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п»ї5 infallible natural remedies against gastritis |

Discover the 5 most effective remedies to end annoying gastritis. Natural and infallible remedies to recover the health of the digestive system.
by Isabel RodrГ­guez, il
February 20, 2015
Gastritis is an annoying disorder that we can face with a series of natural and effective remedies. Gastritis is characterized by severe pain between the sternum area and the navel. It can be caused by multiple causes, such as eating poorly or in an unbalanced way, abusing alcohol and tobacco and even anxiety or stress. Medicinal plants help reduce inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis should not be underestimated, because it can become chronic.
1. Melisa
Its scientific name is Melissa officinalis, a plant with sedative, antispasmodic and digestive effects. Melissa is an exceptional ally to combat the symptoms of gastritis and, especially, gastric and stomach acidity. It can be taken in tincture, diluting 40 drops in half a glass of water. It is recommended to take after dinner.
2. Green clay
An herbal remedy that helps control the most annoying symptoms of gastritis. To take advantage of its benefits it is advisable to leave two tablespoons of green clay in half a glass of water overnight. After filtering, it can be taken after lunch and dinner.
3. Mallow
Excellent against gastritis. Malva silvestris has an anti-inflammatory, sedative and analgesic effect. It is effective against heartburn and heartburn. A decoction prepared with 20 grams of dry mallow extract can be taken in a glass of boiling water. It can be taken after breakfast and dinner.
4. Licorice
With antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action, it is ideal against gastritis. It is advised to take in dry extract when the first discomforts begin. Of course, in moderation, because abusing this herb can cause fluid retention.
5. Marshmallow
A panacea against irritation of the gastric wall. Althea officinalis, it has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. An infusion of marshmallow root (10 g) can be taken before lunch and dinner.

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