]stanley cups[/url] rday聽afternoon at Clark-LeClair Stadium in non-conference baseball action.JMU and ECU, which entered the season ranked No. 34 in the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association poll, each evened their season records at 1-1.After a shaky first inning from Huffman, JMUs pitching calmed down to keep ECU off the board for the final eight innings. The Dukes turned three double plays to back up the pitching and kept the Pirates without an extra-base hit.Huffman allowed two runs in the first with the aid of a walk, wild pitch and a passed ball but struck out seven in five innings to pick up the victory, the first of his career as a starter. Three relievers combined for four scoreless innings with Cundiff shutting the door over the [url=https://www.stanleyuk.co.uk]stanley cup uk[/url] final 1 2/3 innings for his second career save.Sophomore shortstop聽Kyle Weston聽 Penn Laird, Va./Spotswood turned in his second straight multiple-hit game, going 2-for-4 while scoring a pair of runs. Junior left fielder聽Chad Carroll聽 Oakton, Va./Oakton [url=https://www.canada-stanley.ca]stanley quencher[/url] was 2-for-3 with two walks, a run, a RBI and a stolen base. Center fielder Kevin Husum Panama City, Fla./Bay singled, drove in a run and walked twice.Starter David Lucroy took the loss for ECU after allowing four runs on six hits in two innin
Existing user Just click login.It s that time of year, and I can t help but wonder if your CD collection and iPod are Tonys ready. It s just a handful of hours until the 69th annual Tony Awards, and New York City and theatre fans across the world are excitedly buzzing about this year s ceremonies which will be broadcast live on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 8/7c on CBS. This Broadway season has some exciting contenders in the musical categories, and to get you ready for the big night, I m recapping the albums you should be listening to or at least pre-ordering .LATEST NEWSVideo: Billy Porter and Marisha Wallace in CABARET AT THE KIT [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx]yeezy[/url] KATExclusive: Inside FLOYD COLLINS First Rehearsal with Jeremy Jordan and MoreListen: Classic Stage Companys I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE Cast AlbumCynthia Erivo Drops New Single Replay, First Music From New AlbumThe Original Musicals:AN AMERICAN IN PARIS — With a score that is practically made up of George and Ira Gershwin s greatest hits, this is one show that is sure to please fans of old-schoo [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba[/url] l Broadway. In my frank opinion, the dance heavy [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus 80s[/url] show s strongest asset is Christopher Wheeldon s gorgeous choreography, which seems like a shoe-in for winning the Tony for Best Choreography. In addition to having a ton of buzz surrounding it, this fan favorite has earned a total of 12 Tony nominations, which include nods for Best Musical and Best Orchestrations. Listen to the lush sounds of the 1940s while hearing Robert Fairchild nominated for Best Pe Vylr Broadway Lights to Dim Tomorrow in Memory of Producer Ashton Springer
Existing user Just click login.From: FashionTVLATEST NEWSExclusive: Inside FLOYD COLLINS First Rehearsal with Jeremy Jordan and MoreListen [url=https://www.owalas.ca]owala canada[/url]: Classic Stage Companys I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE Cast AlbumCynthia Erivo Drops New Single Replay, First Music From New AlbumPhotos: Katie Yeomans Joins MEAN GIRLS North American TourBarraca Chic | Miami Funkshion 2014 fashiontv/videos MIAMI — FashionTV took a [url=https://www.owalas.us]owala water bottle[/url] break from the heat to watch the Barraca Chic swimwear collection at Fu...RELATED STORIES1 alt= Video: THE GREAT GATSBY Stars Explain Why the Story Is Different Than People Remember Photo ezimgfmt= rs rscb119 src ng ngcb118 class=ezlazyload data-ezsrc=https://broadwayworld/ezoimgfmt/cloudimages.broadwayworld/columnpiccloud/200200-d7ce7128f5643aebfc27be6d1bb25afd.jpg>Video: THE GREAT GATSBY Stars Explain Why the Story Is Different Than People RememberSarah Hyland and Ryan McCartan, current stars of Broadway s The Great Gatsby, recently appeared on Morning Joe聽to discuss their experience in the acclaimed produ [url=https://www.mizunos.de]mizuno handballschuh[/url] ction. Watch the duo talk about the show!2 alt= Actors Equity Association Reaches Deal with the Broadway League on Development Agre Photo ezimgfmt= rs rscb119 src ng ngcb118 class=ezlazyload data-ezsrc=https://broadwayworld/ezoimgfmt/cloudimages.broadwayworld/columnpiccloud/200200-26aacccb46c5cf89db68a66a88081ec6.jpg>Actors Equity Association Reaches Deal with the Broadway League on Development AgreementThe National Council of Actors Equity Association, the labor un
WASHINGTON AP 鈥?The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a he [url=https://www.stanleymugs.ca]stanley cup canada[/url] aring Thursday for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, a woman who says he sexually assaulted her as a teenager, as a claim of sexual misconduct emerged from another woman.The New Yorker magazine reported Sunday night that Senate Democrats were investigating a second womans accusation of sexual misconduct by Kavanaugh dating to the 1983-84 academic year, Kavanaughs first at Yale University.The New Yorker said 53-year-old Deborah Ramirez described the incident in an interview after being contacted by the magazine. Ramirez recalled that Kavanaugh exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away, the magazine reported.In a statement provided by the White House, Kavanaugh said the event did not happen and that the allegation was a smear, plain and simple. A White House sp [url=https://www.stanley-cup.cz]stanley termoska[/url] okeswoman added in a second statement that the allegation was designed to tear down a good man. The new information came hours after the Senate committee agreed to a date and time for a hearing after nearly a week of uncertainty over whether F [url=https://www.stanley-cups.it]stanley italia[/url] ord would appear to tell her story.The agreement and the latest accusation set the stage for a dramatic showdown as Kavanaugh and Ford each tell their side of the story. The developments could also determine the fate of Kavanaughs confirmation, which hangs on the votes of a handfu Dcrr Police: Man who killed parents feared psychiatric commitment
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First responders drill for chemical weapon leakSeptember 16, 2015 36Pab, LEXINGTON, Ky. WTVQ First responders in Central Kentucky drilled for the worst-case scenario on Wednesday, a chemical weapon leak from the Blue Grass Army Depot.The 10 Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Plan counties, known as CSEPP, started the mock release of Sarin gas around 8:30 a.m.The Blue Grass Army Depot stores about聽523 tons of nerve [url=https://www.stanley-cups.de]stanley cup[/url] agents聽GB聽 sarin ,聽VX聽and聽mustard gas. The Depot has聽about two-percent of the United States chemical weapons stockpile.In Lexington, first responders took over the Kentucky Horse Park and setup聽decontamination聽tents. About 80 volunteers went through the decontamination process to simulate the real-world聽drill.Categories: Local News, NewsTags: CSEPP, emergency drill, featuredFacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin Leave a Reply Cancel reply .clt-73 .thumb-wrap display: block;float: none;.clt-73 .inner-thumb-wrap padding: 56.25% 0 0 0;.content-primary-cat a font-size: 13px; Related [url=https://www.stanleycups.ro]stanley cup[/url] [url=https://www.stanley-cup-website.us]stanley cup[/url] Head Coach John Calipari may be on hi Jptt Fire chief: 2 killed, 7 injured in New Jersey building blaze
Question: How does one cram enough candles onto a birthday cake for one of the worlds oldest survivors of COVID-19 Answer: With 117 candles, you cant.A French nun who is believed to be the worlds second-oldest person was celebrating her 117th birthday in style on Thursday. There were plans for Champagne and red wine, a feast with her favorite dessert, a Mass in her honor, and other treats to toast Sister Andr茅s exceptional longevity through two world wars and a recent coronavirus infection. Its a big day, David Tavella, the communications manager for the nuns care home in the southern French city of Toulon, told The Associated Press. She is in great shape. I went to see her this morning. She is rea [url=https://www.stanleycups.com.mx]stanley cup[/url] lly happy. She wanted me to tell her the schedule for the d [url=https://www.stanleywebsite.us]stanley website[/url] ay again. It was packed. Some [url=https://www.stanley-cups.com.es]botella stanley[/url] of Sister Andr茅ss great-nephews and great-great nephews were expected to join a morning video call for her, and the bishop of Toulon was due to celebrate a Mass in her honor. She was very proud when I told her. She said, A Mass for me Tavella said.The menu for her birthday feast included a starter of foie gras, followed by capon with fragrant mushrooms and wrapping up with baked Alaska, the nuns favorite dessert. All of it washed down with red wine, because she drinks red wine. Its one of her secrets of longevity. And a bit of Champagne with dessert, because 117 years have to be toasted, Tavella said.As for packing dozens of candles onto a cake, we stopped trying a long time ago, he adde
Existing user Just click login.LATEST NEWSDurrell Tank Babbs to Join HELL S KITCHEN as Davis Video: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterThe CW s Riverdale series has released an album featuring songs from their recent Next to Normal musical episode!The 16-track album features songs from Next to Normal s Tony Award-winning score, including Superboy and the [url=https://www.stanley-cup-website.us]stanley cup[/url] Invisible Girl, I m Alive, and Light, sung by the cast of Riverdale.The cast of Riverdale features Lili Reinhart, KJ Apa, Cole Sprouse, Casey Cott, Camila Mendes, Madeleine Petsch, Drew Ray Tanner, Erin Westbrook, Vanessa Morgan, and M盲dchen Amick.The episode followed Alice M盲gden Amick, as she refuses to accept what s going on around her, she creates an imaginary music [url=https://www.stanley-quencher.co.uk]stanley cup[/url] al fantasy world in which the Coopers are one big happy family again. But as her mother continues to spiral, Betty Lili Reinhart does her best to pull her back to reality. Meanwhile, Tabitha Erinn Westbrook ropes Jughead Cole Spr [url=https://www.stanley-cups.es]stanley cup[/url] ouse into a family dinner with her parents, and Veronica Camila Mendes and Archie KJ Apa make a big decision about their future.Madelaine Petsch, Casey Cott, Vanessa Morgan, Charles Melton and Drew Ray Tanner also star in the series. Ronald Paul Richard directed the episode written by Tessa Leigh Williams. The episode served as Riverdale s musical episode for season 5, past musicals have included Hedwig and the A Pxkv WATCH NOW! Zooming in on the Tony Nominees: Eddie Perfect
Existing user Just click login.Second Stage Theater will soon present STRAIGHT WHITE MEN, begi [url=https://www.cups-stanley.es]stanley cup[/url] nning previews at the Hayes Theater 240 West 44th Street on Friday, June 29, 2018 and officially opening on Monday, July 23, 2018. Young Jean Lee s dark comedy, directed by Anna D. Shapiro, will star Armie Hammer, Tom Skerritt, Josh Charles, Kate Bornstein and Ty Defo.LATEST NEWSVideo: Rachel Potter and Natalie Weiss Perform LES MISERABLES MashupWake Up With BroadwayWorld February 28, 2025Photos: SUMO at The Public TheaterCheyenne Jackson Joins Cast of Indie Coming-of-Age Film CHINESE SCHOOLIt s Christmas Eve, and Ed has gathered his three adult sons to celebrate with matching pajamas, trash-talking, and Chinese takeout. But when a question they can t answer interrupts their holiday cheer, they are forced to confront their own identities. Obie Award-winning playwright Young Jean Lee takes a hilariously ruthless look at the classic American father-son drama. This is one white Christmas like you ve never seen before.Check out photos of the marquee below!Photo Credit: Walter McBrideTheatre Marquee unveiling for Straight White Men starring Armie Hammer and Tom Skerritt at the Helen Hayes Theatre on May 18, 2018 in New York City.Theatre Marquee unveiling for Straight White Men starring Armie Hammer and Tom Skerritt at the Helen Hayes [url=https://www.stanleymugs.ca]stanley cup[/url] Theatre on May 18, 2018 in New York City.Theatre Marquee unveil [url=https://www.stanley-cups.ro]stanley cup[/url] ing for Straight White Men starring Armie Hammer and Tom Skerritt at the Helen Hayes